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Mosquito Man 1 - Another World Walkthrough

Mosquito Man 1 - Another World

Mosquito Man 1 - Another World is a new point and click type adventure game by Vadpingvin . You find yourself in another dimension, half turned into a mosquito…. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  6/8/11, 1:36 PM  

Hope this is a good one.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 1:38 PM  

Drat the bad rating came up after I had posted. Still going to give it a go, but have little expectations.

after doing snowman puzzle, I fell off cliff and died, and now need to do puzzle again,,, I quit. Too small as well.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 1:43 PM  

I give up on this one, never could get it to load.

Snowman puzzle was glitchy; gave up finally.

Standard AA battery in LA LA Land?? LOL

ok, I redid snowman, and now got the sword out with the fat from the bar.

LOL partly disintegrated the dragon...

tired to give sword to werewolf, but its not silver. The jeweler wants a love potion from the witch in the forest in exchange for a silver necklace, that I assume I will use at the blacksmith.

ok, robot fell in lake, I gave vegetables to the witch, and she gave me a canteen of veggie soup LOL. also picked a rose outside.

Gave battery to aliens, and they gave me a death ray gun. Lookout Dragon!!

Won't load for me either.
Just keeps showing Roar Entertainment in a new screen every second.
Well, good luck and have fun you guys who can play.

passed dead dragon into tower, took a flea from dog and battery, need a scroll for dude in there.

Works with Firefox for me.

put flea on deer and caught it

sold the deer to bartender and bought the cheap booze.

got stardust from aliens, and a teleport scroll from genie in fire extinguisher.

Oh great pooping along nicely and a bug... Cant move from fireplace in the tavern so... restart?

gave soup to jeweler, and visited the blacksmith,now have a silver tipped sword. Off to see the werewolf hanging out in the bar bathroom.

@ST I had the same problem but it loaded correctly when I reloaded it (FF)

Coool Managed to move him away by going up!

Now I have silver bullet, still have scroll, star dust, some money, ray gun, and rose.

Go see man in tower And I am back home and out! Not a bad game. Just wish I could zoom it bigger.

Thanks Mrtelcom and Leroy,
But I'm very happy with how my pc works now (with IE) and with the little knowledge I have about the cyberworld I'm very afraid to change anything, like browsers.
If anything goes wrong, I'm sure I will never get it back to how it was.
But it doesn't matter, new games will come sooner or later.
Have fun, guys.

What did the genie need????

@ST you can use both browsers at the same time as I do if something doesnt work in FF I open IE.
Personally reckon FF is more secure!

Leroy - the genie wanted wine from the bar.

Nvm out now! Should have remembered the wine!

Intrigued cos I dont know what the wise owl was there for? Maybe if I had kept on knocking????

I was wondering about the owl, was their another battery for the aliens? Was the cliff doable at some point? And the sleeping soldier??

@mrtelcom I didnt go back to see ET so dont know if you could still interact with them? Example is you cant interact with the jeweller again after giving him the potion\soup.

Might replay it later to test theories.....

No way I am doing that again. LOL.

I said might..... LOL

cute and easy little game. It was annoying that the character gets stuck so often. Just keep clicking around, and he will finally move.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 3:54 PM  

Have rose, sword, neclace, and coal. Where is battery? I can't do anything else.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 4:46 PM  

Made progress... I have rose, stardust, bullet, 20 grum, and gun. Now I'm stuck.

@bsaucer you kill the dragon right of tavern????

@bsaucer one battery was in the remote in the tower. I can't remember where the other was.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 5:20 PM  

Yes, killed the dragon... My cat just rebooted my computer, but now I can continue game.

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 5:38 PM  

I got the first battery from not answering riddles three times in a row. I must have already got the battery from the remote because it won't give me one now. Where's the teleport scroll?

that was cute.. if you are just starting here is a hint.. read all the dialog.. it will go more smoothly!

I think you get the teleport scroll from giving the genie the cheap red wine that you get in the bar. I think mrtelcom gave pretty good hints above if you need more help

       Anonymous  6/8/11, 6:05 PM  

Went and bought the wine... I thought I needed more money to buy the brandy. So I'm out.

