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Maths Room Escape Walkthrough

Maths Room Escape

123Bee Maths Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. Two friends were studying together in the room. One girl leaves the room and absent mindedly locks her friend inside and goes away. The other girl has to leave the room and she could only do it by solving the maths puzzles found in the room. Please help her come out. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tinni]

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Hallo @ all

Terrible at the maths but gonna give it a try.

stuck at shapes and fractions :( other than that i would be out. im so terible at maths...

Hi everyone... joining you (hope there is no maths in the maths room lol, doubt it?)

going in ...

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Have three bits of paper, 'gramophone record' and box


got hammer

Four bits of paper, one was behind the books

count ball jumps for number code


dont get the color puzzle

oh sorry, its on the head

i'm out!


i think there a glitch with the shape puzzle!

and out ...


jake: why??? did the mouse hit them?

yeap it was a glitch as soon as i refreshed it was ok

I have had no prob --- its a half bug :-)


Put the rat on the shelf with the hammer.

The triangle is actually 3/4.

I hope one day they will change the music!

where did you get a rat and color code does not work for me.

NVM had to restart. color wheel was glitched. out now.

The door opened before I could write the last number.
So all I got for the door code is 452? But thats enough!

Thanks EGWandOUT for the colour code. ;)

I'm not entirely convinced by the logic in this game, but then I've just been spoiled by the detarou "Nani Kono Quest" posted today =)

[Written as I played]
Bear in mind that you need to see hints before things work.

Zoom in on the tennis balls and click each to bounce them. Count the bounces.

Zoom in on the drawers and enter the code from the tennis balls.
Get a hammer.
The top drawer contains a box.
Click to open it and get the protractor out. This will show you the angles needed for the code numbers with degrees.
Get the paper piece from the box.
Without zooming out from the drawers, click on the books on the top.
Get a paper piece.
In the bottom drawer is a set of paint botles. Leave it open to see how to solve the clock puzzle.

Zoom in on the clock and enter the colours in tone order. The grey buttons are the ones to change. The red, yellow and blue are there as a reference for you.
get a piece of paper and an ancient gramophone. [a 19th century iPod] ;)

Now zoom in on the "degrees" buttons and enter the amount of degrees for each angle depicted above.
If you enter them correctly you get a gramophone record and two pieces of paper.

Click the gramophone to get a zoomed-in view and use the record on it. Click the needle to get the music playing.
Click the red "X" to close this view.
Zoom in by the rat hole and drag the record player to the right-hand side.
Little Ratty emerges, hair all "Brylcreemed" and jiving furiously.
Pick him up [you party-pooper].

Click the shapes shelf to zoom in and put Ratty on the left.
Give him the hammer [can you FEEL the rage at being dragged away from his music?].
He has broken parts of all the shapes.
Estimate the amounts of each shape with cracks in and enter these numbers as fractions in the buttons underneath.
Get a paper piece.

With all six paper pieces you have a whole note, so drag one piece to the main screen to assemble it.

Now, I really hadn't the slightest clue as to what this note was telling me, but with the help of KatesKat [thank you] and a bit of brute-forcing, I opened the exit door.


Spoiler for tennis balls/ drawer code:

Spoiler for paints:
Nice screenie given above in the comments by EGWandOUT at 11/28/11 8:59 AM. I couldn't top that for an explanantion =)
In the tradition of extra-spoiling for the colour-blind, I have counted the clicks in a clockwise direction.
I use the red, blue and yellow spots as reference also:

Spoiler for angles:
60, 90, 45, 20 [I don't know the ASCI code for the degrees sign, but I can do this one Þ, haha]

Spoiler for fractions:
One quarter, one half, three quarters, one[whole]
The last figure is also four over four, but the one is the correct option in this case, and the shape is a pentagon [five-sided].

Spoiler for exit door code:

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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