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Color Vision Door Walkthrough

Color Vision Door

Painting Doors - Color Vision Door is another Japanese point and click type puzzle game developed by Strawberry Cafe. In this game, you have to solve some puzzles to finish it. Good luck and have fun!

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Painting Doors - Color Vision Door Walkthrough

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Let's escape!

not sure what to do? already stuck on lvl 2

Joining in :)

joining too...

stuck lol

Hm, not quite sure what am I doing, but for now i managed to beat 1st and 3rd door

what are we doing?

same @ Urban

im assuming we need to meld clours so they match the door colour?

and 5th

i think im wrong..lol

these are weird, they don't really give a clue as to what we have to do...

I only got no. 3, 5 and 7, if you say the order is like that:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Hello, second door : just make turn the oppsite wheels (the wheels which show in the other direction)

Green Purple Orange

? Brown ?

Yellow Blue ?

and stuck!

got 1 and 5..eeks
For 5...jsut get the square colour to collide with the bouncy ball.

For 4 or 5:

After some clicks the color of the middle door changed. I guess each room contains a puzzle which needs to be solved.

Opened green, orange, brown, pink and yellow... not totally sure how though lol

and blue..

Third door : change the clock until the colour behind the window is orange (like the left dot)

Got 1, 3 , 5, 7 and 9 now...

2,6 and 8 don't know the solution

ok so i have 2nd and 4th door left,everyone doing ok?

turn the wings, that are in opposite direction than the big one

For door 2 read my comment above.

Jo.C: what to do with the bird (room 6)

too many unknowns in 6.

habe Tür 1,3,5 und 8 fertig.Die anderen sind mir schleierhaft wie.

Thanks Zazie for No. 2.

Door 2/pink clockwise only spinners

Well i just kept throwing the ball towards the right corner, and the bird opens up its wings... I know that doesn't explain alot but i think that is all I done lol

Got 8:
blue circle is afraid of the yellow circle

Anyone know room 4, with the J and L?

Door 8/blue used yellow dot to push the blue dot into white dot

Hm, what ball?

see my comment above: use your keyboard

There is a little ball on the floor, half way on the screen

Urban it is quote hard to see it and throw the ball

hahe nur noch tür 9 zu machen,weiß aber nicht wie,dachte links und oben die zahlen müssen mit rechts und unten übereinstimmen aber irgentwie gehts nicht

No. 7? Made a small hole...but ..what next?

I'm blind obviously

create a circle with the gun

need help on 4, 6, 7, 9

Used keyboard...Doh!

Can everyone else see the ball in the 6th door??

Door 7...make a circle of holes.

I have the circle but nothing happens....

Ball free room here...

Thanks @urban..did a small circle slightly left of lower centre, but cant seem to shoot anything more?

hmm ne idee zu tür 9 ?

Jo.C i can see it just a little moment when screen is opening, but it is hard to catch him.

..sorry. slightly right..

also stuck on 9... hmmmmmmm

hmmm well i can see about half of the ball, if I knew how to post pictures on here I would show you all...

Hi Marita; you are right, the numbers must be the same at no. 9.. Try it, it works!

(Hallo Marita, doch, so gehts, versuche es nochmal)

bloody brilliant...THANKS Zazie !!

acks...meant Morgan...still brilliant tho..hehe

could make two circles in 7 and stuck

Fudge, look at the other two sides and match the numbers up (by moving the mouse)

Door 7: You have to 'shoot' a circle of circels; tehy are centered around the middle of the screen...

Door 4:
Look at your keyboard and press the key between the two that are shown.

oben 395 links 284? oder umgekehrt? hatte beides schon hinbekommen,aber es passierte nichts

and then click i think

today leads a nice your future!

Now a ball is seen dropping down out of sight
but cannot get it back???
any ideas?

Door 8 : chase the purple into the white center ball by using the yellow ball.

no @ Morgan, maybe something to do with your screen size? Not sure, maybe it's bugged?

ah es ging doch,nochmal klicken und es ging,war echte pixelarbeit

@marita (door no 9): left 395 and up 284, and then CLICK! ;-)

by the way, is there an easy way to post screen shots/ pictures on here for others to see?

Still stuck on the one with the bird... I can let the ball jump, but where has the ball jump to??!?

Only door 6 left, i don´t get the ball down the screen !

could not get 6 and 9. Please help.

