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Basement Car Escape Walkthrough

Basement Car Escape

Basement Car Escape is a new point and click type escape the room game from CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. Unluckly. You lost the key of the car. Though the car is yours, security doubts on your ownership. now, you will have to divert the security and escape with the car. Good luck and have fun!

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Basement Car Escape Walkthrough

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Found sd and repeared elevator light.

Found rod, looking for a place to use it.

sd under traphic cone, rod under camera btw

Turned off camera using orange button.

at the same place, cannot find anywhere to use the rod.

I have turned on the alarm of the elevator, but I don't know what to do while the guard is repairing the system.

HI @Christina - at same place. Trying to use rod in blue car

oh - lighter in glove compartment

I don't see any hotspot on the cars.

Going in...

how do you turn the alarm on?

I have turned off the camera.

Just joining..

use lighter on fire sensors in ceiling. Get key for blue door

Finally, I could come closer to the blue car while there was no hotspot.

got first aid

And where do you click to get to the blue car? Nothing reacts in my game and the guard is still alert.

I just clicked on the door

Stuck with you Christina.

hello all... going in

stuck with rod and first aid box and fire alarm

I can't seem to find the view with the keys again. I can only get to the blue car (water is on)

put first aid kit on table in room with lockers and take the blood pressure cuff

cannot open first aid kit. tried using the letters in 'first aid' as numbers on phone and entered in code box by desk. but not working also tried 'first aid kit'. still nothing. also have rod - not used yet.

Clicking like mad on the blue car, but nothing is happening.

nvmd - finally got it. I think I have clicked on every key, can't get one. Maybe now that I've posted this I'll get one!

Put First Aid box on table in room and get a
blood pressure thingy.

open red car

@Seawall, I clicked on the car using the rod (many times), then clicked the door handle and it opened.

I have a blood pressure thing from first aid kit, but don't know where to use it

use bp cuff on red car door followed by the rod....to find the worlds smallest credit card

Hi @zoz and thanks

Thanks Zoz and Morgan, but now what to do with blood pressure cuff.

ant out

How do you open the red car?

oh, yeah, the old "Blood Pressure Cuff to break into a car" trick

once again - nevermind... pixely game

Hi all,

Don't know what to do with the CC.

Soooo many games to play, I have to hurry up!

lol! that's a new one on me

hi all! BP cuff on red car door click on pump and then use rod. Credit card under the gas pedal (right pedal)

inserted card into reader by door, but yet to find a code for it....

Number plate of red car!!!

@zoz, tried that, but nothing is working. Think I'll try restarting.

lol, @Jon. Maybe the card is small because it has a really low balance?

note to self... be wary of people carrying blood pressure things while roaming a parking lot

@Jon, once the card goes into the reader you can zoom on the red car license plate for the code...
@Seawall, sorry I couldn't be more help

I fixed the blue wire at the elevator, and switched the camera off, but the guard doesn't appear to be fixing anything.. what have I done wrong?

You have to do things in order. Can't zoom on blue car until you fix the elevator and press the alarm button.

Is everyone out? If not, I might be able to help...

Used the card, punched the code in and the stupid question now... how do I get out?!

game a bit pixelly.

and you can't get in the red car until you get the BP cuff (just click on the first aid kit to open it)

to get out, get back in the red car

@Seawall, press the green button on the elevator panel (not zoomed in), then go in the elevator and press the "Alarm" button. Then the guard will go.

duh, thanks Zoe, I hadn't done everything yet!

to get out, go back to red car and click on the key in the ignition.

miss brasil, return to red car.., and put on the gas.

MissBrasil, Key is into the red car. Drive away.

and not a stupid question - just happened to remember from the intro that one of those cars was mine, lol

@MissBrasil, I think I had to click on the key in the ignition in the red car (it's kind of a gold blob on the dash, to the right) before I could drive off.

Thanks, zoz!

@annaby, so that was your credit card we stole?

where to use credit card?

You have to go into the elevator and turn on the alarm.

Thanks everybody!

@Unknown, zoom on the keypad to the left of the guard's desk and slide the card on the left side. Then enter the code (the door will open once the code is in)

how do u know the code??

Let's all go shopping with annaby's credit card!!!

nevermind...its the numbers on one of the license plates

sheesh... I still haven't found the first aid kit...

lynmilly, find a key on the keyboard, then use it to open the door by the desk; inside is the First Aid kit.

