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Small Tool Riddle Walkthrough

Small Tool Riddle

Small Tool Riddle is a new, free, online riddle game by Small Tool for EscapeGames24. 50 levels of brain twisting torture. No source clues, everything you need will be on the screen in front of you, that and lots of patience! To progress, you will change the URL. For more help on how to play, ask questions in EG24. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Small Tool]

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hi there

managed to post but says my password is invalid for chat box

lol I'm still stuck on 30... I did get s-t's tip on how to repeat the procedure for 1st 2nd etc. as we once did... But where am I supposed to do that? if I do it on 'winner or stupid' I get 'not', which is not the answer. if I do it on 'what are you?' I get 'aao' which doesn't make sense and isn't the answer either. if I use it on the words 'third first second' I get 'ife' which also isn't the answer. if I use it on 'first second third' I get 'tic', but it isn't the answer.... I'm lost

Use it on three, one, two.
To pick the righ letters.


Been in and out all day, your riddle is great fun! Made it to level 31.

Thanks Donas :)
And level 31 should be easy.
The German text is; Do you still remember Kent.
And that was about picking the last letters of every word.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 4:59 PM  

Stuck on 12 as well... anyone having any luck?

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 5:01 PM  

Stuck as well on Level 12.... anyone else having any luck?

When you write down 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th you get;

first, second, third, fourht.

So take the first letter from first (F).
The second letter from second (E).
The third letter from third (I).
and the fourth letter from fourth (R).
And anagram that.

Stuck on level 32, got a hint small-tool?

Yep Donas.
Anagram searchbake
and anagram tipsuperman
And Google with the results.
And don't forget I'm Belgian and that guy was a real great hero/singer in my country.

Use this anagram solver; http://anagram-solver.net/

Got it, thanks s-t. I googled bake 1929 and found Saint John's Cemetery, LOL

hero really never heard of him lol

Ah great Donas, congrats.
But off to bed very soon.
Anyway, level 33 is all about anagrams again.
Level 34 is about picking the first letters (but not all the way!!) And btw. don't forget about this level, it will come back later as a hint.
And level 35. Well, that's a 7th one again, so difficult.
But, the keywords are; 'prime' and 'every 3rd and 4th'.

Thanks and good night, s-t. I'll play a while longer and will probably finish tomorrow after more hints are posted. I'm still not very good at riddles, but I'm learning!

Shame on you mtatt100 :)


Hmm, maybe that wasn't the correct YouTube link to show how great (yep, hero) that guy was.
Here's another one;


And that shows it all about how he performed and how he really was into the emotions of a song.

Anyway, Don´t mind me at the moment, but don´t forget about the Belgian stuff, you´ll need it on one of the last levels.

sounds like an Irish country singer lol

yes very emotional !

working on level 35

no edit button hmm....

hmm another bugbear when you post it takes you to the beginning . why?

Aargh, that´s a bit of an insult.
Well, you did it, Mtatt.
No hints for you on the hard levels 35, 42 and 49.

Stuck on level 35

Think prime numbers.
What are the 3rd and 4th prime numbers.
Use those to pick letters.
3 from the 3rd and 3 from the 4th.

Start on A and go clockwise.
The E and the J are white as a hint to not pick those letters.

Got it finally, thanks s-t

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 6:57 PM  

Played till now (with interruptions)...!
- start: about 2:15 PM
- current time here: almost 4:00 AM
Reached wheel of fortune (LVL35) & will look for fortune in slumberland for the next lvls...

- Thx, @riddlers above (on the roof ;-D), for all your hints!
(although being a lousy riddler, I even could solve several lvls on my own, yeah!)
- Big KUDOS to @small-tool & @Jon, - you did a great job in creating such an amazing game! I was NEVER frustrated & had a lot of fun & that's not obvious at all for me as a... you know...! Keep your (inner) sprog alive!
Good night & CU, L&G!

Anyway, going to bed very soon now.
After level 35 you guys should have no problems with the next levels at all. That is, till you reached level 42. On that level it´s some serious math.
Good luck with that.
Bye, bye.

Good night s-t, working on 36

Lol, not off to bed yet Donas, almsot though.
But congrats on beating level 35.
Nope, more that congrats, Kudos.

And also a lot of Kudos for Premiere.
She isn´t a Riddler, but an excellent Escaper, but getting to level 35 is really great.

Thanks s-t, couldn't do it without all the help

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 7:16 PM  

Hate to ask... but totally need a spoiler for Level 18. Level you can't see without eyes (braille) and is

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 7:19 PM  

OH GOOD GRIEF! Talk about POP (Power of Posting)... I got it... On to Lvl 19


Yep it´s braile indeed and when you do those letters in Braille, you see the filled circles with PC, and PC below that, makes the shape of a letter F.
Do the same with the others, to get a 3 letter word.

