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Santa Toy Factory Escape Walkthrough

Santa Toy Factory Escape

Santa Toy Factory Escape is another new point and click room escape game developed by Games2rule. Today night the Christmas Eve, Santa want to deliver gifts to the kids but the gift packing works are bending in Santa toy factory. So Santa locked the factory and said to elf’s finish all the works then get a key. So help elf to finish the works and escape from Santa toy factory to celebrate the Christmas with us. Have a great fun play!

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Elf on the right opened a box and gave me a stack toy. Elf on top of the machine threw it in. Machine is running, but can't figure out anything else.

hi friends. let me wish you all a merry and peaceful christmas

Can make different color and size packages, but no idea what I'm doing or why.

got the gifts, figuring out wat to do with them... hi all

Wrap the gifts using the clues on the pillar and the sheet of paper.

Wish I had a machine like that! Guess I better get going on wrapping the old fashioned way. Merry Christmas everyone!

Looks like I'm missing a pacifier, ball, ring, and guitar. Any ideas where they are?

Deep Thinker: they are not there:)
Merry Christmas everybody and a happy, healthy and safe 2012!
Have fun!

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mlmaietta: you do'nt need paper, just the paperhint. Give the present to the elf on the machine.

       Anonymous  12/24/11, 9:26 AM  

Don't have the pacifier, ball, ring, and guitar either. But wrapped 10 presents and now I have a monkey which not have a clue on the pillar.

Merry Xmas to everybody on EG24!!

       Anonymous  12/24/11, 9:29 AM  

Tried a few things for the monkey: red, small, medium large etc. But now the machine has stopped, monkey is gone and I can't do a thing. Bug?

       Anonymous  12/24/11, 9:41 AM  

Nm my fault. I thought the second from the bottom on the pillar was a spaceman. It was the monkey.
Out now!

Just keep looking at the pillar and combine this with the paper for the right size and color.

where is this 'paper'? that must be why i don't know what i'm doing lol

well dang it was in my inventory

I had a bug too. Put the car in and it wouldn't let me wrap it. Now I can't get out because it thinks I have a toy missing.

It's an easy peasy game just sort of time consuming (and the whistle on the machine is a little loud!)

1) Click on each of the boxes near the far right elf. The paper clue is in the top box on the left stack.

2) Take note of the wooden beam column (behind the machine) for order of the toys. There will be a few missing from your inventory and they do not effect the escape.

3) Hand the elf on the top of the machine 1 toy only as it is in the order on the column from top to bottom.

4) Note the color and size box on the clue sheet. As the toy goes into the machine, click on the elf at the color bars. Click the color to highlight it and then click the correct size lever as it is on the paper. (For a large box, click the left large lever. The medium box, click the right little size lever. For the small box, click the middle, short lever.) Only 1 toy for 1 color/lever is needed but make sure you go in order that is on the column and on the paper clue.

5) If you did it correctly the present will come out on the conveyor belt with a bow. If you didn't, the toy will be back in your inventory.

6) Click the present as it comes out at the end of the conveyor belt. The elf will take it to the sleigh.

7) Once you have wrapped all the presents and loaded the sleigh it will drop and then the floor will rise with a key.

8) Take key and then click on door. Use key to exit.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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