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Summer Night Escape Walkthrough

Summer Night Escape

Summer Night Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Tomatea. In this escape game, you try to escape from the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Going in... like these ones :)

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:18 AM  

One fuse from tall cb,
Another from solving Star grid color code. Got key also.

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:19 AM  

Hey Jo.C!!!
Comming for my rescue? LOL

Clue in cupboard, to do with wall pictures I take it

Hi all!
So far: long stick (used), 3 capsules, opend 4-star-drawer and got a key

Hi Catqueen! Same as you so far

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:23 AM  

Hi Anja (Stu)My game doesn't have a stick....please give me a hint.

key is for bathroom. Found cup and filled it with water, another hint on wall

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:24 AM  

Cup from bathroom, filled it with water.

Hello Catqueen!
Stick is in wardrobe!

Filled water in the thing on the table (horn) and got a cube.

use water on 'horn' on table and got dice

got another key from colour drawer, and a game maybe?

With hint from cube I opened the 4-colour-drawer and got another key and a kind of game (?)

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:28 AM  

Dice is clue for lower left drawer. I got a game and another key.
Thanks Anja for the stick :)

done game (for cupboard in bathroom) got another key and tube thing

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:29 AM  

I hear an echo...hahaha

oh and towel

Solved the game and got number for bathroom cupbord. Got antoher capsule (no. 4) and a towel

oh and a key

lol echo! now have ball and handle thing (cannot think what it is called)

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:30 AM  

& another game, wow tomatea - but I don't finish the other one yet...
shall I multitask, lol?
Hello everybody

Put ball in drainpipe and got another dice, and can take the ball back

I'm now in the garden, found a ball, used it to get another cube

Also wet the towl and use it on dirty patch in garden

Got ball back and found a wheel

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:32 AM  

Wet towel gives clue in patio.

Made the towel wet and used it next to the lantern. Used the wheel right side of garden. Now need another key

trying too work out the new dice with the colour code on wall?

ohhh forgot about them signs in the bathroom!

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:37 AM  

I must solve the code for the upper left drawer but have no clue yet. Hint from the bathroom?

it's probably to do with them

lol yes Catqueen, that's what i'm thinking
Can't do it yet

phew done it!
Join them together like the colours on the wall

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:40 AM  

I also put the wheel next to the safe in garden, but it doesn't work.
Jo I'm still puzzled about that code too.

now sorting out the pipes in the garden :)

OUT! Enjoyed that one

Don't get the code from bathroom! Tought it was: x and + together, star and circle with +, but don't work!
Help please?!?

Are you still stuck Catqueen?

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:44 AM  

Jo doesn't work for me, I have:
Orange= O+X
Green= < + > (triangles)
Purple= O + +

Never mind - now it worked suddenly!!!

I wrote the signs down from the bathroom and the oin the colours, say it was red + blue, then i added the red from one side and connected it to the blue on the other sideto make a shape. Sorry it's hard to explain.

I think the first sign was a star/ flower shape and the end one was one oif the wheels with the cross in it

Don't know what that 'oin' is meant to mean above that I just wrote lol.

And out too - that was a great game!!!

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:47 AM  

Thx Jo. Pfeeewww got it too, but it was too fast to see what I did. Got a box now.

Hi everyone! I can't solve the puzzle with starfish. I've tryed everything.Please, help!

may be its short for 'happy oin' LOL
you guys are so fast at posting, but I've made it out!

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:49 AM  

Put ball, game and dice in box for another clue.

doris, think of them all turning around anti-clockwise. So the one at the top left moves to the bottom right and the others move round

I have just noticed I am really bad at trying to describe and explain things lol

Lol LNS, maybe! I have NO idea

Thank you Jo.C! I'll try it...

I had a sinking feeling when I saw those pipes, if anyone else hates those putype of puzzles - don't panic - they actually only work one way

now I've just done the same - what on earth is a putype!

Hopefully that will work doris, I think the two on the right side were both red

hi all i cant solve the starfish either. thanks but im just not getting it :(

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 6:53 AM  

Out too. The hardest thing was the upper left drawer.
I'll wait for Doris to get out

LOL LNS, I have passed the random words syndrome onto you

pop got it :)

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I' ve tryed all combinations clockwise or anticlockwise. Nothing works...