Level 36, I see the caps, is it an anagram? I can't find one that works.

NVM, got it.

Lol, too late with my comment. But POP is great indeed.
Anyway, congrats on solving that level.

Ah, great Donas.
Go, go, go, you´re doing great.
Use the same trick for the next level and then you can use anagrams with those levels to go to level 39.

Working on level 38, I don't understand your hint

Just use the caps from the previous two levels to make a word.

Thanks, got it. Working on 39.

Wow, some statements are obviously false, some true, working on the rest.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 8:11 PM  

Thanks s-t! got to Level 25! the up/top/charm... and found a quark, but that's not it...?

Wiki the quark things and use the numbers to pick the first letters.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 8:16 PM  

POP again!! On to Level 26!

Lost again (at least this level tells me I am!)

Lol, yep ´Lost again´ is a hint.
You used it just 2 levels before.

Well, I tried the first letter of the statements I thought are true and tried to anagram. Not enough vowels. Still working.

Since there are 26 statements, I tried matching the false statements to the alphabet (more vowels), no luck yet

It´s not an anagram.
But before you do the binary thing, first do the alpabet thing.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 8:50 PM  

Made it all the way to Level 33! Not on a desk, not in a classroom, not in the third row...

Just anagram.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 8:57 PM  

But I figured it out and made it to Level 35! Working with those letters and prime numbers..??? Egads!

Anyway, way too late here, gonna sleep now.
But, congrats to all of you guys, you made great progress and I´m quite sure you all will reach the end very soon.

Good night again, s-t and thanks again for a great riddle and all the help.

       Anonymous  12/15/11, 9:14 PM  

Thanks and goodnight s-t! I'll have to pick this up tomorrow too...

Have to laugh though---between the prime numbers and the letters I somehow anagrammed "dumb show"! Okay, so that wasn't the answer, but still funny!

im newbie.. can anyone teach me how to play this? im very confused :(

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ok managed to stumble along onto level 34 . will be back tonight, not looking forward to the math level

I really can't understand why we have to do all this precidure to play riddles... Any time I try to play one, I have to change URL and I don't know how to do it. And, every time, I quit any effort, full of nerves cause I just can't play! Could'n't you make it a little easier for any user?

       Anonymous  12/16/11, 3:19 AM  

Hi S-T, you sure beat SD with all the comments here. Too bad I'm not good at these game, but chapeau for you creating this game and giving people so much fun.

Hi Doris, changing the URL is a daunting process, but quite easy and once you do it, you will find it quite satisfying and get a sense of accomplishment from it. Try looking at this video, watch it in full-screen, then try the riddle:)


Need a hint for 34, I am having a really blond moment. I read the hint from small-tool about picking first letters but not all the way. So I asume I need to pick last letters, too. But I am searching for a six-letter word, do I?

for 34 5 letters then 4 more

Thanks @mtatt100!

yw need help in 39

okay, finally 39 and working my way through the statements.

you need binary in the end but what I get doesn't work

For level 39.
First put them in alphabetical order.
The I and the R are just spaces to make 3 groups of 8.
So you get 3 binary numbers (because statements are true or false) and those 3 binary numbers are 3 letters

Hi Chipsi and mtatt, stuck at 25, what property/properties of quark is to relate with the fractions and what to do with roman numerals..

small carrying on on 21b
if first letter is L then there are 3 steps down, so the next 2nd letter is Y, then 2 steps up , 2nd letter would be Y again or do I just take every second letter where the arrow ends, that would be E??

26 statements, 2 spaces which gives us 24 statements, so the answer should be a three letter word, right? I don't get anything useful with my statements, maybe I made mistakes by finding out if they are true, so going to recheck them again.

look at wiki page in quarks you will see numbers in the three generations picture then take first letters

Look here;


And there at the standard model table.

Me Tooo S-T? LOL do you only consider the arrows with2 lines in em and go round as per a spiral? Do go round as a spiral and look at second letter in direction the 2line arrow point?

@swissmiss collect every letter than take only the second ones to get your answer

pop - got it now - on to 22

I never posted here before, so hello all!

May I have a hint for 33 eggpage? I anagrammed and got a word but the page says, 'sometimes the answer is not less.' I've tried anagraming the first, second and last...