I can't find a credit card or anything else in the red car....but...I have opened a new window a few times....annoying!

nokra, it's a very small credit card on the floor board close to the pedals.

Can't find the rod under the camera (on the left), refreshed, but still do not find it. Where exactly have to click? Am I just eyeless?

Just saw @zoe's comment and found the credit card....TY!

lol @zoz! yes - please everyone, limit your spending with my card!

hi, all any one told me thewalkthrough.

@Katharina - did you find the rod? As I recall, it's very hard to see - just looks like a line on the screen

i have a rod and sd.i'll used sd on switchboard.

@Kathrina look just at the end out the barracade arm for the rod, it's leaning against the wall

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Thx lynmilly, I'll look for it!

@seawall Thanks! got the card out of the car, put it and code in keypad on wall, now stuck again... lol

Found the rod, thx for the hint! Would have never found it without help, was really hard to see for me.

I really expected something to happen AT the keypad when I put the code in...lol...I kept trying different combos, using the C...then just read the comments again....oh, well..not the best game, but okay!
TY for all the great help and comments, @everyone!

what i do with rod.

what door opens? I put in the right code, but can't find an unopened door, unless it's for the black/silver car? LOL

@shaddo - use the rod to break into the red car after using the blood pressure cuff on the door

yeah, and I'm out! Thanks for the help everyone!

@lynmilly - the garage door opens, but you have to get back in the red car and drive through it

annaby where is the blood pressure cuff.

in the first aid kit. Put it on the table in the locker room.
I don't know where you are -
get lighter from glove compartment of blue car
use lighter on ceiling to set off fire alarm
get key from board by guard
use on blue door - that's where you'll find the first aid kit

use for the credit card.

ouT! I could most certainly do without the incessant screeching of the alarm. Others beware.... turn OFF the SOUND if you want to save your eardrums!

Zoom in on box under camera on left hand side of screen.
Press orange button to disable camera.
Zoom out
Select rod from under camera.
Click orange traffic cone at bottom of screen for SD.
Pick up SD.
Zoom back.
Zoom in on panel with 2 red buttons next to elevator.
Use SD on panel.
Click on blue wires to reattach them.
Zoom out.
Click on green button to open elevator.
Enter elevator.
Click on alarm, wait to scare away guard 1.
Exit elevator.
Zoom in on Blue car and click front door.
Enter car, open glove box and pick up lighter.
Exit Car.
Zoom in on fire sensor in middle of screen.
Use lighter to set of sensors and scare away guard 2.
Zoom in on guard desk.
Zoom in on key rack, click on middle row key #6.
Zoom out.
Zoom in on blue door and use key.
Enter room, pick up First Aid Kit and put it on the desk.
Open kit and take blue BP Cuff.
Zoom out to red car.
Zoom in on red car front door.
Use BP cuff between the 2 doors and press bulb to blow up cuff until it disappears.
Use rod to pry open door.
Enter car and take the card from under accelerator pedal.
Exit red car and zoom in on number plate for code.
Zoom out.
Zoom in on guard desk.
Zoom in on number panel (on the left).
Swipe card and enter 4 digit number so lights turn green.
Zoom out to red car.
Jump in red car, turn key and drive away.

Nice WT lauzza81.

Thx for all the hints and the WT, lauzza81, some hotspots were really hard to find for me. After cycling yesterday, today even driving a car - tomorrow possibly an aeroplane?

I needed help escaping.

So, in spite of what the game intro says, did I actually steal the guard's car (with a vanity plate with the access code on it)? Or did the system let me out after entering my own plate number?

Either way, out with a freshly soaked interior :P

liked the game..only I needed the hint for the code!! otherwise I would have never left the garage :/

thanks! :))

weres the number plate

iv know were its at but im clicking all over the red car i cant find it i even clicked on the gold looking plat behind the car any suggestions

@jeffro the license plate is on the front of the red car, but this game only lets you do stuff in a certain order. You can't click it until you did something else first. So I'd recommend that you follow each step in the walkthrough to find the one you are missing.

Good luck :)

Pixel Hunt (w/o puzzle clues)
1) Everywhere, and you need to keep clicking everywhere because after each "step" a new seemingly random place will become clickable.

What a thoroughly awful game!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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