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Virtual Room Escape Walkthrough

Virtual Room Escape

123Be Virtual Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. Trapped in this room!!! find the means and ways to escape from there. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Posted again after Blogger lost some posts!

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In - and out!

Just in for now, stuck with: airplane, wallet, chicken and 3 puzzle pieces.

Out. Thought they would have made it a bit more challenging for their 250th game.

i dont know what to do with the pieces of pictures and the key and ruler!! totally stuck.

paper rocket..ruler..2 pieces of paper..pan?

Ruler gives code to one of the cupboards/drawers. Need 4 puzzle pieces before you can use them.

Used the airplane to get balloon, now have 4 pieces and made a picture, there is a number hint, but not sure how many numbers are relevant and where.

too easy

urban - it is the door code 7 numbers

melissa - you need 4 pieces in total then they give door code

paper plane wont bring down baloon?

Big J - just drag the paperplane into the screen bottom half and let fly

Big J - place it under the fan

thank's folks got it..

Final numbers:


melissa - look at the ruler - use the number as code
the drawer is a bit hidden on right side I think

what do you do with the candle...thought you might light it off the stove..but it doesn't.

im missing a pic somewhere then and ruler is still in my inventory

Big J - cook the candle :)

kernowman...the pan or the candle wont go on the lit stove...must be a bug

candle and 3 paper pieces left. stuck!!

do we do anything with the wig?

Melissa - you need to find a comb.

where to use the key u get from the candle?

Big J - have you lit the stove? Turning the knob gives you gas but you need to light it with a lighter.

fab - exit door after entering code, if I remember correctly.

Where did you all find the airplane? I can't seem to locate it. Thanks

a lighter...it seems already lit to me. there are sparks coming off the burner.

one code from ruler - 2 digit
one code from weighing the chicken - 3 digits
put pan on stove and light - put candle in and melt for key

wow, never seen that lil table, ty so much, but no i cant figure out the door code, im missing 1 number!

floppy disk gives 5-letter word

and out!!

hi...finally I can post...it kept calling me "anonymous" lol
have a key I can't find a place to use it, 3 paper pieces...opened all the places in the kitchen...where is the paper plane? Please...

ty for all of ur help, finally out. Maybe a bit more coffee before i start a game next time. lol

Big J...that is just the gas...better light it soon or the place will blow....!!!LOL


Hi Nokra
I cant remember - but did you open 2-digit drawer from ruler-code?
and did you open the 5-letter-cb?

OUT...thank's for all your help.

       Anonymous  5/12/11, 6:47 AM  

i cannot find the candle

Swiss miss..I am missing the 5 letter drawer...thought it was money, from the wallet...don't see another word clue...TY
need a clue for that...lol

@nokra, that PW comes from a floppy disk. Check on the computer.

@lojope, Maybe candle was inside the 4-dig drawer after using the magnifier on the dollar bill?

nokra - clue on floppy disc

I see it is the floppy disc that gives the 5 letter code...I don't have it...still looking for a place to use that key...

nokra - floppy is in computer

TY, I finally got it to respond...clicking the computer for a couple of minutes...then...it popped out!

       Anonymous  5/12/11, 6:51 AM  

lol @ edgar.... maybe it was! thanks!

so is there actually a drawer needing the two numbers on the ruler?

yes jo.C - check on the right side of screen

thanks but i still cant find it, does it only need two numbers?

The 2-dig drawer is under the wigged doll.

ah ha thank you! :)

Hi Edgar - you got time for playing???

Picky Picky Picky!!!!
I saw the word, at last, after clicking the CPU for a couple of minutes!!!!....went to the codebox to put it in...wouldn't take it!!!
Okay, I go back to CPU..it seems that you have to take it...Floppy in inventory...go back to codebox to put word in ...AGAIN...won't take it...WTF???
I check it in inventory...nothing more to see...but apparently I had to look at it in inventory before it would work!!!!!!

DONE!!!! but I am not so sure it was worth all that trouble!!LOLOLOL TY for help, ALL!!!
GONGTATS to 123bee on #250 escape game!!!
And for frustrating the hell out of me!!!!

LOL @S-M! There's ALWAYS time for playing! :)

Hmmm, so...is Ellie someplace warm...or is Edgar someplace cold???

Ehm... it's kind of stuffy...

Lol @nokra and @sm!! It's warm where I am right now :) And, yes... a little time to play anyway. Can't stay away from that totally can we?

okokok, that was a lousy, vague and dark hint!
We both are having a warm weather anyway.

yeah - Ellie and Edgar are somewhere VERY warm lol

My hubby watched me play this game from start to finish without looking at any comments until I was done. I may get him hooked on them!!
Very enjoyable game, 123bee!!!

LMAO!!!,Ellie and Edgar....I am soooo happy for you both!!!!
One day Edgar will go north , no????

Soon!!!! :D

Yep @nokra, planning for that :D

Congrats @Faye lol, thats a good start!

nokra - we should all go there and have a big party
- north I mean - when the time comes

Hi all! I don't know where to use the candle and lighter. I also lit the gas, but the frying pan does'n't want to fry anything!

Ellie, we are all addicted in escape games... (I have plenty of clothes to iron, but I have to finish this one first).

Lol @doris, a nice addiction to have though :)

Did you find where to use the lichter and candle?
First click the stove to make gas come out, then use the lighter on the gas to light it. Then place the frying pan on the flames. It seems you did that already. When the pan is there on the stove you should be able to put the candle in the pan to melt it.