How can i get the pipe from under the bed?

Catqueen, thanks so much for waiting! If you could let me know what to do with stars, I'll be out soon...

I did it!!!!! Thank you Jo! They are 2 red as you said!

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 7:02 AM  

Upper left drawer:

Orange = flower with small leaves
Green= star
Purple= O with a + in it.

I hope this makes sense

btw I love you type errors... putype?? hahahaha

April get the stick from the cupboard

doris, I will go back in and have a look for you

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 7:02 AM  

April, there is a stick in the tall cb

Oh well done doris. I don't need to go back in now :)

April - look in the wardrobe for a stick
Doris - do you mean the orange green purple shapes?

I have all the fuses and the exit key, but I can't leave because I don't know where the fuses must be placed.

OK its official - random words rule - Games2rule have just posted a 'petty' room escape!

By the way, that made perfect sense Catqueen, better than me trying to explain that drawer! I was hopeless lol

Pascale you should have a key to the cupboard at the back of the garden. the 'pipes' go there

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 7:08 AM  

Pascale, open the safe with the key.

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 7:10 AM  

Jo. so that's why this blog is: to help eachother :)

The safe I mentioned is the same as Jo's cb in the garden.

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 7:11 AM  

I really need to hurry.
It's our wedding day and we're going to eat at a Japanese restaurant. Otherwise I would write a wt. Sorry.

Thank you all and till next time.

Congratulations Catqueen!! Enjoy your Japenese food (wish I had some)

Do you mean you anniversay by the way?

If so, it was mine yesterday lol

I've done everything but the drawer with letters gives the message "no clue"...

yeah did it thank you all for all your help :)


need to learn how to type again!

doris, have you got the ball? Put it in the drainpipe for another dice. I think this is the one you are talking about

Catqueen, congrats!!!! Best wishes!!!

Catqueen, What a wonderful day for you! Congratulations and all the very best wishes.

have a nice day Catqueen, congratulations!

Jo, thanks, but I've already done this. I have also put the dice and ball in a box. I got the dice with letters. I guess it's the hint for upper right drawer, but I get "I have no clue for this". i hope it's not a bug...

Sorry, I meant the lower right drawer

hi got all pipes but no key for safe in garden. where is it please???

Hi, cant get that darn lower right drawer to let me solve the puzzle....also have placed the valve but can not turn it to maybe turn on fish fountain?

See? That's what I'm saying. This drawer doesn't work!

I'm going to wash my dishes, until someone gives an answer for this. Lol!

Ok sorry, going back in as i am not sure which one you mean

Thank you Jo C and Catqueen ! I just missed the view with this cupboard !

?=?? hello?? how to open safe in garden please

Well, I've solved this puzzle, but nothing else happens ?!

POP ! A valve... then the last key !

ok that drawer is used with the second dice, give me a minute and I will try and help a bit more

Sue, I guess there's a key in lower right drawer. IF we manage to open it...

HELP placed valve, opened all cb´s have 5 pipes, no key for safe
what am i missing

When you open the box you got from the top left cupboard and put the ball, game and dice in. A code comes up which has a dog, owl, owl, rabbit.

Look at the dice and it shows the colours and animal shapes.

So it spells 'DOOR', put that in and get the key which is for the cupboard in the garden

I think the 'safe' being mentioned is the cupboard thing at the back of the garden. Once you place all the pipes, turn the handle and get the exit key from the fountain

Enjoyed this one :)

I'm starting over...

but WHERE to place the pipes???

The box accepts only the small dice and the ball. The other dice does not enter in the box. It has all those hints with animals, but still does not work on the drawer.

sue, in the cupboard at the back of the garden! It has been mentioned above

Do you have the key?

You need to put the game in the box, not the other dice

@ doris... the game is the 3. thing for box...the clue appears

I am too stupid to find spot for pipes

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 8:04 AM  

TY @Tomatea,
for another wonderfull,beautiful & clever game!