No pun intended

Thanks Jo.C caught ball on opening but can only drag to centre screen...
8/9 aint bad.

lol@tinni..no pun taken

it is quite hard to throw the ball, just have to do slight flicks with the mouse, try and get it to the top right i think

Well i give up for door 6, no more fun.....

Hi tinni, see my paost at 6:02 about no. 9: the numbers have to match (395 and 284), then click: it is the position of a pixel you have to click

Escapism, I tried that, but didn't work. trying again

i just tried door 6 again, it is hard and took me longer this time but you just have to flick it up to the corner, I know it keeps stopping in the middle but sometimes it goes up high (if that makes sense)

Finally got 9, may be got the axes wrong the first time

Horraayy! I have the rotten no 6 too now!! Thanks Jo.C! I was only trying to click the ball, didn't realise that you can flick it too (or grab and throw if it is in the air). That did the trick.

YAY @ escapism, i was beginning to feel a bit selfish being the only one that could do door 6!! lol

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 6:20 AM  

Wait?What? A bad rating on a strawberry cafe game? Their games are usually good. I normally don't play games with ratings this low, but I gotta give it a try.

still stuck on 6 & 8.

good luck @ alice!

clio-rose, door 8, move the yellow spot and use it to push the little purple spot into the big white one...

@Jo.C..I am. But the purple ball keeps jumping to places which are counter to physics..i think. I block or push..and it goes all unpredictable on me. Well maybe....lol

just to make sure...when i move the yellow ball, i'm to click on the purple?...which is what i've been doing.

Hint through:
Door row by row, makes this pattern

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Mega hint: don't forget to click teh color itself if you've found it!

Door 1: Yellow plus cyan is... Just drag
Door 2: opponent windmills to the middle one make air and let the middle one rotate
Door 3: Looks like sunrise... Set the clock to sunrise time!
Door 4: Look at you keyboard: What is between j and l? (If you have a keyboard from another continent: Bad luck! No, honest: it worked with a qwertz too, so it might work with yours also...)
Door 5: Get the ball with your cursor. And be patient with teh orange one: It is the last one!
Door 6: Click and grab and throw the ball up. Eventually the bird spreads its wings and reveals a... guess what: a color!
Door 7: Shoot a circle of circles around the center of the screen
Door 8: The blue dot dislikes the yellow one, but blue and white are a good combination. So push the blue one with the yellow one to the white one
Door 9: Find the pixel 395/284 and click!

@clio_rose: just push the purple (yes, it is purple, sorry, my hintthrough was wrong with that) at the upper right corner towards the white dot who is lower to the left, and then click on the mixture of both

I thought you had to use the yellow one to push the purple one?

Comment to my hint for door no. 6: Drag the ball on the drum, not just upwards. As soon as it touches the drum, the bird reveals the color.

Yes, use the yellow one to push the purple one towards the white one

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 6:36 AM  

@JoeC thanks.
Dang escapism ! pretty impressive. It took me more time to figure out 3 doors than it took you to figure them all out.

I found out what the problem was...
I was zoomed in to much...
Blushing now...

@escapism...thanks for being so patient. If I press the purple in the top right corner(and i know its the right, coz I marched/marked time), it goes off the screen. When I use the yellow to do it, it pushes the navy blue one off.

push the navy one onto the white spot @ clio-rose

Yep, Jo.C is right, it is the navy one, the purple one can be clicked and moves too, but only the navy blue one (the upper right one) can be pushed with the yellow one towards the white one, the other ones don't move when pushed with the yellow one...

By the way: can anybody tell me please if my solution for no. 7 is right? I thought that I did it that way the first time, but when I replay it the color in the middle doesn't appear.

Door 7, shoot them in the middle (like you said) so that they form a circle then shoot the middle... should work

shoot the middle of the circle that you just made i meant

Well well well...after channelling every known sailors curse since the 15th century, and being saved by Davey-Jo.C-Locker's advice, I have to say, I was aiming for the big white centre but, I got the door after accidently colliding with the little white circle.

@escapism...you were right first time. Its the blue one. Sorry for confusing you.

Thanks a big one Jo.C

Ah, the middle shot, right! It works. Thanks @Jo.C!