That's not an Egg. It's level 34.
Take the first letter of every word. But not from the last word.
That last word you use behind the word you get from picking the letters.

thats not an egg its level 34
you want 5 letters then 4

finally level 40 made that harder than it was lol

Silly me--I didn't see a level number so thought it was an egg. Thanks small tool, mtatt and jon(for help at Nord's). On 35 now. :)

Very nice riddle small tool and jon. I'm really enjoying it.

39 is driving me nuts! That's what I have: in the first eight statements are four false, second eight statements are five false and third eight statements are four false.

any help on 26f please

You have some of them wrong.
The first has 5 false
The second 4
And the third 5 (or 4).

But just post what you have and I take a look.

Hi all,

Back working on 39

panamA? mmmmmmmm!

Yeah! on 39A

okay, that's what I have:

Ah, I think I see what went wrong Chipsi.
Put the statements in alphabetical order.

@SwissMiss NEW stands for North East West got to the right

working on 39b

use them both together

Thanks mtatt, do I anagram them? I don't get anything that way.

nvm, got it

ty @small-tool, working on 39b now

Two letters from one egg and three letters from the other egg.
And yep, anagram.

Is there a real level 37? I went from level 35 to 37 but hadto go back because I skipped a level. Then I was at 36 but put in answer and went to 38. I am confused. :)

Is anyone still on? I am stuck on the planes...not sure which level (no labels) but I am on the one about taking cake??

Lol, don't worry Kathi,
You did the levels correct.
Now for 38 pick letters from level 36 and 37.

You picked 'oil'
and you took 'cake'
Combine them.

Thank you small-tool--got 38 and now the levels are in order again. :)

am I right in thinking for 42 I need the difference between the hands in degrees then convert

Yep Mtatt, right track.
Answer is a 4-letter word.

I am totally not getting 35...I can't figure out the correlation between the prime numbers, the alphabet, the white letters, and the clues already here. I am very confused.

3rd and 4th prime numbers are 5 and 7.
So pick every 5th letter and pick every 7th letter.
But the white ones you don't pick.

Oh...I thought they were 3 and 5 (1,2,3,5,7.....)
That explains the confusion

a small-tool game??? how could I miss this one? I can't believe I didn't see it until it was posted on top of the page!
at first sight it looks very easy. I bet most of the comments come from various small-tool-aliases ;p.
anyway, thanks small-tool! will give it a try

Ah ok.
But officially 1 is not a prime number.

already stuck on level 1, had to peak into comments. and now stuck on level 2...

I am the perpetual overthinker...lol! What is up with 35 to 37...and how do I get to 36? I am probably missing something really simple, but I am just caught in a loop :(

Use the word 'back' answer.

Hi Miller :)
Good luck.

wow you weren't joking somehow I managed it by using this xls link http://www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/pdf/M_clock-hand-angles.xls

Hi Small-tool, you did it!!
Van Harte Gefeliciteerd, it looks great!
Wie had dat gedacht, van zo'n Belgisch mannetje haha
Jumping in now....

Lol. Thanks Truus and have fun :)

gotta go now, but definitely will continue! hard and fun so far!

Back from a break, have the image from level 40, but can't make any sense out of it

where is why

It's the periodic table of elements.
Find out what element is on the why and then a bit rebus like.
But use the common name for that element, not the scientific name.

Got it, thanks

I don't understand what everyone means by eggs????
I am looking at 39b but since I don't know what an egg is I don't know what I am looking for....I am so brain-dead today!

and is there a 39a? I went from 39 to 39b.

MrsFriday, 39a and 39b both are eggs of 39, if you go to 39b then your last letter is wrong.

Yep MrsFriday, there is an 39A too.

The Bush statement is not really a statement. So for that one you can use 0 or 1.
And that's the way how you get both the eggs.

Eggs are extra pages, but not yet the next level.

Donas did you get 39b - has me bushed lol

being a Bottom fan myself, I was sure lvl 8 was vzzbux, lol small. like it so far!

OK - I went to 39b, so I went back and changed "z" which sent me to 39a, which also says try again?

Hi Swiss,

Look at 39a and 39b, anagram the red

You have now two words (2 letter word and a 3 letter word). Anagram those 5 letters to get the real answer.

thank you! I was trying to anagram everything except those!

Level 41, I get that it's times, tried a binary clock, but can't make sense of it

There's a big hand on the pic.
So look at what position the big hand of a clock is on those times.
It will make letters.

39: i have binary but it doesnt decode to a word

level 40 - I think the why is on the iron but that is not the solution


reverse your two words and say them out loud

put the why after the iron

Check again you should get a 3-letter word.
(and don't forget to put the statements in alphabetical order first).

where did that came?