Missed it live, 'cause today they were/are a huge lot of other games & I unfortunately I can't play all at the same time (& also writing WTs)...

Anyway, I enjoyed it very much!

Sue, thank you! It drove me mad!!!! I thought I was over with the game...

And OUT!!!
Thanks to anyone who helped!

Sue, about pipes, you can just turn them so that they fit together best way.

WHy does nobody answer me... I dont know what to do with the pipes??

Goes like a puzzle.

hm, where? i dont know nwhere to put them!!!

Sue, start from the ones at the edges.

Imagine, you have to connect them all together so that they all get water.

call me stupid...where in the game, what edges..i clicked everywhere

You just click on them and they turn around.

Sue, stay calm. You have to open the box in the garden (behind the swing). There, you put your pipes. Then you click on them.
I'll try to download the picture for you.

well i quit

i am in the garden highlight the pipes and nothing happens... i cant turn them

doi i have to attach them somewhere

Finaly a game I could finish on my own. Have to go, sorry that I can't be of any help (if needed).

Cupboard solutions (but you need to see the hints before you can open them)

Top right-
Green star Red star
Yellow star Red star

Top left-
Orange flower/ star, green star, purple circle with + in the middle

Bottom left (using numbered dice)-
Yellow, green, red, blue

Botton right-
yellow D, Blue O, Blue O, Orange R

i quit

no1 explains me...or i am too stupid to ask.

where do they go...i cant turn them in inventory

Did you open the box with the chain on it?

sue.... in the back garden there is a cupboard at the far right at the back. Use the key and place the pipes in there!

oh my god ppl... I aked 30 minutes ago

I dont have a key??? where is it???

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First, you open the box in the garden. Then you highlight your 5 pipes (they have to be 5). Then you turn them.

in one of the cupboards I think

Sue, key comes after you put the code in lower right cupboard. (DOOR).

i did - no key

Have you opened all the cupboards?

Sue, I' m playing it for 3d time. There's a key in lower right cupboard. Check your inventory again.

Unfortunatelly, I can't download the picture of pipes. Once you open the chain, then it's piece of cake.

They key for the cupboard in the garden is in the 'DOOR' cupboard inside.

I just played again to check

Sue, r u still here?

O.K. Thanks again anyone who helped, and most of all tomatea. Bye

Excellent - five stars, as always!!!

This may help with the pipes: When turning them, if it looks like they don't fit together, then it's wrong. They actually do fit - I started with the pipes on the outside to make them match the borders, and then worked inward, but that's just me....

I think sue has gone, we tried too help you sue maybe you needed to restart because the key was definately in that cupboard where you had to put the yellow D, two blue O's and the orange R. Spelling DOOR.

Oh my God. I apologize to all you out there!!!

I didnt see that key in cb. Sorry for being a bit rude in my writings.
I thought i´d go crazy here.
Anyway, thx for help...
out ...finally

Well done sue.

At least you weren't going crazy, in future just remember to check all cupboards properly lol

Wow...this is a tough one for me today!
I have no idea how to solve the drawers...I am just using spoilers for them...I think I got one on my own!
The bottom right one is not ready to be solved...and I can't find any more clues!
What do I do after I put the valve next to the safe outside? Nothing happened for me, and I don't understand the comments ....
Anyone still there to give me a hand? Please? Thanks!


I just started thisone and i am already stuck with the star grid drawer, i don´t get the wall pic hint.

POP got it by chance :)

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 10:34 AM  

Long time lurker, first time poster... Where is the valve? I had a key left in my inventory, have all the pipes placed, and then the key disappeared...

And out !! These games belong to my favorites, 5 stars :)

The valve is in the view where you took the ball back (outside left side) It is right in the pink bush.

@ 250a1852-c8f7-11e0-a3e valve is in garden left side down beside bush

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 10:40 AM  

You guys rock, completely missed it.

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Had to read a few hints to get through this one, putting the ball etc. in the box was what tripped me up.

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 2:03 PM  


Note: before you can solve the puzzles, you need to find the hints first.

