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Apartment Floor 98 Walkthrough

Apartment Floor 98

Apartment Floor 98 is another new point and click type escape the room game from Game2p. You finally escaped from 99th floor, but this time you are trapped in 98th floor. You need to hurry up to find all the hidden object to solve the mysterious and escape the mysterious apartment. Good luck and have fun!

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Apartment Floor 98 Walkthrough

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thanks Shuchun!!!

have fun @alkmar

back....I need a part from the fireplace...

Keep moving the sliders until the temperature goes right up to the top.

I'm useless on my own - I'm stuck now.

missing the lower left 3 parts of the circle...

@bat E , I am trying that...need the needle to stop moving when it is on the top?because, i put it on the top...but the needle was still "shaking"

I got 6 pieces. What to do with glass and mirror?

for the sliders:
up down up up down up down down

what to do with knife charlie?

Use it on the lamp.

ouch!! only burning my fingers :P...do you remember how to move the slides? wich one up and wich one down?

ok i miss two slides of pizza...i have no clues :/

Thankssss @houndofhell!!! :))

I started with them all at the bottom. Slide one up and then the next. If the temperature goes up, leave the slider up but if it goes down, put it back down again. Do that until the temperature is at the top then zoom out.

i'm stuck with a glass and a mirror..

hmmm...strange...i use the sliderhint from houndofhell..but it doesnt work for me :/

maybe there's something about those 2 bottles, because pretty much everything else has a purpose...

@alkmar the temperature has to be on the right, not in the middle, that's what bat e meant by "up", because there's a + on the right side

6 pieces, mirror and glass and don't know what to do with any of them

one of the stones in the fireplace turns dark when you click it (4th row from the bottom, 2nd stone from the left).

sorry, 5th row from the bottom...

the first time i played, ther was no circle to put the pieces in, now there is, both times i removed the stone on the top left, but it didn't do anything... stuck.

yess!!! thanks houndofhell..finally i got it ;-)

all of a sudden, there was a secret space behind one of the pictures, stuck with 7 pieces now.

Thanks @Rudi - that gives a circle on the blank picture

... and also a piece behind the flowers that wasn't there before... strange game

lol..so..i am not the only one who doesnt have a circle for the pieces :))... where could that circle be ....

... now i'm stuck with a 7x7 grid where the picture with the 8 pieces was

got all pieces , still got mirror and glass, not sure what to do with puzzle

plop!!! there is the circle.. ( in the frame who was a square in the begin )

at the grid now too

now got key, mirrow and glass

i found it too thanx @houndofhell!!

need one more pieces...

make an X in the grid - same as the picture

2nd room put mirror on wall and got broom

plop again :))

draw a diagonal cross and the grid, got key for right door.

@alovingdaddy how did you get the key?

put glasses on the chair...

for silver key, put all 8 pieces in circle, then draw cross on puzzle

use glass on chair, light the lamp, go down use broom on spider got key and out !

and out :D

now trying appt 99

going down stairs...

got a key from spider =)

out finally!

and out :D lol

and out :D

6 bits of "pizza", a martini glass and mirror. brick above oven can be pushed.......now i'm stuck.

@Heckler - after pushing the brick, you get a circle on the blank picture. Put the pieces there. Then you can move more things and get the rest of the pieces.

out too.

very nice game


Thanks to all the comments above for their directions.

I know when I have to escape I like to throw some cushions (I like my captors to know I'm not happy with all this) so move the cushions on the chair and the couch for two pieces of pizza.

Having found two pieces head left to the kitchen (finding pizza makes me hungry!)
There's some cool stuff on the bench so start with taking the martini glass.
Next to the glass is a box - open it for another piece of pizza.
Take the knife next to that and click the toaster next to the knife for another pizza piece.
As you're developing kleptomania you may as well take the mirror above the bench too!
If you look to the left some very thoughtful person has decided to heat up a piece of pizza for you but unfortunately you can't take it without burning yourself.
Zoom in on the panel below the oven. You can play with the switches to make the temperature go up as high as it can (solution to switches below).
Once you overload the oven you can take the very hot pizza (don't eat it yet!)
Of course you are annoyed at the oven for overcooking your pizza so push one of the bricks in SPOILER: second brick in the second row.

Go right back to the lounge.
Now I'm avenging myself on all appliances so I use the knife on the lamp and get ... another piece of pizza!
The mirror over the couch should now be a circle. Zoom in on it and place your pizza pieces on their.
What a pain! There aren't enough pieces!
Zoom out and look behind the flower picture.
Take the piece and place that with the others.

Go right to the ... second lounge?
You're frustrated enough to throw that vase of flowers so do it!
Take the last piece of pizza from behind the flowers.

Go left and place the last piece of pizza.
Click on the completed puzzle and you are rewarded with ... a panel.
The picture you need to make on the panel is right in front of you (Solution below).
If you did it right you'll get a key (Yay!) but it doesn't fit the door (Boo!).

Go right and use the key on the slim door on the right side of the room.

Go through the door for ... lounge number 3! (These guys love to sit).
It's a bit dark so hit the switch next to the lamp to turn it on.
Now the chair looks ready for an interrogation but I don't feel like talking so I'll just put the martini glass there.
The light beam bounces to the grey oval on the wall so put the mirror there.
Awesome! A switch appeared. There's only one thing to do - push the lever!
You may also notice a rake at the right side of the room - you should probably take that (rakes are so handy!)

Now you can go downstairs so do it!
When you've stopped screaming you realise it would be really funny to tickle the spider but you don't want to go near it. Point the rake at the spider and it will tickle the spider away.
Don't worry, the spider's laughing from all the tickling. He even brought you a present.
Take the key from the spider.

Enough spiders (even friendly, laughing ones) I'm outta here!
Go up, left and left again to the first loungeroom.
Use the key on the door and you're free!

Stove panel solution: UP DOWN UP UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN.

Panel behind completed pizza solution: draw a big 'X' on the panel.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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