I love this game - especially the dialogue! =D
I did manage to play right through without help, but, being a refugee from Runescape, the size of the game was quite familiar to me, and in a lot of ways, a bit bigger.
The only advice I can add is:

1] talk to everyone/thing that you can, try twice, in case they add something.
If something has text appear below when you mouse over it, it's worth further investigation.

2] click around if your character gets stuck, you WILL break free without needing to restart.

3] There are four main areas. You start the game in the town once you have "transformed", which extends right after you have part-disintegrated the dragon. The town has the inn, the blacksmith's, the jeweller's and the tower to "visit".
Left, out of town is a plain where an imp will challenge you. Choose "don't answer" each time and you will intimidate him into giving you a gift.
North of the plain is the snowman and the deer area, and west of it is the black forest, which extends out quite far.
In the black forest area [going anti-clockwise all the way out to the edges, including over the bridge] is rose bush, a robot "guarding" a witch's house, a pair of aliens by their ship, and a fire extinguisher =)

4] If you go back to someone they may start speaking to you again, even if they stopped the previous time.

5] I would write a walkthrough, but it's got stupidly late again, so this will have to do for now. If anyone would like more help, I'll be peeping back in here tomorrow, and I'll play again if necessary.

Note [after reading comments above more thoroughly]:
I think the items we collected and didn't use could be setting up for Mosquito Man 2, perhaps?
I'll investigate more if I replay tomorrow.

Oh, and
6] you don't need to select items in your inventory to use them. They get used automatically.

it took me ages to find the potatoes, i didnt realise you could go in the back room of the tavern! lol

As promised:
Click through the dialogue [to anyone usually too lazy or in too much of a hurry to do this, it helps you understand why you are playing, and it's very amusing]. =)
Mouse over all of the screen to see where everything is.
If you do anything that kills you, just load the last checkpoint. You won't be far behind where you were. =)

Click the little brick-red open door that says "enter into tavern".
Click all the personalities in the tavern to have a chuckle, then go and talk to Wolf-man.
He wants a silver sword and will give you a silver bullet for it.

Next talk to the innkeeper. He wants a deer for his pizzas [????? haha] and will pay you for the job if you get one.
While you are near the top of the screen, go north into the kitchen area and see you can interact with the sacks [for potatoes] and the fat [which you take]. the kitchen door is locked, so manoeuvre out of the kithen by the leftmost door and click the brown door at the bottom of the screen. [Says "exit to town"]

Go right for a minute and talk to the dragon.
Choose both options for more amusement and discover that he isn't keen to move aside for you to pass.

North is a car for more daft dialogue.
Click down beside the dragon if you don't want to get stuck, then west to the blacksmith.
He will make you a silver sword for 30 grums [local currency], some coal, a sword, and some silver.

The guard south of the blacksmith is asleep.

The grey shop front on the south buildings is the jewelry shop. Go inside.
Talk to the lad and then click him again. You get more out of him by talking the second tme.
What a hopeless case! Never mind.
exit the shop by the brown door and then go all the way west. ["Exit to Plains"]

Four things here to interact with, so go and read the sign to the south.
Knowing you fit the requirements, have a tug at the sword to the left of the sign and choose to use the fat on the sword, which becomes yours.

Read the signpost north of here. You can exit north and west, but first go and bother the imp on the right of the screen.
If you click the wrong answer, you can just talk to him again to select another response.
The only way to impress him, however, is to click the fourth option, and not answer at all.
He seems to have a silent mosquito phobia, and leaves you a battery.

Go out north to the mountains.
Don't jump off the cliff, haha.
The little thing that looks like a poo with earrings is a deer, so fail to catch it and click on the [sarcastic] snowman to the left.
Agree to help him, then complete the Tower of Hanoi-type puzzle.
The main trick here is to move every piece to the topmost tile, with the two rules that you can only move one section at a time, and you can never put a large section onto a smaller one.
You have to be careful because the little blokey sometimes gets stuck in this bit.
If you see a red arrow, then you still have a section selected.
You can jump over a tile to move a section.
It's easy enough, just long-winded. [solution below].
He rewards you with body parts [his carrot nose and a coal eye - how barbaric!] but he still has one eye to admire the view with, so go out south. [Go back to Plains]

Go all the way west to the Black Forest, then north to pick a rose from the bush there.
The blob in the centre of the area is the nest of the Wise Owl, for some reason =)
Go round the owl's tree and left, over the bridge.
Cick the robot, which bizarrely backs away and into the water.

