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Escape the Greenhouse Walkthrough

Escape the Greenhouse

Escape the Green House is another point and click room escape game by Ryants30. You need to find items and use them on right places in order to escape the greenhouse. Good luck and have fun!

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have a match (lit) and completely stuck

also a bottle of something

wow i escaped

Out as well. Easy one to start off the morning.

do I set the match to that box of X's I don't know what it is? made he sandpaper and lit match but can't light anything?

Clee, you should have some flammable liquid too. Be sure to "water" the plants.

weeeee! I'm a pyro! got out I really wanted to help the plants though lol

Hi - does anyone know the music - I quite like it

perhaps it is too early but I cannot find anything to light

is anyone still thee?

*there lol

I'm here, Swiss.

oohh finally got it - and out too

Don't know which plant to light either.

Hi Lydia - watering the plants is a bit misleading!

I know I have to pour the pesticide over a plant, but can't seem to do it - I hate drag and drop...

Lydia - there is a painting with flowers - try it there

Errr...anyone still here?

are you out Lydia - I gave you the hint!

Good morning! My plants can't get watered. This bottle doesn't to anything...

Oh, that's it, I'm out.

Sorry Swiss - didn't see that! Thanks.

Out now. That means I can turn the sound on again.

       Anonymous  8/21/11, 2:22 AM  

Thx for posting Megi.

For someones first game it's not bad at all.

A few times my items got stuck in another area in the inventory but they were easy te retrieve and put them back.

Well done Ryan.

This comment has been removed by the author.

i'm stuck... i can't find place to put paper, all i did is "water the plants"
help, anyone?

and can't light match.... :(

is this a pixel hunt? because i just can't light a match, i'm guessing that lighting a match would be "are with sunlight"

ok, i'm now officially giant idiot. you all said it's easy and you all just figured it out how to light a match and how to escape without leaving any clues. i'm the only moron who manged to get stuck. and i'm talking to myself

and i tried to place everything everywhere and ofcourse, nothing.
how can this be an easy game????

       Anonymous  8/21/11, 3:39 AM  

@drinkmilk, I seem to be an idiot as well. Have no clue (usually I do pretty well a these games, but this one is too high for me)

       Anonymous  8/21/11, 3:43 AM  

OK, finally got it, too. Pixel hunt. Place the sandpaper on some floor (where the sun is shining through the door, apply glue and sand and then light the match there. Took me several attempts to manage that.

@randomuser this is not actually easy game, they're all just lying to make us feel stupid. :)
that's the only solution i have, and i guess that game is bugged, because there's apsolutely nothing i can do with box with x's

       Anonymous  8/21/11, 3:44 AM  

Three stars because of first game :)

@randomuser Thank you!!! :) :) finally out.
i won't grade this game, because i was stuck for way too long

ive gotta say it was pretty easy to get out easiest so far i would say

short hint-through

find 3 notes, match, bag of sand, piece of paper, glue and liquid

make sandpaper acc. one note
put piece of paper on floor where the window is
add glue and sand - then strike match to light it
pick up lit match

there is a painting with flowers in one room
pour the liquid on it and light it

your are OUT!

SmwissMiss, I cant get the paper to stick on the floor, I put the pepecide of the painting, cant find the water, its a lot of pixel hunt. Help Please

Nvm I cant believe Im out. I was trying to put the paper down where the picture was. had the wrong area. Thanks for the tip, believe me it helped

Nice easy game except for the watering the plants part.
@swissmiss: The music is a remix of the gerudo valley song from the Legend of Zelda game.

a little sunshine showing on the floor would be nice! Hint about plants was misleading. painting of plants are not considered as plant by most people, you know. It was a good trial, cannot say I loved it though!

Matches? What matches??????

When I first loaded the game, I had no way of interacting with anything at the basket of little white "x"s scene, but refreshing sorted that out. Trouble is, it also gave me a doubled-up track of music, so I unfortunately had to turn the sound off. Shame, because it's a nice little lively piece. =)

I love the "cryptic" clues, which, given the available options, were fairly easy to interpret [as far as I can tell, being stuck].
I just can't find anything which might turn out to be matches!

Lovely little effort, and you get a lot of nice "aha" moments when you realise what the items are and what the notes mean; thank you Ryan. =D

@Rookwings -- look closer at the painting of skyscrapers to find the match. (Lol, one of the first things I found! Had just a match and the glue for quite awhile.)

I found the navigation confusing (kept forgetting you could go though one of the doors) and never thought to burn the picture! But a fair and clever game. Hope to see more from this game maker.

thank you jbg for the music!