@ escapism: ty for the WT, especially for #4 & #9!

lol im feeling very helpful at the moment, which doesn't happen very often :D

thats impressive @ clio-rose using all the known curses since the 15th Century! lol

not the curses...only the swear words. But not sure which is worse..lol

Fun little game, liked it.

It's more a walkthrough than a hintthrough you made. But it's great and very clear.

I have made a circle for the #7 three times now, and nothing happens...is there something else you have to do? I just keep shooting...nothing happens!!!!

After you have the circle (made from little circles) you shoould be able to shoot in the centre of that circle.

...and I'm not gonna even start on that blasted, bedraggled, beady-eyed ba**ard of a blinking bird, whom refuses to open his flipping/flapping/f***ing wings and let me finish this fun, oh ha ha farrr-hing game..!!

lol no maybe leave the bird clio, otherwise you might start using both curses and swear words (if your not already)

I may be wrong...but it did work when i made the circle and did not shoot anywhere else...before , I had done a few shots outside the circle and even though I made the circle, it did not blow up....

@Jo.C. Too late. I ate it. After all, one does have to protect oneself from scurvy..lol

..and that ball did look rather like an over-ripe lemon!!

I'm with you @clio_rose!!!!
I just can't get it to go up...I can drag it halfway up the screen...bounce it all over...it will not cooperate!!!!

Goody for us @Nokra...at least we enjoyed a decent meal.

Level 6, the bird, is not that hard.
Just take the dot/ball and without throwing it (but dragging it) look where the area is where the dot can go. You'll find out it's a square at the bottom. In that square start bottom left and throw it to the top right of that square and it will bounce to the drum.

Today leads a nice your future. How I wish my native tongue was easier to translate....(English is, by far, in the top 5 of the worst languages ever thought up.) - There, I even ended my sentence with a preposition - which is supposed to be a no-no :)

Loved the Game!!

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 7:25 AM  

is this still live?
I cannot blog on FF (no box to write something) and had to set up a different acct to google blog
to use in Explorer
can anyone help?


no sorry @ akaswissmiss, not sure what you can do

ok s-t, understand your instructions. But in the bottom left (closest to the bird), how do I make it bounce on the diagonal? Please.. (sorry, with all my swearing nearly forgot my manners)

Swiss - Blogger isn't down and Google seems good. Did you check to see if you are signed in under the correct email & pw?

Okay....thanks to the excellent directions from @small-tool...I did it!!!!
It still took about 5 tries to get it to that drum...but I am out!!!!!
You too, @clio_rose???

Fun game...Thanks for all the help...and I did actually do most of them myself...LOLOL

Where are all the games today? I'm sure even 123bee bring out games on Thursdays??

No problems posting in blogger for me today, @swissmiss...sorry..I hope you can just keep logging in and see what happens!

It bounces on the right wall.
But just played again, you can do it in more ways, the main trick is to throw fast and release it before you are at the border of that area. If you release it too close (or even on) the border it won't have enough speed.

lol @michjean!!!!

no Nokra, still trying.

@swiss, you had trouble earlier as did Leroy and Guru-one. I had no comment box yesterday morning and also no star-rating thingy. Maybe it's a round-the-world thingy. Im already Friday morning.

I have no problems with google account with Explorer.
Had a lot of problems with Blogger before and what worked for me then was;
- Cleaning the cache and sign in again and then...
- When signing in 'uncheck' the box with 'stay logged in' (or stay signed in).

ok..i think i see my problem. Everyone is talking about throwing. I can click the ball, it bounces up, i catch it, it stops.....then?

ty small-tool - I shall try this

cleared the cache and cookies and logged in again and Bingo

where can I send the flowers to??

It's not just clicking, but click and keep your mouse button pressed in and drag fast and release at the right moment.

lol @ SwissMiss...

You're welcome SwissMiss.
No need for flowers. Helping each other is what EG24 is all about, so that's what we do.

you got that right s-t - I am dancing on the desk and I owe you "one"

Thank you s-t. I finally understood what you meant. I nearly got it, but jsut missed. Have tried to replicate what i did, but got a weirdo, but intense, made me screech-pain up my thumb joint and into my wrist bone. It hurt a lot. So, I think it's karma's way of telling me to give up.
(actually, it's enough for me that I finally understood HOW to solve it). What I dont understand is, how come i can still mouse and type no problem? It's only clicking on the ball??

