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The GoKart 2011 Christmas Puzzle Walkthrough

The GoKart 2011 Christmas Puzzle

The GoKart 2011 Christmas Puzzle is another brain teaser movie based riddle game developed by Creo from RiddleX. Try to solve all levels by using your riddle solving skills. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  12/25/11, 11:41 AM  

I felt attracted by the image in the game description...
Funny layout & I solved the first level of my own, YEAH!
But will not go further (at least not without hints, LOL)...
Therefore: GL, riddlers on the roof!
Merry Xmas!

I can help with a few hints, but this is a competition riddle (I didn't think we were allowed to post it at all ;) )
Ask away.....

Hey guys! Just wanted to stop by and wish all EG24 escapers a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!


I think the only thing i'm worse at than these riddle games is a movie based riddle game. Just as well, since I'd probably break my neck on a Go Kart!
Good luck everyone, and Happy Christmas!

Why post it now LOL when I am suffering from Xmas head disease?

Dont like 9... Why cant I see the image clearly??? LOL or is that the clue????

A riddle game with only 6 comments in almost 12 hours?!

well. i found 2 answers and i'm kinda stuck.


Nobody plays this?
Found half of the answers...

What is 16? A name of these song?

i'm playing. got 4 answers now. but 16.. no idea

16 is a quote from Lord of the Rings


The wizard

Starts with a "G and" ends with an alf :)

don't look too closely at 9! Perhaps stand back when you click......

well i got 6 so far. 2,5,6,12,14,16

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RSA.....answers are not allowed to be given for this game. I know you are trying to help others but please respect the wishes of the game creator :)

Sorry Jonthewatch.

I will retract my number 6 answer

Thanks RSA :) Riddles are so different from escape games....the makers hate answers being given for some reason....I personally don't mind!

1. the song is written by one of the Beetles
5. it was a machine for making code during the second world war - a riddle
6, semaphore
11. a very old series with Ben Cartwright and his sons

???? better ????

Hi @RSA, thank you ...

My doubts was for 11 not 16...LOL

But got both, tks...
For 13: I have all names of animals but what is left didn't give a good word.
Could someone help me?

No clue Lulu. Sorry

I'm not in the US nor do I have (at my age) any need for a go-cart so it was a pretty preliminary look at the clues.

lulu.....check animals.....quail, emu, newt.....

Hi Jon...
For the second one I had another name(o*****h)
hum...some animals have more names...
tks...gonna to check them

I got
bat, ostrich, newt, flamingo, giraffe, panda. koala, zebra, seahorse, vulture, hedgehog, cat, whale, quail, lion, unicorn, jellyfish

Now find the missing Animals.....and an anagram!

hum...for vulture I had other name...tks
I have the same now...
But it can be two words?

Well the missing animals would be an aardvaark, dog, monkey,and yak. Don't think there is one with an X.

oh and rhino

Hi @RSA, tks for the list...I got it!!...
Take the letters that aren't there and make a word .

I'm hating that bee on 15....Help!!...

Good stuff Lulu.
Still don't get it but as long as you do :)

@RSA take 9 letters missing then anagram

not getting anything from 15 at all.
It would help if they gave a soundtrack. Those I am good with.

Oh for goodness sakes !!!!

If you take the B out of bicycle what do you have?

Think winter and the things that drip down from the roof.

Stuck on 3, 5, 12, 13, 18.
Tried to post on Go Kart forum but registration asks for animal at wheel of go kart. I tried raccoon, hamster, squirrel, rat with "invalid answer" so it locked me out!
Tried to anagram leftover letters after seeing that it is a hedgehog (thanks RSA Momma Cyndi) but ended up with watery mix.

Got 13. Thought it was a dolphin.

Still stuck on 3, 12, 18.
I am a math teacher so you would think I could get number 12! Right?
3 wise men, 12 drummers, 12 apostles, 1 Santa. What am I missing?

Tks RSA..got 15...


#5 - Get the image and google
#12- simple math, elementary
#13- post from @RSA 12:24 and @jon 12:26

need help on #3, #14, #17, #18

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3, 14 OK

Just missing 17 and 18...help!!Need clues

the clue for #17 refers to the heading at the top of the page. Look at letters 8 through 12 and then add the most common letter in the alphabet.
Haven't solved #18. The clue was "took second place in Eurovision" but that didn't help me.

Still clueless for #3.

tks @Tarisa,
Got 17...now trying 18

your welcome.
Regarding #12....are my "ingredients" correct?
wise men=3
santa = 1 (or 0)

Hi @Tarisa...
Yes, they are corrects..

3 wise men x 12 drummers + 12 apostles + 1 Santa.
Did you do the math? Then go to a certain table...

Just take last letters

thanks lulu. Didn't realize I had to use the table.
Will work on 3 using your clue.
Have been trying forward and backward versions for #18 for 2 days. Hope you have better luck than me.

For 18:
I'm wondering if I should write the answer backwards ..

Got 3. Now just have 18. Am going to try to anagram the 17 letters that I have to figure out the Solution. From there I can deduce what letter 18 starts with.

I think the song is playing backwards in #18 but I am trying answers forwards and backwards.
Tried anagramming the 17 letters and think I got 1 of the words but not sure what the solution is.
Do you remember what the clue was for the Final Solution?

also tried the anagram of 17 letters, but there are so many solutions ...

I am on the forum but there aren't any clues for the final solution ...

Found the clue:
Click on "How to Play" on the page and it says the letters will anagram to 3 words (2 words start with the same letter) which describes a Xmas location which is the solution.
Forum replies from yesterday have been deleted. Don't know why.

I am going to step back and play other games for now. Maybe my brain will function better tomorrow.

Thank you @Tarisa
Now I got sleepy,
Will try it tomorrow...Have a nice dreams...thanks for sharing hints

Finished the game.
@Tarisa, in forum there is a good hint for level 18.
If you need more send me a mail I'll help you.

       Anonymous  12/28/11, 5:39 AM  

I don't understand the hole 14 and the clue don't speak to me either. I used to think about some cipher but that doesn't mean any sense.

Silmarwen for 14 you need the numbers of the snowman, only one of the snowman with the blue hats is the right one.

@Silmarwen Pandrose, the clue for 14 on the puzzle was not speaking to me too. I found the answer using the hint posted in the official forum.

hi @chipsi.

I'm now stuck on the final part. I have:

- all 18 answers from the holes
- the clues from the how to play
- the secret hint that tells me exactly the number of letters in each word

I just can't find the place. May I have the beginning letter of the middle word, please?

       Anonymous  12/28/11, 8:43 AM  

Thanks for the help. Done on the last question. I don't want the gokart so it's not so important for me to solve it. Thanks again for the help :) Merry new year eve to everyone :)

Hi @Ruff, I can't help you, because I am still trying to find the right three words.

Yay!!! I've solved the final puzzle. I don't want the GoKart but I would request the author to donate it to the local charity if I've won.

For the final puzzle, no anagram would work. Just list out all the letters and try to mix and match them as if you are playing scrabble.

For the final words, use http://www.ssynth.co.uk/~gay/anagram.html and allow proper nouns.

Finished! Thanks a lot @faltu couldn't have done it without this anagram solver!

You are welcome Chipsi!!! Congrats!!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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