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Junk Escape Walkthrough

Junk Escape

NinjaMotion - Junk Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ninja Motion. In this game you have to find objects and solve puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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got a key - turned machine on but nothing happens and got 3 pieces of colored tiles
and stuck

Two pieces from the drawers and stuck.

small - I need help

2 games at once. Let´s try this first.

Where's the key?

Got another piece (that breaks into two pieces) from below the arrow stand.

found 2 pieces of key and 3 puzzle pieces.

You get half a key from under the drawers?

you can take a pink tile of one of the others - so 4 parts and then they fit in square box on wall and give 4 digit code

Thanks Leroy.
There's another key piece on top of tv.

Just used code turned something on I think....

put 4 digit in machine and now get a colored clue from "mailboxslit" -
stuck again

Ok now "turned on TV" and rattled the screen off??

Still missing the third part of the key?

small you only need 2 pieces for the key

leroy how did you turn tv on

There´s no 3rd part of key. I`m out.

pop brute force did it

After turn TV on click its screen till it fall out.

Well, why can't I make a key then?

roberto how do you convert the last code

small - highlight the long bit and then add the yellow bit

Com bine 2 parts using about item ST.

Im too lazy to work out colour and number order for second code so if someone wants to spoil it??? LOL

See the shape of arrow.

Nvm. Scrolled too much, didn't see the about item button.

Thanks Roberto, out too now.

thanks roberto
and out too

it says normal end - does it have another one?

But how can it have another end. When the door opens the game ends!?

Ah, you can find a white key too after you found the black key. It's behind that code panel there.

And when you open the door with the white key you have the Perfect End.

Good find small-tool!

Geez, I wish so much that those game developers would always implement a save-button when there are multiple endings...


- Zoom in on top of the tv and take the First Half of the KEY.

- Zoom in on the floor below the arrow and take PIECE 1 from behind the stand.
- About item that piece, flip it over and take PIECE 2.

- Open the second from the top drawer and take PIECE 3.
- Open the bottom drawer and take PIECE 4.
- Zoom in below the drawers and take the Second Half of the KEY. About item and make them a YELLOW KEY.

- Open the yellow box, put all 4 pieces in and see the FIRST CODE (8765). Also see PART 1 of the SECOND CODE;
The colours are;
- Alos see PART 2 of the SECOND CODE; the arrow itself and if you combine that with the first part you know the order is; P-B-R-G
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Zoom in on the code panel on the right and use the first code there and now there's a hint in the panel/hole on the left.
- Zoom in on that panel hole on the left and see the PART 3 of the SECOND CODE; 4321 in red-blue-green-purple and combined with the other hints it gives you; 1342

- Zoom in on the yellow box and open it with the yellow key and turn the power on.
- Turn the tv on (button at the bottom left) and nothing happens. But now you can keep on clicking the tv-screen till it comes off.
- Zoom in on that code panel inside the tv and use the second code and click the yellow button next to it and you can take the BLACK KEY. With that key you can go out for the NORMAL END, but you don't want that, so click the pink button above the yellow button and the code panel opens and you can take the WHITE KEY.
- GO RIGHT (2x)

- Use the white key on the door (keyhole) and go out with a PERFECT END.

Thanks roberto,

The big arrow and box beside it gives,
Purple, Blue, Pink, Green.

Then use the that order from letterbox clue.

My God small, I write a little comment
and you've posted a walkthrough,

       Anonymous  10/5/11, 12:03 PM  

Out with a peek on the hint for turning the tile... like the spurring music.
another WT-thank, @s-t!
(I think, I'll take out a gratitude-subscription for your WTs, lol)

lol awesome jungle music =D

Back to his best with this one, no stupid mini-arcade-games


       Anonymous  10/7/11, 8:40 PM  


- Zoom in on top of the tv and take the First Half of the KEY.

- Zoom in on the floor below the arrow and take PIECE 1 from behind the stand.
- About item that piece, flip it over and take PIECE 2.

- Open the second from the top drawer and take PIECE 3.
- Open the bottom drawer and take PIECE 4.
- Zoom in below the drawers and take the Second Half of the KEY. About item and make them a YELLOW KEY.

- Open the yellow box, put all 4 pieces in and see the FIRST CODE (8765). Also see PART 1 of the SECOND CODE;
The colours are;
- Alos see PART 2 of the SECOND CODE; the arrow itself and if you combine that with the first part you know the order is; P-B-R-G
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Zoom in on the code panel on the right and use the first code there and now there's a hint in the panel/hole on the left.
- Zoom in on that panel hole on the left and see the PART 3 of the SECOND CODE; 4321 in red-blue-green-purple and combined with the other hints it gives you; 1342

- Zoom in on the yellow box and open it with the yellow key and turn the power on.
- Turn the tv on (button at the bottom left) and nothing happens. But now you can keep on clicking the tv-screen till it comes off.
- Zoom in on that code panel inside the tv and use the second code and click the yellow button next to it and you can take the BLACK KEY. With that key you can go out for the NORMAL END, but you don't want that, so click the pink button above the yellow button and the code panel opens and you can take the WHITE KEY.
- GO RIGHT (2x)

- Use the white key on the door (keyhole) and go out with a PERFECT END.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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