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Alien Ship Escape 4 Walkthrough

Alien Ship Escape 4

Alien Ship Escape 4 is a new point and click type escape the room game from CafeCafeGames and JuegosDeEscape.Net. You are trapped in a space ship and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Hi guys =) and girls :))


Played some old Kotorinosu games while waiting,
very nice.

YAY!!!! ALKMARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I'm in!!!!!!!

blue card and sd ( behind cupboard) in second view ( goes right)

A medal a laser and a light, opened 4# box and a wing used.

BTW hi everybody.

found a live one and you are here :D :D YEAH

screwdriver next to grey balls cupboard (bottom right corner)

Just joining

Count rivits for vending machine.

Found also a vent by doing the ball code.

got a red thing from green locker...where did it go???

play botton don't work for me ... buuuhuuuhuuuuuuu

LOOOOL... should have tried "start" instead of "play"

Second medal by solving the dial code.

Unscrewed a window.

LOL...inventory box at the top...very high up on my window....lol

9963 for dials

Sabine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lololol..for this you didnt answer my plops!! :P

I have two alien faces, win (used), a blue card and a rocket

Dials are 9962 :)

And nokra is here too =)

Sorry i mean 9963

lol..and zazie...well..hello to all escapers..and going back to the alien ship..I am far behind , i guess :))

Planets in window for grey ball sizes (right to left)

have a laser.... in view with violet desk... at the bottom of the screen

Put the window, vent and red thing on rocket for another face

Metal bar from stool.

Where is rocket ?

Metal bar is leaver on spring.

Use metal bar under Tv screen.

alkmar... no plops for me... maybe because I'm too stupid today... ehem... today? ok... I'm also far behind... don't know what to do with that laser...

Out - use laser on the stool

I am out LOL

aarghh..I am so stuck...that happends if you dont play for such a long time :/ @sabine..shine the laser to me..maybe i can see it :P

I put the wing, window, and vent on rocket...but nothing happened...what did I miss?

Thanks @ miles!!

alkmar, I don't remember which scene, but look at lower right corner in each one. It barley sticks out

Alkmar where are you stuck ?

how do you get that planet size? there are sooooo much planets in this window...

got the medal...

So you're out then?

*shining laser to alkmar* did you see me???? I only see planets... but no size...

and another medal :))

@zazie..same like @sabine..the planets..seeing to many balls.. o-O

Sabine - I just brute forced it. Sorry!

Sabine it was big, small, middle

have a freaky coin now... from using metal bar on this odd tv

Got it...the red thing from the box I used the card on ...I think...now out!

lol..and a medal from balls with dot( by accident..just did some turning)

lol Sabine! I thought it was an alien face - turns out it's a medal

haha... thanks @Zazie... the only combination I never tried...

SD is used on the right round window.

@ zazie..why it is : big, small, middle?

Alkmar, if you look at the planets beginning one screen right of starting screen you see this order.

ok @miles... a medal... fine... for the door... only have one... and I wonder how you got the solution for the dials... whats up today? only planets in my mind...

The planets in the window...show size...but I usually don't know where to start the clues in these games....they do always go clockwise, though!

The dial solution is the number 9963 (think like a clock)

Get tail fin, window, vent, fuse to build rocket.

They always start to the right from the starting screen.

The dials clue are in the first scene...numbers on a box!

hehe... dismantled the window...

got it @zazie!! ( the planets solutions)

why i cant put the window, vent and other thing at the rocket??

ohhhhhhhhh... its the dial solution... thanks a lot... and I thought I have smth else to do with that coin machine, because it doesn't work with this numbers...

Did you put the missing red wing already ?

Red wing was in the colours button machine i guess.

..lol..got it :)) already..

@alkmar...The wings has to go first...at least it was that way for me....

out =) woow..thanks for the help!!!!

The green cb i mean (solution : earth, air, water and fire)

for me too @Nokra ;-)

Congrats alkmar :)

The coin machine is the rivets in the rocket

Yea @alkmar!!!1 And @sabine???? are you out?

are you all out??? eeek... far behind... because I can't get this coin machine... until now I have 3 medals

It took me a while to figure out to use the card in the box...I was looking for a key...lol

@ RSA Momma Cyndi ... thanks a lot... will try this

four sets of rivets/dots on the rocket....for the coin machine

gonna try the game again @sabine..

LUV YA ALL... would have been totally lost in this game... why don't I never get behind the hints in the alien ship games???

are you sure @alkmar??? I'm so happy I'm finally out ;o)

@sabine..you are out??? well..than----> Hoooray!!!


I went to cbox...nobody there!

no cbox visitors??-

WAH (where and hints)

- Card; on the table in the grey table scene.
- Screwdriver; right behind the grey cabinet in the grey table scene.
- Laser; bottom right in the purple round table scene.
- Light; use the card in the purple round table scene.
- Window; use the screwdriver on the right window in the purple round table scene.
- Metal bar; use the laser on the stool in the grey table scene.
- Wing; from doing the colour code in the grey table scene.
- Vent; from doing the ball sizes code in the grey table scene.

- The 4 dials code in the rocket scene; look at the numbers in the scene with the exit door
- The 4 colours code in the grey table scene; look at the colours (from left to right) in the scene with the exit door.
- The 4-digit code in the vending machine scene; Look at the rivets (from left to right) on the rocket in the rocket scene.
- Size of balls code in the grey table scene; Look (starting in the door scene, going right) at the size of the coloured (not grey) planets in every window

- From doing the dials in the rocket scene.
- From using the metal bar on the blue box thingy in the vending machine scene.
- From doing the 4-digit code on the vending machine.
- From putting the wing, the window, the vent and the light on the rocket.

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