Can't believe your still trying @ Clio! Poor you, that bird really has it it for you

I'm old-school @Jo.C. Never give in, never give in, NEVER give in! But I just did. LOLOL...grrr.

the bird doesn't work for me either fun till I hit that bird one

LOL you might have nightmares about that bird, but at least when your dreaming you can kill it lol

oh no not you aswel Clee!

finally I think laptop + finger pad is hard to do that one, I think I got lucky they make better escape games was hoping all that would lead to a game to escape

kill it?????...no way!! Im gonna take that birdy-bird and......

keep trying to bounce the ball, to make it open its wings and let me outta here.

(thanks J0.C, you've given me the impetus/incentive to keep going, despite the tears)

Dear Higher Authority, please give me a POP miracle. Thank you in advance.

lol i will be watching from the side lines cheering you on!

When I done it, I didn't bounce it but flicked it up...

deary me. Jo.C, we're in for a loooong night. For curiosity's sake, I wish there were a counter. I think it would have hit a couple of thousand thus far. I must, Must MUST be missing the obvious.

Put ball bottom left. Bounce it. When it randomly bounces high, thwack it to the bottom right, but not so far with mouse that it hits the r/h border?

Yes/no? Pass the Kleenex pls

Ok...I jsut checked the time when this game started. Its nigh on 3 hours. I really have to give up else of being accused of having OCD !! LOL

lol well there is a new 123bee game out, I came back in to get you... lol. Like i said, I didn't actually bounce the ball in just started in the middle of the screen and flicked it into the right corner...

That was a fun game! #6 was the toughest, and I wouldn't have got it if not for small-tool!!

you just have to remember to drag the ball fairly fast to almost the border of the invisible rectangle and let it go so that it flies up to the drum. It's pretty tricky...

Seriously..I'm going insane !!!

Further progress..got the ball into the extreme bottomright corner.

Multiple times the ball has stopped mid-air against the invisible edge.

1.50am. I absolutely will admit defeat at 2am.

@zoe...drag it fast to the left or right border?

im dragging it up and left and trying to boucne it off lower right invisible border

@clio_rose, I don't know if this will help you... it's probably what you're doing anyway...
Click to see an image of the bouncing ball.
Good luck!!

@clio_rose....all I did was figure out where the border was (I actually made a mark on my computer screen!) and then dragged the ball almost to that mark and let it go. It flew up against the right wall, and then bounced off the top wall and to the drum....

By "border" I meand the top edge of the invisible square that the ball is in, if that makes any sense..


omg....i did it!!

your picutre saved me. I closed the game and was posting my failure when your post came thru. So, eventho, in the new game i only got lvl 6...

I did it, i did it, i did it. Oh my goodness!! Im so (disproportanately) proud, im gonna have a drink to celebrate !! At 2.10am, it'll knock me out anyway.

Thank you Jo.C for sticking with me...you can go to bed now too...LOLOL

YAY! YAY! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!! Congrats!!!!

I swear to all who read this @Zoe, I tried the combo that Ellie's pic showed sooooo many times. I think i mustnt have let the mouse button go at EXACTLY the right time.

I also admit fully, that the pain in my wrist is pretty unbearable and I was probs chickening out at the vital mouse click moment

Yeah, I did it about 50 times myself. It was figuring out that I had to let it go almost in the top right corner of the invisible box (like Ellie's pic shows)...I think a bit of it is just pure luck!

CONGRATS @clio_rose!! You deserve that drink before bed right now!
I was lucky and played with the ball, released it without the slightest idea what i was doing and it hit the right place right away lol.
Have a nice sleep!

Oh my gosh Zoe, I really cant express how OTT happy I am. Tiddly tumm teeeeee tummmmmmm.

Pathetic - possibly
Do I care? - no, nope, nup...tee dee ta dee dee dee


Thanks Ellie

Clio_rose - sounds like you've started that drink already!! Lol!!

Lol Clio,
Glad you made it.

Yw @clio_rose! I must say I really admire your persistence!!

Nah Zoe, first mouthful jsut taken. I love/hate a challenge, but for reasons unkown and with a huge *humph*, I couldnt bear that everyone else could do it, and I couldnt.