LOL, s-t, big hands don't make any letters that work in my world

Look at all the first letters of the statements.
They all start with a different letter.

Caught up now? I'm on 42, looking at another time.

@donas, change each time to arrows and draw lines.

small, come on stog irc to check my binary please

For 42 I get difference of 12... which doesnt work.

Incognito, I'm totally dense on 41 is the first letter k?

@donas, no it isn't:
First, arrow down/right (to 22),
then, arrow up/right (to 07),
then, arrow down/right (to 22),
last, arrow up/right (to 07),
which will draw a W.

@donas, look at the times in columns. There are 6 columns, 6 letter-answer.

donas draw the big hand .. 4 lines for first letter

Now I got 18,24 for lvl 42, but ahbd is not the answer. Back to calculations.

Thanks, finally got it, working on 42

I thought I solved 42... got 18,175 which is RAGE, but nope :(

I posted an xls link higher up which I used to get it you still need to do some calculation but it does help

I didn't see that mtatt100, but thanks!

I just solved 42 anyway :D, using paper, pencil and calculator. Phew!!

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Staring at 44.

And I don't remember...!

It was level 34 you had to remember.


I see the angle signs and have tried to find the difference between angles, but how do I convert to letters? some are too big for a simple number letter swap. If it's the level answers you don't remember, I have them.

i have the answer at 42 but not working

Yay, I finally found the answer for 44! Didn't have to go that far back.

Ok, for level 42.
The big hand did 293,825 degrees.
Now do the math for the little hand.

@donas, you need to calculate the exact degrees for the hour hand, and the exact degrees for the minute hand at that time. Then subtract to get the difference and you should have a 4-digit number (with decimals). Convert numbers to letters.

Remember, for each second the hourhand and minutehand moves slightly.
The hourhand: 0,5 degree/min and 0,0083333 degrees/sec
Do the exact calculations.

@Mishu, the answer is not an anagram, just about converting the 4 digits to 4 letters.

got it

but i never heart of that word

Not getting anywhere on 45. I thought of periodic table, but I get only gibberish from the element letters. Tried to anagram each row, or each group of letters.

You're on the right track with periodic table, but don't convert, just look (or draw).

Still stuck on level 42, don't think my math skills are up to it!

Little hand did 285,9 degrees.

Thanks @smalltool! On 46 now! 45 was much easier than i made it, but thats always the case with riddles.

Thanks, finally got it

so 43 must be easy if nobody had problems with it

but it is not hex ... hm...

@mishu, 43 is math. Lots of squares there.

I have 5 letters from the board in lvl 46, but they make no anagram. Dont know what else to do than the opening.

Hm, I guessed the word for 46, but I don't see where I should have found the T.

3 full moves, makes 6 letters!

thanks incognito
44 now

@small, I didnt see more than 5 moves (2,5 full moves) when reading wiki, but I should probably have read more carefully. Anyway, on 48 now.

Ok, sorry... I see the 6th move when reading the text carefully. Looking at "a temp end" which i dont trust.

Lol, don't trust it indeed.

46 now
omg ...

49 looks confusing, but going to purplehell for a start.

I got a sentence out of lvl 49, but cant make it work. Tried the last two words, but i think there is a mistake in the middle. Some letters doesnt seem to belong there.

49: middle step is ROT , but which one?

working on 45, is there another picture?

The last three words doesnt work either, and I cant find anything in google.

@mishu, did you find the keyword? look at pic names. Use that one for ROT as well.

No @donas, no other pic.

Oooh! I could finally read what I got for lvl 49. Hahaha, I didnt split the words right at first. Now googling...

On 50! :D

but it is keyword cipher first, right?

50 is sure gonna take me a while. Don't know any of them. Google....

Not really @Mishu, its keyed caesar. I went to rumkin:

at 50 now

and i think i go out to drink a beer

Omg! I have only found 2 of the 8 beers this far!

Here it is again:


Btw guys, feel free to post the beers you found to help each other.

Got to the CHEERS-page :D!

and finished

thanks small for the riddle

Congrats Incognito

But.... Are you really finished?

And Congrats to Mishu as well :)

But the same question;
Are you really finished?

I saved the beer-pic and edited it (cut each bear out at a time and saved them separately), then it wasnt hard to find them with google image search.

Anyway, I can list the beers:
Top row:

Bottom row:
Stella Artois

Thank you very much for a great riddle @small-tool!!!

found bonus level!!!!

and really finished!!!

LOL @small!! Looking at the bonus lvl now.

Congrats incognito and MishuAnubis!!!

Now, really over :D Got the "song"! Thanks again @small-tool!

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