Wait.. am I missing something?? Edgar and Ellie - What???

what do i do with the meat?

weigh it

Lol @EnJoy!! If you didn't know, well... then you were missing something :D

i have a key and three puzzle pieces...dont know what to do with this key

oh, i see. u use the key for the door at end.

@Lauren, I'm not sure which key it is that you didn't use. Where did you get that key?
One from aircon opens the fridge.
One from the fish opens drawer below the stove.
One from a candy is opening the cupboard below the 4-dig code drawer.
One from the gas stove opens the exit door.

Ahem, I can't find the plane? Can't find any paper to make one either.

Well, from Edgar's "lousy, vague and dark hint", I dedeuce that he and Eliie are inside an oven on low setting >.<

But as for the game; I've got the 3 puzzle pieces from everything mentioned above, and the exit key - so I'm obviously missing something desperately obvious [as usual]
I've opened all drawers and cupboards with codes and locks, burst the balloon, gutted a fish, done a bit of chicken juggling and burnt my hands getting the key out of hot wax on the stove [I'll never learn].
Spill da beans, you lot! Where is the "first" puzzle piece, please?

@Anne, you get the plane from clicking the CPU of the computer, then click a button on right side to open and get a floppy disc. Use the word on the disk (you must view the disk again from inventory for it to work) in the drawer left of exit door.

@Rookwings, the four pieces comes from:
1)inside the camera (click to open and take out the film)
2)throw the paper plane into the first scene to hit the balloon
3)use the code from the ruler (30) on the drawer below the wig to get a comb, then use the comb on the wig
4)open the candy from the fridge

And, not very low setting @Rookwings ;)

Ah! Be careful not to burn then, Ellie! Slow-cooked = nice and tender XD
I won't go any further with double entendres =P
And thank you for the instructions; I'll have to replay later because I've got to go out now =(

I just saw I typoed "deduce", haha [I can spell it really]

And massive congratulations on your 250th game, 123BEE!!! =D =D =D

Played late but enjoyed the comments. Nice to see @Ellie and @Edgar (and of course all the rest of the gang)

Wow, live! I haven't played live in forever! :)
Hello! :)

Oh...lol, it's old. :(

yes mkganda, it's a repost :( i got all excited too

This is an old game that disappeared when Blogger had problems. Just before it disappeared, I wrote a WT for it, so I guess it's time to post it now lol :)

All the codes will be told at the end of the Walkthough.
You have to see all the clues – open them from your inventory – for the codes to work.

Zoom under the TV to the left and pick up the CAMERA and the RULER.
Click the camera to open from your inventory.
Click it again to turn it around, open it, get the film out and finally click the film to get PART OF A NOTE #1.
Click the ruler to see number 30.

Zoom on the round shelves in the right wall to get a REMOTE.
Zoom on the aircon in upper middle part of the left wall.
Use the remote on aircon (and click on/off button) to get KEY #1.
Zoom on the CPU between the computer and the black chair.
Click the small dark grey button in middle of right side of the CPU.
Click to open it from inventory and read pearl.
Zoom on the drawer to the left of the exit door.
Enter the correct word to get a PAPER AIRPLANE.
In the zoomed out view, drag the plane to the middle of the carpet to throw it into the room.
It goes to the balloon, and you can pick up PART OF A NOTE #2 from the broken balloon on the carpet.

Zoom on the desk below the computer/left of the desk where you see a head.
There is a drawer that needs a 2-digit code.
Enter the correct numbers and get a COMB.
Zoom on the head to the right of the computer and use the comb.

Zoom on the fridge and use key #1 to open.
Open the candy from inventory.
Click to open and get KEY #2 and PART OF A NOTE #4.
Click the 4 parts of a note to see them closer.
Drag the pieces to the middle of the screen to finish the puzzle.
Study the face of the man closely to find 7 digits.

Zoom on the frying pans right of the sink.
Take the KNIFE and the LIGHTER.
Open the fish from your inventory and use the knife on it for KEY #3.
Zoom on the cupboards below the sink.
Use key #2 (from candy) to open the cupboard and get a BAG.
Click the bag to see the price of the shirt.
Click the cupboard below the 3-digit code drawer to open it (you don’t need a key or code).
Get a SCALE.
Click the scale to open from inventory and put the meat on it.
Note the weight.
Enter the correct digits to open the 3-digit drawer.

Zoom on the 3-digit cupboard next to the fridge.
Enter the correct digits to open and get a WALLET
Click to open from the inventory, click twice more to see a 1-dollar bill.
Use the magnifier on the dollar bill to get a 4-digit code.
Zoom on the 4-digit drawer below the sink and enter the code.

Zoom on the stove.
Use key #3 (from fish) on the drawer below the stove to get a FRYING PAN.
Click the most left button on the stove to turn on the gas.
Use the lighter on the gas to get flames.
Place the frying pan on the flames.
Put your candle in the pan.
Pick up KEY #4.

Zoom on the exit door.
Enter the correct 7 digits, and you’ll see the key hole.
Use key #4 (from candle in pan) to escape.

5-letter word
Answer: pearl
(from floppy disk)

2-digit drawer
Code: 30
(from ruler )

3-digit drawer below sink
Code: 150
(from weight of meat)

3-digit cupboard by fridge
Code: 450
(from price of shirt in bag)

4-digit code
Code: 8838
(from magnifier on dollar bill)

7-digit code
Code: 6118641
(from face put together with 4 paper pieces)

lol @mazomi

@Ellie thanks for the WT :)

Oh! And @Ellie super huge GONGTATS to you on your news! <3

Thanks @mk :D!!

Out without help EXCEPT for where to drag the paper airplane too launch it. Why not on the baloon??

Out, just confused a number on the last code. Thanks Mk :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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