I think most of use here at eg24 are that way. I'm obsessed with getting all the coins in selfdefiant games! I spend hours looking for the little buggers!!

hahaha...for me the coins are soemthing I desperately try for..but I always accidently go out before I check to see if I have the 50. Then I later play it again ONLY to get the coins.

It's like we all are, just as Zoe said... the people playing here like to understand everything ("but... how did you get that code??") and find all items, or all 5 endings..., and we do struggle for it!! Great place! Lol!

I've done that, too! Hmmmmm, isn't it about time for another one of those to come out? Or maybe it's time to look for purple orbs in one of his creepy asylum games.....

Well, with a slight sense of something-or-other, I rated this game 5*'s...cause...I jsut had to.!!


Thank you everyone for your hints, support, patience, and.....WHOOPPEEE...I dont have to see that scraggly Ibis again.

Night all.

Going to a meeting....see you all soon hopefully!

Hope not Zoe. The asylum ones REALLY give me the heebie-jeebies

Congrats!!!!! @clio_rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Anonymous  6/30/11, 10:56 AM  

I am glad that clio_rose got here before me. That was excruciating. This game was fantastic until door 6. Thank you Ellie so so very very much for providing the "image" of that blasted door. And most of all... thank you for saying how EASY is was.

Thank You!

Oh, and although escapism made an excellent WT above... he/she didn't mention the last part.
After you solved the 9 doors you have too click outside the doors to get a red door... Click the handle of this door to get to the "future".
Drag the X to the black color (lower part of the colors) and click "ok".
Get the message: Today leads a nice your future - out!

@Ellie: Thanks a lot, he (escapism) appreciates it a lot that you mention my hintwalkthrough, although I'm a bit sad that I couldn't help clio_rose and zoe in the end with door 6. But good that they made it at last with your and small-tools fantastic help (gosh, how much I would like to be able to make those screenshots and post them, small-tool tried it at least two times to explain it to me, but I haven't been able to make them until now...)

Thank you, escapism, for the walkthrough, I need it for room 6.
Thing is, in my door 6 there was no ball for that mini game.
I saw something red flash momentarily as I opened the door, but then it vanished.
It wasn't until I peeped at Ellie's fine screenie that I knew the red thing was supposed to be the ball!
Maybe I'm supposed to catch it before it vanishes, but that isn't humanly possible - it's just too fast!
Have I found a bug, or is this something to do with my system? nokra? If you play and have the same problem, then I know it isn't a bug =(

@Rookwings, the ball should be at the lowest part of the screen (a little bit right of the middle) when you start that door. Maybe you need to zoom out the game to be able to see it all? Or... you won't be able to play that one.

Played this again today, because I hadnt actually finished it. (1st game, all but dr 6 & and 2nd game only dr6). It still took me about 50 or more tries before i got no.6. However, I have now genuinely escaped, tho I dont know where I put the X. I just moved it and hit OK.

LOL many congratulations clio-rose! Im sure you had a lovely sleep after beating the bird and having a nice drink :)

@escapism, your w/t hint/through was SOOO very helpful. I would not have even GOT to door 6 without it. Thank you very much; Great job!!

Yes, Ellie!!
That is the exact position where I see a nanosecond image of it, but then it disappears.
I guess it's my system - oh well [again, haha]

If you can't see the ball in room, you must zoom out. If your view is (a lot) smaller, you will see the ball.

Solved every door but the 7th one, yellow. So I came here for help. I had already shot the circle of shots but nothing was happening. So I read everything here, tried shooting the center of the circle I had made and nothing. Tried it different way, still nothing. This game is extremely frustrating when you are doing ti right and it does not work!!!!! Fix that glitch!!!!

This game was good, I liked it, of course with the hints, that helped alot. I got all the doors except 9, tried everything, cnat get the # right, When I get the top # 284, then it messed up the side #395. Can some one help please

@sherry, the top number changes when you move sideways - horizontally, and the side numbers change when you move vertically. So, if you get yhe top number... try to stay in the same line and move up and down to get the side number as well.
Some patience should do it :)

I tried and still cant do it. My patience has run out. Ill try again later, thank you ellie

@ellie thanks, I came back to it , and your right, you do have to have a little patience, and I finally got it, and also read your hint on the ending, and I dragged the x to the dark color, and got future, and out , and Escapism great WT and thanks again ellie,now I can close the game. It was a good little game, I enjoyed it.

working link


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