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The Legend of Dracula Walkthrough

The Legend of Dracula

The Legend of Dracula is a new point and click type escape game from Abroy. On your trip to Romania you accidentally get lost and find yourself in an old castle locked town in a scary room The owner is not far, better escape before it's too late. Good luck and have fun!

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Hmmm...3 new games...I'll play this first!

Dracula, eh?

yay, i can post at last!

Will try this one.
Hi nokra et zoz!!

So far: torch, steel and flint and 1 piece

I'm in - got a few mins to play....

well I have one puzzle piece and can't change views

hey @everyone!

Second piece from colour puzzle and found a forceps

finally, clicked lower right corner for new view. got forceps

I wonder why the knight chesspiece is yellow..

@zoz, there ARE navigational arrows, left and right. Look better.

I'm trying to find out if Dracula is good at math pyramids, lol.

no prooblem with the pyramid this time. It works ok.

Torch from slider puzzle (very easy!)

Gold tooth from skull, pieces from under paper and books

Hm, arch colors don't really match with the hint...

steel and flint and cross mold

@Zoe, i know now why chess piece was yellow. Hint for word.

Used tooth in mold. Where´s slider puzzle?

patre unul sapte trei?

gold tooth goes on mold.

lol zoz, those are numbers for drawer. Got a piece from it.

Can't find a way to melt the gold tooth. Dracula's look is not that powerful...

Patru Unul Sapte Trei... Romanian numbers. ;)
(And it's feline here. Lol!)

Hi Feline! :)

@Edgar - I got the chess piece puzzle, too!!

I'm missing one piece. :( Don't know what to do with the melted gold in the shape of a cross...

thanks for the language hint @Edgar!

Ah, finally. Steel & flint on the torch to have fire.

Hey, Edgar, Zoz, people... We will be celebrating tonight! If only I can find out what to do with the cross! :P

@feline, melted cross goes next to the lying skeleton (move suitcase). Got all my pieces.

BTW, the real Dracula's castle is not in Transylvania.

@roberto: the slider puzzle is in the tall cabinet - first scene - top left keyhole.


...and out :)

@roberto - oops, I mean one scene to the right of the first scene - tall cabinet...sorry

Where to use the cross?

hey jon and fe! have a pint for me tonight!

Ah thanks Edgar.
Out too.

S-T, under the box near the skeleton.

I didn't use Dracula's killing look. THERE HAS to be another ending!!!

Oh, thanks, Edgar! Had totally forgotten about that place! Cheers! We got to one year living together today, are you looking forward to the same? :D

Out of Dracula's den! But I wanted to stay... :P

behind the suitcase

That's the plan @Fe! Have fun tonight!! :D

Congrats, you guys!!!!!

Lol, Zoz, Jon will have my pint for me. :P

This game was easier than usual for me, I'm amazed!

Thanks all for company and to @Abroy team for another light but pleasant game to play.

Hey Abroy team, is it true that the past harder Abroy's games now are better known as Tomatea? Just curious... hehe.

well, my computer froze and just getting back...how to get the gold tooth , please!?
I have forceps...don't work...

Thanks for the congrats, everyone! Now I'm off, have a shower to have! ;)

The WT is all yours to write! :P

@nokra, use them on the skull on a cupboard (not on the skeleton).

give jon a hug!!
... manly, friendly hug, that is! :P

Out too - thanks for all your hints!

That is what I'm doing, @edgar...thanks...I'll keep trying to find the right pixel!!!!

Bastard!!!! I didn't see that I could click to move it!!!!LOLOL

oh @nokra, first you have to click on the skull to see the actual tooth.

LOL! You've got it :)

I was cursing the game...not anyone....lolol

See you later people. Great to play with you all!

@nokra: lol! A bastard of a skull!!!

It was good to see everyone live again!!! Have fun!

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Where do the puzzle pieces go?

@Jaime. Same as all Abroys, zoom on the door handle and click on the keyhole to place the pieces.

I still can't find the cross mold! Anyone? help?

You get the cross mold from the long word puzzle.

i have cross mold and torch what to do now?

@whatever, mold come from solving the "I am in ______" puzzle.

Put the golden tooth in and melt it.

thanx@ s-t
any help in pyramid?

The method for the pyramid or (part of) solution?


add two balls that are next to each other and that number is on the ball on top of those two.

got it!!
thanx @s-t
and out

You're welcome and congrats.

@Edgar beat your score LOL!!
Nice touch using latin for the number code!!
Pleasantly easy game.

@small-tool regarding the number pyramid, by your logic, the answer should be:
20 21
13 07 14
6 7 0 0
2 0 0 5 0

But that isn't working. Am I interpreting your clue incorrectly?

If you add from the bottom left 2 + 4 = 6
then 4 + 3 = 7
Then work your way up thru the "0" spaces putting the correct numbers!!

First row of pyramid: 2 4 3 5 1
2nd: 6 7 8 6

and so on

Where is the flint?

@small-tool Well that worked. I swear I clicked on the single 0's and it didn't do anything so I just assumed they didn't change. I'm out. Thanks!

Sorry cant remember but flint is old style so looks a bit like a horseshoe...


I think you already have the flint. It is from solving the pyramid puzzle.

oh cant be bothered solving the pyramid puzzle...for me that part spoils these games....off to find another game...

I think that I solved all the puzzles, I put the golden cross and got another piece of jigsaw but... I'm still missing one piece : if I number the pieces
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
I'm missing #3.

POP, it was in the bookshelf !

I need help with six letter puzzle, please....

The hint is that the letters are yellow and on the chessboard is a yellow chess piece.
It is a k....t

s-t: you are right, combined as steel and flint, didn't recognize that!

28 29
13 15 14

Thanks Leroy for the hint on using the latin -- I was missing the last piece and forgot I hadn't solved that puzzle!

Small-tool- great to see you looking like yourself again!

Oh! I thought I was almost live, but am 12 hours off! LOL

Would've never found the tiny gold tooth, too small for my setup and you can't enlarge the game. Thanks for the hint.

Video walkthrought:

Link to youtube

       Anonymous  8/21/17, 3:54 AM  

caught this one from the random section

these were the days with games for smart ppl ☻
& big fun with all the old community guys (memory lane...!)

thx Abroy for this cool game ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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