This is one example of me being misled by comments, haha. Serves me right for giving up so easily and trying to cheat, haha.
I know it's late-ish, but anyone in the future really needing a walkthrough might appreciate one =) [plus this IS called a walkthrough site. *dig-dig*]

Navigation notes:
There are blue arrows to back out of zoomed areas, and a door to open, but any other areas are accessed by the gaps in the walls at the side, like doorways without doors.
If you spend long enough wandering around here like I did, you'll soon get to know your way around ;)

Long and explicit Walkthrough for a short game, PART ONE:
Start screen shows an inventory with places for 8 items, a door with a small window in the back wall, and walkways/corridors in each side wall. The cursor changes nicely to show you can click them.

Go left.
Click the white object sticking out by the plant and collect a bag full of some little white things.

Click the windowless door to enter and notice a picture of flowers and a container with little white "x"s in that you can zoom in on.

Go left.
Zoom in on the painting of buildings at the back [which had me fooled for ages, not noticing that is was hanging on a picture wire - silly me!] and see the ariels standing up from the buildings. One of them is odd, so, seeing your cursor change on it, click and get a match.
Blue arrow to back out, then click the big metal cupboard on the left.
Get the glue [convieniently labelled "glue", so can't fool anyone].

Go right through the gap, back out using the arrow, then go right again, back to the door with a window in it.

Go right.
Zoom in on the plant on the left, and collect a blank piece of paper.
Back out and click the top half of shelving unit on the right to zoom in. Collect pesticide, and two cream-coloured triangles next to the two books. these are notes.

Back out and zoom in on the lower half of the shelves and get a third note.
Your inventory should be full.

Long and explicit Walkthrough for a short game, PART TWO:

Click each note, which will appear in zoomed/examined view and read them.

The top left one warns you to think sort of "outside the box" in order to work out how to escape.

The bottom right one gives advice about the pesticide. Plants need it used regularly, and the stuff itself is poisonous and inflammable.

The bottom left one gives instructions on how to make sandpaper.

The pesticide does nothing on the plant in this room, so back out and go left.
If you ponder a while, you'll realise there are a few things you can do with your objects, and one is to make some sandpaper.
The sandpaper "recipe" said you would need sunlight, so, if you have noticed enough to realise that this is actually the only window in the whole house, you will know that the paper would need to go here somehow.
No cursor change, but if you try anyway, you'll see you can place the blank paper on the floor.
Drag the glue to put a squiggly line of glue onto it, then drag the bag of little white things, because this is the only thing that could possibly be sand.

Why might you need sandpaper? You have a match and no box to strike it on.
Drag the match to your fantastic home-made sandpaper and it lights.
So why would you need a flame, and what about the plants note?

You could try to set fire to everything in the area before you remember that the pesticide is inflammable, so when you've finished wandering around finding that you can't actually water any living plants, you could try changing your thinking.
The live ones aren't the only ones in the place, and it simply wouldn't be nice to burn them alive [I have that advice from the Vegetable Dignity and Rights Society], so go on another wander, and end up staring at the picture of red flowers. [There are only five scenes, so it isn't hard to find.]

Try dragging the pesticide to the picture, and splash it on all over.
The next thing to do is obvious, so put your pyromaniac hat on and get fire-starting.

Grit your teeth and steel your nerves, then leap into the black void that appears!

This is a game tailor-made for us over-thinkers, so I wrote the above including explanations for why the puzzles are not unfathomable.

Again, thank you Ryan =)

I liked this game! I hope that @Ryants30 will make more extended games soon!

@Rookwings....OMG...that is the best WT I have seen in ages...and I think it deserves a place in @Ellie's Museum of Walkthroughs!!!

@ nokra: hahahahahahahaha! Thank you. XD
I tried to do it so that anyone stuck would still get their "Aha" moments, and so that it would be translateable. Not sure anyone will actually SEE it now, though. Too late probably =D

"This is a game tailor-made for us over-thinkers"

Spot on, Rook!

Well, at the beginning I was thinking, well, not too difficult eh, just look for a spot in the CEILING where sunlight is coming thru.
None found, though. (LOL)

But of course I didn't get the idea of searching at the simplest place for "sunlight".

Thanks Ryan!
Also for not writing the 4135th SAKE game.
(Screwdriver And Key Escape)

Thanks a bunch guys! It means a lot.
Just decided to make this in a month's time. Hopefully I can make another one soon, because that was my first one and it was designed by my 16 year old self :P

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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