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Xolga and Mr. Toko - Episode 4 Walkthrough

Xolga and Mr. Toko - Episode 4

Xolga and Mr. Toko - Episode 4 is the fourth part of Xolga and Mr. Toko point and click adventure type escape games series developed by Pacthesis. In this game, you have to use your point and click adventure solving skills to figure out the game. Good luck and gave fun!

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Ah, new one. Thanks Megi.

Oops, out already.
And now watching what looks like another very long ending (like always with these games). Wish they made the games longer and the endings shorter.

Too early for a WT I guess.
So here is what you need;
- Rope
- Bucket
- Lantern
- Oil
and 4 pieces of evidence.

Mine is loading...although I doubt I'll make it out in 5 minutes...lol

hi small-tool

another ending more longer that the game :lol

and hello nokra ;)

Yep Megi (and hi),
I bet this gamemaker's dream is to make animation movies.

Yes, I did feel like I was in a silent movie...lol
Hi, @megi!
Where is the oil? I think I am missing a scene?
The simplest ones always get me....lol

The oil is in the scene with the lady.

TY @small-tool! LMAO!

Well, a walkthrough would still be to soon (only 12 comments).
So here's a hintthrough.
Btw since EGDAW is changed into EGDALTW, every game deserves at least T (two, three, ten, twenty?) walkthroughs, wouldn't it be a good idea if one person first writes a hintthrough and another posts a walkthrough after that?

- Oil
- Rope
- 2 pieces of evidence
- Lanteren and 1 piece of evidence.
- Bucket and down the well 1 piece of evidence

lol here you go, small-tool!

Left Middle Scene
Get ROPE from the tree in the bottom right corner
Go right
Right Middle Scene (in house)
Get BLOODY HANKERCHIEF from the floor below the right side of the chair (you can click in the text box area)
Go right
Get PIECE OF BROKEN MIRROR from the mirror
Get LANTERN from the floor under the table
Go left and up
Go down
Bottom Scene (with lady)
Get the OIL for the lantern from left of the door of the brown house
Go forward and up
Top Scene (well)
Get hte BUCKET for the well from behind the tree to the right of the well
You now have everything to go down into the dark well
Click the well top
Get the CANDLESTICK from the well bottom (I think it automatically appears in the rightmost sqaure in your inventory)
Go down 2 times and talk with the lady
Read through the trial and ending scenes to learn that justice isn't for all
To be continued!

oh, and by the way, if someone gets horribly stuck or has a very dark screen, TAB key works ;)

Very good Kitkatfox, again.
And again and again and etc. Btw isn't it about time to celebrate something?
Something like 1000 (or probabaly more)walkthroughs written by you.

Anyway my suggestion about a hintthrough before a walkthrough doesn't change anything to the new rule EGDALTW. So here it goes too;


- Take the ROPE from the tree on the right.

- Take the OIL to the right of the lady, to the left of the door of the little house in the back.

- Take KNITTING NEEDLE from the seat of the chair. EVIDENCE #1.
- Take the HANDKERCHIEF from bottom right of the chair (in text box). EVIDENCE #2.

- Take a MIRROR PIECE from the broken mirror. EVIDENCE #3.
- Take the LANTERN from under the table (partly in the text box).
- GO LEFT AND UP (2x).

- Take the BUCKET from right behind the well.
- Go in the well (now you can because you have rope, bucket, lantern and oil) and by going through the conversation you get the CANDLE HOLDER. EVIDENCE #4.
- GO DOWN (2x).

- Talk to her and you're out.

@small-tool I used to do hint-throughs and walkthroughs both, but it got to be too much. (40 mins to play, 20 for walkthrough, and 15 for a hint-through made for almost an hour for each involved game @__@')

I found hint-throughs to be harder since you need to give helpful hints without giving too much away. But maybe I was trying to be too clever in making them helpful in triggering new ideas for players. ;)

It would be wonderful to have people tag team with one doing a walkthrough and one the hint-through.

And I have no idea how many walkthroughs I have written. 1000 seems high, though!

Hard to remember to pick up items hidden by dialog box.

LOL! Xolga carrying Toko: Nyan cat?
hahaha! (ok.. bet no one knows it)

Lol @kkf! For me it would be, 40 min to play, 60 min to write the wt and 80 min for the hint-through :) I'm really bad about hinting in a good way!
1000 doesn't seem high to me. I save my wt's in a folder and wrote about 450, and you have done way more than I.

Thanks for the comments, the HT and the WTs! I couldn't find the oil :)

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