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Asylum Puzzle Escape Walkthrough

Asylum Puzzle Escape

Asylum Puzzle Escape is another escape the room game developed by Gamershood. Gather items and solve puzzles to escape the place. Good luck and have fun!

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Asylum Puzzle Escape Walkthrough

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Oh - a live one! Just starting PC at the right moment!

It's a Gamershood morning!

Black thing, needle or nail?, from slider puzzle, blue key, looking for colour hint now.

Saw from blue key colour puzzle.

yeah... live... GONE BOREDOM

hi guys, there's a # clue under the men-at-work sign. dunno where to use it yet

still missing an orange key

The slider puzzle is wicked, or I shouldn't have started from the bottom of it... :)

slider puzzle was hard lol onto the suduko

@PyrateKirk, use knife on globe for orange key

knife from suduku

where is the color code clue?

Are we supposed to divide the numbers for the four digit clue?

Colour code ist under the baskets / clock-like things, move the right round white thing

POP, division worked.

@ seawall.... yes you are :D

@jakevickie217, colour code clue is on the floor, under the right clock (??) next to the clothes hanger

Can someone spoil the sudoku for me?

seawall - yes - I cheated and used a calculator!

lol thanks Katharina

Yellow key in big wooden and glass clock.

Don't geht the numbers riddle from pink key!

any ideas on the pink key?



thank you mommy.inc :)

POP never mind got it :D

@ jakevickie217: color clue is to the right of the globe push the clock-face, wicker baskets around

subtract divide and subtract again Katharine to get the right numbers

For the pink key, it's -473, X5, -317

Knife from sudoku, did it the 2nd time for my own since playing gamershood :-)

Knife gives orange key

Thx seawall, didn't find out "x 5" - seem to be blonde this evening.

Red triangle from orange key.

stuck on the orange key

I cant find the blue key anyone?

@Seawall, thanks for the maths hint, out now

POP... has discovered that she needs to learn to spell lol and OUT

Both red triangles and black key, now looking for the exit door ...

I have such a love/hate relationship with the spinner picture puzzles!!!!LOL

Not sure, but the blue key may have been in the first scene to the right.

THANKS SEAWALL. can anybody help with the word under orange key?

@Paul, the blue key is behind the fallen door, near the brown plastic thingy.

Orange key: look at the door with the red inscription!

@mommy.inc, look at one of the doors, it starts with an F

Which view am I missing for the exit door? Not only blonde, but some sort of blind today, too, I think!

mommy, the word is written on one of the doors.


thanks @ Truus. I must have clicked around there and every where else a million times!!

Ahhhh, got it, out now!

Thx for the math / division hints.

OUT!! thanks everybody!!

Does anyone need help?

Anyone say where to find the green key?
I think the blue one was under the I AM LOST sign?

Sorry, nokra, don't remember where the green key was, but remember it wasn't too difficult to find.

need help with pink key please

Green key you find where the chess board is, quite dark area!

solution for pink key I mean. My brain isn't computing the maths

If I remember correctly, I think the pink key you had to get by using the saw.

Green key: look right from the globe, dark area beneath right green "blackboard"

For pink key look at the maths given above.

Just need the second number

Bronte: second number for what?

Maths: -473 x5 -317, see comments above.

The pink key puzzle. Where do you get the number to subtract. It seems random to my fuzzled brain

Walk through:

first scene:
click on wooden basket, get red key
click sign get numbers: 43362816/9472
note yellow key in clock behind glass

go right:
click on brown bucket to zoom in
move door, take blue key
Note word Forbidden (hahaha spelled correctly)

right again: note door for exit

go right twice:

note globe with grey spot
move circle clock with four dashes for color code
click back right corner move books, green key

go left once

Solve red key (I zoom in 300%)
solve green key (spoiler below)
solve yellow key (spoiler below)

Go right once

Globe (use knife, get orange key)

right once

Bottom middle piller (use saw, pink key)

Right once more:

clock (use glass cutter, yellow key)

left 3 times:

solve yellow key (spoiler below)
solve orange key (spoiler below)
solve Pink Key (spoiler Below)

go left once, click door and out!

Soduku spoiler

Color spoiler
b y g r

Yellow Key:

Orange key:

Pink Key:
155 * 5 = 775
775 - 317 = 458

1st walkthrough :D

-473 x5 -317 gives as result

SPOI775LER and SPOI458LER if I remember right.

out now thank you jakevickie217

Well done! @jakevickie217!!!!!

TY @katarina for green key...very dark for me but once I knew it was there I just kept clicking !!!

thank you to all you smart ppl out there! i really appreciate the hints & the WT! :)

No blue key in my game ...Bugggg

Zoran: no bug, you have to move the bucket a n d the door, only then you can see blue key.

where to find the saw for pink key???

Katharina 7/17/11 9:02 AM

Saw from blue key colour puzzle.

oh,i thought i sloved it already , my brian is crazy :D

I see the spoiler for the yellow key, but I have no clue how it was found.

@ acymy_acymy:
That made me laugh so much!!!
Your brian is crazy?
Get it transplanted!!! You need a BRAIN, pet!
I had the same problem for years =D =D ;D

@ jakevickie217:
Your walkthrough is wonderful!
Fantastic format, well laid-out!
I didn't have to see anything I didn't want to [so I didn't get puzzles or item surprises spoilt] when I looked for where the blue key should be, THANK YOU!!!!

out with no help. Fun and simple game.

       Anonymous  8/5/17, 5:53 AM  

brain eclipse atm - even with the hints/solutions above, I can't get the pink key :-/

why we take 155 to do the maths?

as the game is already some years old, I guess I'll never found out the how...

anyway, thx Gamershood for this cool game ☺

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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