Hints / Solutions below


- take PIPE #1/5 on plant shelf left of armoire
- open armoire for a STICK & STAR hint
- use stick under bed for PIPE #2/5
- look at the three star pictures above bed
- solve star puzzle on cupboard for PIPE #3/5 & bathroom KEY

- take CUP left of flower vase & fill it with water from shower
- note coloured SHAPE hints on wall

- use water from cup in snail shell on little table for DICE
- solve colour puzzle on cupboard for forecourt KEY & GAMEPAD
- play game for CODE for bathroom-cupboard

- open cupboard with code from game for PIPE #4/5 & a TOWEL
- wet the towel with water from shower

- open glass door with key from colour puzzle
- take BASEBALL on hollywood-swing
- take VALVE under flowers on the left (drainpipe)
- use wet towel right of drainpipe (lantern view) for COLOUR hint
- put baseball in drainpipe-hole for LETTER DICE
- take letter dice AND baseball back (flower view)

- solve coloured-shape puzzle for BOX
- put (number) dice, gamepad & baseball in box for ANIMAL hint
- solve coloured-letter puzzle for PIPE #5/5 & pipe puzzle KEY

- open cupboard behind fish fountain with key from letter puzzle
- put the pipes from inventory to the others in cupboard
- solve the pipe puzzle
- put the valve in slot right of pipe cupboard & turn it for water in fish fountain
- take escape KEY out of fountain & use it on door

After this amazing escape, take a boat in harbour & enjoy a wonderful full moon night on sea...





- STARS (top right): star pictures above bed (armoire hint), continue pattern

- (top left): use hint next to drainpipe outside & picture hint in bathroom
---> combine colours & shapes
R+Y=O ---> R/cross + Y/cross = O/flower
Y+B=G ---> Y/triangle + B/triangle = G/6-star
B+R=Pu --> B/circle'vertical-line + R/circle'horizontal-line = Pu/+-circle

- COLOURS (bottom left): numbered colours on dice

- LETTERS (botton right): combine hints from box & letter dice
Y/D(og)-B/O(wl)-B/O(wl)- O/R(abbit)

- goal: red ball shall go to the green dot
R-D-L-U-R-D-L-U-R-D (gives code: 3231)

unfortunately, I still haven't learn, how to use imageshack or similar
but I can give you the turns of each pipe tile (from left to right & & top to bottom):

       Anonymous  8/17/11, 2:47 PM  

Unfortunately, as I noticed in replaying, pipes are always in other order in each game / for each player...
So, I would be very grateful, if someone could post a picture link...

& for that matter - coloured-shape puzzle:
Y+B=G ---> Y/triangle + B/triangle = G/6-star

but there are TWO stars with 6 edges, so take the one looking more flat than long

Can't reach the pipe under the bed

haha got it

Solved all on my own. Other than finding the stick (lol!), the most difficult for me was seeing the pattern in the stars for the upper left cupboard. I traced the positions of the yellow and green stars, then put the red in the remaining spots.

Bottom right cupboard shouldn't need the clue from the bottom left -- the colors were enough to know what the answer was supposed to be!

Goal of the pipe puzzle is connect in-pipe on far left right to out-pipe on far right with no leaks.

I too needed FOREVER to get the star grid pattern.

For everyone still stuck...

Mentally number patterns from 1, 2, 3, 4 (where the 4th is the one to build)

Now look at ODD and EVEN patterns in the sequence separately. (Do NOT mix them and get yourself yet more confused)

What does the final screen say?



Yes, in double sense: Tomatea indeed achieves a great success with his games! =D Well done as usual.

I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but in case anyone has trouble, the pipes in the puzzle have highlights and shadows which only look right when it's completed, which a big help when solving.

I didn't use the shadows as a guide but I just looked whether the pipes were flush or not!
Because, if one pipe is adjoining to the other(s) but has to be flipped, you can easily spot when the pipe is not flush to its adjoining one!
It will then be some fractions of an inch too low or too high.

Really enjoyed this one :)!

Thanks premiere - great WT. I usually need help with these games, but this one was really tough for me.

great game - great WT

only needed it to find the spot to use the rag - that view eluded me !

Really nice room designs!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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