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River House Escape Walkthrough

River House Escape

River House Escape is another point and click room escape game from Gamershood. Your mission is to gather different items and use them to escape the river house. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Posted again after Blogger lost some posts!

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just when I was going to go do some work... Yea!

       Anonymous  5/12/11, 8:44 AM  

ha! same here

4th scene blue key as well

hi EnjJoy! found red key on little bridge and got a dip net from slider puzzle

First scene.. key in water can't get yet.
2nd scene.. red key on bridge
4th scene - blue key

Kenken first line


axe from soduko, red triangle from yellow key (number on mailbox), crowbar from blue (colors on bank)

axe used on back porch for key

crowbar on stone in sunflower bed gives purple key

Hi Miller!

Kenken spoiler below


thanks @Jo-Ann! I would never ever found this place on my own

and out

very simple one, will stick around if anyone needs help

I can't make out the colors on the bench?







where to find the word hint?


should give us better indications as to where to use tools...i just had to randomly click to use the ax


has to do with the location of the game

Stuck on sequence..
61 64 62 82 doesn't work :(

sequence is 82, 85, 83, 166

tbanks again Jo-Ann. out now too


do you want the answer? Or should I try to give you a hint

colors are g,r,b,y,pu

use axe on steps

dont know word!

@Lauren, yes... also, if I have an axe that can break up a back deck, I could certainly get inside the house!

i got the number pattern....the pattern is: +3, -2, x2, +3, -2, x2

and out too

@SM did you get the word?

lol 2x not +20 xD

and btw.. Out too :)

That was fun.. actually could solve everything by myself (eventually) except for the axe on the porch!

Unless a new game comes out quickly.. I am going to have to get some work done

guess so... seems I am a bit behind for posting today lol

yep - jo-ann - i am out too ty

@Enjoy, I was thinking the same, I need to get some things done, guess a lack of games will force me to wash my windows.

lol -jo-ann you got your priorities right - I see

sorry - not jo-ann - I meant EnJoy!!!

btw, what's up with Ellie and Edgar? did I miss something?

@SM you were reading my thoughts! lol

What do you mean Jo-Ann? Edgar messaged me this morning and was fine....

jo-Ann - they are "an item" for about a year now!

Out with a bit of help.

lol k I am really behind... :)

Yalcin - the matchmaker !!

lol...we have a chat box for this type of conversation ;)

Sorry Jon, I had noticed some comments in the 123 bee game and it looked like they were together, just hadn't read first hand. hate to assume stuff. :)

lol - jon - of course he is fine NOW

Sorry Jon...

Swiss has appeared in the cbox but hasn't said anything....wonder if she is having problems logging in??

lol....don't apologise...i was making a joke ;)

@ jon.. how do you chat? It says I have to register my name, but not sure how to do that

just enter enjoy in the name box, click profile and make up a password (then remember it)

lol...I meant to say, enter 'Enjoy' then make up a pass.....click on messages and hit enter to post a comment

oh....and you can leave the email/url section blank BTW

Hi guys...anyone tell me where is the green key , please?
I don't want to read all the spoilers, so it might already be there...thanks...

Green key in 4th scene - green tree after clicking yellow tree...

6 locks and the entry/exit door in the same scene, that's new.

Where is blue key?

Blue key in water in first scene. Need a net.

NVM. Blue key @ bottom middle of scene w/ white gate on left.

Yellow key is bottom right opening scene and needs net.

       Anonymous  5/12/11, 9:49 AM  

i cant find where to use the crowbar

I can not find the blue key. Anyone?

this game is quite a pixel hunt in places...it is hard to say where things are....

Blue key from 4th scene, lily pads, bottom right.

Use crowbar on rock in sunflower garden.

What's the word for the purple key?

SPOILER for "click through" on red lock, rotating puzzle.


       Anonymous  5/12/11, 10:42 AM  

can someone please post the word needed for the orange key. thank you.



       Anonymous  5/12/11, 10:47 AM  

pop got it!!!!



Lock results...

Red Lock = Dip Net
Green Lock = Axe
Blue Lock = Crowbar
Yellow Lock = 1st Red Triangle
Orange Lock = 2nd Red Triangle
Purple Lock = Black Key


Click the puzzle pieces to rotate them and complete the picture.
Bumjelly was great and counted the clicks! Thanks!!

Solve the math for the puzzle using numbers 1-4 one time in each row and column.
Enjoy wrote the solution down. Thanks for letting me be lazy while I replayed for the walkthrough!