Enter the house, explore here for some more mild amusement and then talk to the Witch.
Click her again to ask for a love potion and then to give her the vegetables.
Click her again straight away and she has a nice little canteen of soup ready for you.
You can have a rummage through the cat's litter tray if you like, but this isn't Selfdefiant's game so you really don't need to, haha.
Leave her house and wander southweast.

Talk to the two sweet little aliens with tails and they give you a quest - to find batteries! =)
Click them again to give the one you've already got and they give you a "disintegrator weapon".
To me, this thing had Dragon written all over it, but for now you can work it out for yourself =P

Go out of here, over the bridge, then south east to a fire extinguisher =)
You can try to use the sword on the fallen tree and get another funny message first.
Talk to the fire extinguisher [yes - talk to it!] and find out what you need to obtain for the genie.

Go all the way back to the town [east, then east again] and march straight up to the dragon.
Don't try to attack with the sword!
Choose option 4 and create a huge dragon fillet!
Now you can enter the Tower.

Talk to Pit and learn some more surreal storyline while he agrees to help you.
Click the remote control lying by the setee and pinch the battery from it.
Click the puppy and grab a flea from it, then go back to the mountains.
The tower exit is the grey area of steps [Exit to Town], then go west, west to plains, then north.

Plop a flea onto the deer [haha, who knew it would be so easy?] and take it to the innkeeper [south, east, then into the tavern.]
He gives you 50 Grums for your trouble =)
Click him again to buy some cheap plonk for 6 Grums [2nd option] and go back to the fire extinguisher [all the way west to the Black Forest and south at the Owl Tree].
Give him the wine and he gives you a teleport scroll.

Go back west the bridge to the aliens and give them the second battery. They give you some stardust.

Go back to the town and into the jewelry shop.
Give the potion/soup and get the necklace in return.

Now when you talk to the blacksmith he will agree to make the nice silver sword for you.
Have a look at in in your inventory, haha!
Back in the tavern give Wolf-man the sword.
True to his word, he gives you the silver bullet, so go back to the tower.

Pit describes what you need, which thankfully you already have, so click him again.
After the dialogue you find yourself back at home, BUT..........!

I'll name the snowman parts as 1 for smallest[hat], 2 for head, 3 for chest part and 4 for base [fattest bit], so the numbers increase with the part size.
Put 1 on north tile, 2 on mid tile, then put 1 on top of 2.
Move 3 onto mid tile, then 1 on top of 3.
Put 2 on top of 4.
Move 1 onto north tile, put 2 on top of 3, and 1 on top of 2.
Home stretch =)
Move 4 onto north tile.
Put 1 on top of 4.
Move 2 onto south tile and put 1 on top of 2.
Put 3 on top of 4.
Move 1 onto mid tile, put 2 on top of 3, then 1 on top of 2.

nice job, rookwings! I don't usually bother doing walkthroughs for adventure games; just for escape games.

And by the way, reindeer (domesticated caribou) sausage isn't half bad. ;)

I liked the game although I wonder if you can do anything with the "Cat Blood" wine and the cat (or litterbox) in the witch's house. You have enough money to buy 2 Cat Blood wines but sadly I finished the game before testing this theory. (sidenote: If you click repeatedly on the cat after she tells you not to, the cat turns into a huge demon and kills you.)

@ kitkatfox:
Well, I got stuck and left the game so many times when I first played that I thought a guide might be useful to someone in the future?
I don't tend to fly through adventure games like you seasoned lot =)
And - Yeah, I hear it tastes like chicken, but you have to peel Father Christmas off them first in our country ;)

@ Deb:
The "Cat Blood" is the name given to the cheap plonk you buy for the genie; and I didn't try the cat itself more than twice =)
I wonder what else can happen if you interact with things an unusual way?
I finished the game with a nice pocket of change, but you need 30 Grums to pay the blacksmith, and 6 for the wine, so I only bought one.
I'm still wondering about episode 2.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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