In the view of the sunflower bed, click the small bench to the right of the flowers

In the view of the sunflower bed, click the arbor in the fence at the left side of the screen. The mailbox has the numbers

Finish the math pattern.
The pattern is +3, -2, x2, +3, -2, x2 etc. So the last numbers are:

Since there isn’t a hint given directly in the game, it is a good idea to check out the game’s title

End of spoilers

Go right
Click the bridge and get the RED KEY from the right end of it
Click the door behind the right silver tree to see where to use the keys
Solve the red puzzle for the NET
Go left
Zoom at the end of the stream
Use the net to get the YELLOW KEY
Go left
Zoom on the rocks at the bottom of the sunflower bed for the BLUE KEY
Click the silver tree to the left of the house for the GREEN KEY
Go left or right 2 times and solve the green, blue, and yellow keys for the AX, CROWBAR, and FIRST RED TRIANGLE
Go right
Click on the back porch of the house
See the darker wood on the left of the middle step of the porch?
Use the ax there for the ORANGE KEY
Go right
Zoom in the middle of the sunflower bed
Use the crowbar on the rock for the PURPLE KEY (make sure to place the right end of the crowbar on the rock)
Go right or left 2 times
Zoom on the door by the silver tree and solve the orange and purple keys for the SECOND RED TRIANGLE and BLACK KEY
Zoom on the door closer to the bridge
Use the red triangles and black key to escape!

Usually, I don't need much help for these games, but this one is desperating : I've been staring at the picture puzzle until my eyes ache, I have an axe that goes nowhere... that's just boring.

@ Pascale,
Use axe on rear porch, dark spot on stairs, left side.

"Click-throughs" are posted above for the Red Lock rotating puzzle.
I had problems with it for a while this time, something about the tree leaves on the left side threw me off somehow.
Hope that helps :)

Dang! Thought it was Miller's :(

Live one?

Hi everyone

Hi @Michelle :) is this a repost?

Yes Piperxmeow.. It is.

I have no idea

Where to use the ax... never need help on these usually... but tried to chop everything I could find.

NVM ... found the step to chop...

I'm stuck on the slider. Some of these are really hard...zoomed in x4 maybe that'll help.

Anyone need help?

aw, i was hoping this was a new one

There is no helping verbally with that puzzle... if I knew how to post a finished picture of it I would.

Yes, I need help, the purple puzzle, the numbersequence.

Look at the difference between the first and second number, then between the second and third. There is something you do to the third number to get the fourth number and then the pattern repeats. I will post a spoiler if you need that as well.

Never mind, found it.

Got it with your help byebyecow on where to use the ax :) Thx!

Piperxmeow, You are very welcome. Finding that spot drove me a bit batty. Once I found the spot it was a head slapper. :-)

LOL. I just realized that the purple puzzle is the word code and the orange is the number sequence. If anyone comes here needing help with the purple puzzle, the clue is not written on any of the screens, but the picture becomes clearer when you know the name of the game. ;-)


Number sequence spoiler below


Hi! I already played this game last time it was posted. I don't have time to stay for long and help, but wanted to post something for the pic puzzle.

If you can't solve it, zoom out to reset the puzzle, then click these amount of times on the different tiles:
Click here for a screenshot of the solved picture puzzle.

I can´t even find the axe.....

Ellie to the rescue!
Those rotating puzzles are hard to help with, without a click-through, even if you zoom while looking at a posted screen capture.

If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm glad you're back posting on a regular basis again to help all of us with our shared addiction. :o)

@ rarita,
Axe from solving green lock puzzle.

This comment has been removed by the author.

thanx Bumjelly, I haven´t realized there are any puzzles :-)

@ rarita,
Glad to help.
Sounds like you are new to the "6 Colored Locks" type of game. They aren't too hard once you know what is expected in order to progress in the game.

Basically, you have to get INTO the house instead trying to get out. A different slant on the usual "escape games."
6 colored keys unlock 6 colored locks to reveal tools, items, puzzles, etc. that by using or solving, allow getting into the house to "escape."

I played this game, as did others, before the Blogger outage the other day and remember it pretty good. I'll be lurking around for a while if you still want any help. :)

My only problem is the soduko puzzle. I have no idea how to do them so I can't finish the game. Shame too because I really love these!!! Oh well!!

DejaVu, Don't give up or the terrorists win!

Actually, if you need help with the KenKen / Soduko puzzle, and want to see an excellent lesson in the process of soving one, small-tool posted one in the Green Room game comments. It's down towards the end.
Or see the Wikipedia entry for KenKen and look at the "example" section. Very helpful in my opinion.

anyone know how to find the name of this song

gosh darn it, those sequences are taxing my brain LOL!

Thanks bumjelly. I'll take a look and try the game again!!

I got it!!! My first one!! Thanks again Bumjelly!

I got it!!! My first one!! Thanks again Bumjelly!
And I'm out.

       Anonymous  5/17/11, 6:19 AM  

I love these games

Um where are the orange and green keys?

@Nique, the green key is in the view left from starting view - zoom on the big tree between the house and the fence with "yellowish" leaves (key in upper left corner of that view).

For the orange key you need the axe (get it from the green puzzle - kenduko). Turn right twice from the starting view. Zoom on the steps, lower right side of the house.
Use the axe on the left side of the middle step (the color is a little bit different there).

i need the purple key and where to use the crowbar, and the key to get out.

ok, did it. crowbar is used to move the rock in the large spot with all the flowers.

       Anonymous  4/24/18, 7:38 AM  

caught this one from the random section

thx for all your creations, GH ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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