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Trapped Animals Escape Walkthrough

Trapped Animals Escape

Trapped Animals Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. The hunters trapped a group of animals wandering in the jungle, and hold them in a cage. The Only animal who can make them escape is the Fox, who is right now having a good nap. Find ways to wake him up and go to the rescue of his animal friends. Good luck and have fun!

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okay, one last game before i head to bed ^^

Let's go!!

Not first... but anyways, bottle in drawer by grandma's bed

Hidiho again Mh LOL

Once we have the music player, put it ouside the hole to get Mr. Fox, who is, I must say, incredibly useful

I shot the bird so how do I get thing that fell down?

have bottle, cotton cloth, and machine from the bed, CDs(used), slingshot and rock(used), and one battery. Not finding anything else at the moment. Any luck, mhtyhr?

where did you get second battery?

Stuck with cloth, hammer, fox (who did a lot of work for me) knife and paper with code (opened drawer)

Leroy, you don't need that thing. Zoom in again on granny.

My sound is playing a song but dont know where to use it.

Put record player left of hole in the tree roberto

How did you fix the bridge Zazie?

Hi Leroy!

aha! found it in little house by the tree

I can´t find any place to use knife...

by little house*

For bridge you need two wooden plates and two nails and a hammer (from 4 digit drawer)

@zazie, stuck at the same place

I have the hammer and nails, but stuck.

One plate in grass (use fox on it) and one plate hanging on the tree (also use fox)

there's a weird bug.... my fox is stuck floating in the air and I can't retrieve it. Restarting

@zazie, did you use the cotton cloth yet?

where is the rock for the slingshot?

Ah!!! Very useful this fox, In'it?

where is the first battery? i got the one by the little house..need a rock too.

@DPotts and pamarina87, sorry, I cannot remember, but just click everywhere :p
there aren't that many scenes iirc

Rock is inside of the fence somewhere to the left, you can see it from far.

No i did not use cloth until now.

where to find hammer and nails?

Ah found it! after you build the bridge, there are now more scenes on the left

oh, never mind. where to find code? lol

Hmmm now to find a key LOL

My fox crossed the river but nothing changed?

Nvm how to heal elephant LOL

@pondgirl, get the fox to jump through the hoops, pick up paper, wet patch, put paper, get fox to walk through it, and look at the paper

I think we need the cloth for the leg of the elephant, but we need something extra.

What to do to wounded elephant?

@mhtyhr great find, put the fox to the tree to get the rope...

Use the knife on the bushes to the left of the cage

Then cut the bush for some leaves

@mhtyhr: thanks

First leaves and then cloth on elephant and then you're out.

I love this fox!!

       Anonymous  1/9/12, 8:31 AM  

Zoomed out scene where tree had rope, click left of tree and use knife. Pick up healing brush and put on elephant leg, then cloth.

W might have to use knife somewhere

Ahhh! My flash plugin Crashed! :(

Really cute game :)

LOL how funny is this ?
Put fox by river and use hook with rope.

where is the rock for the slingshot?

@Zazie, wait till he crosses the bridge! that was awesome too

Out too, cute game.

TY Quickdraw out now

Thanks all, that was fun!
See you on the next game~
Sorry gotta run

For rock see my post at 8:23.

Fox saved the poor elephant :)

Out! Thanks @mhtyhr and everyone else

i can't find the key to the cage

There's no key. Use the fox and the hammer to open it.

       Anonymous  1/9/12, 8:45 AM  

cant get this code for drawer nothin is working

ah, thank you small-tool. i forgot about the hard working fox :)

The fox is used many times and saves all the animals.

The Elephant needs leaves and a cloth to heal its leg.

jbocc, there's a patch left of the volleyballnets, make it wet with the waterbottle, put the paper on it and let the fox walk on it. then count the paws that have darkened (sorry i already closed my game, and i forgot the number)

jbocc , left of the three round things (right scene) there is a hotspot in the grass, put water there then let fox walk over it. Then put paper on the spot and you have the code (count the dark dots)

where is the knife

the knife is across the bridge. you have to repair it first, then send the fox over.

Got the knife thanks, how do you get the rope?

i think you have to use the fox again to scare away some pigeons, then they drop the rope.

Where did you get the water? Thanks

as soon as you have the fox, he pretty much does all of the work :)
All i have is 2 lazy dogs snuggled up in front of the central heating.


- Zoom in on the left fence and take the ROCK and BATTERY 1.
- Zoom in on granpa (1x) and zoom further in on (and take) the SLINGSHOT on the right side of the house.
- Zoom in on granpa (2x) and take the TAPE RECORDER and the BOTTLE (from the bottom drawer.
- In your inventory; combine slingshot and rock. Zoom in on granpa (1x) and use the slingshot on the parrot on the roof. Zoom further in on granpa and take the two AUDIO SPOOLS.
- Zoom in granpa (1x) and then zoom further in on (and take) the CLOTH to the right of the windmill.
- Zoom in on the tree on the left and then zoom further in on the houses on the left and take BATTERY 2.
- In your inventory; Look at the tape recorder, put the two spools on and put the two batteries in and turn it on.
- Zoom in on the tree on the left and put the working tape recorder in front of the hole in the tree and take the FOX. Use the fox t unknot the rope and take BOARD 1 (take the fox back too).
- Zoom in on the board (to the left of the windmill, above the sheep) and use the fox to take BOARD 2 (take the fox back too).

- Zoom in on the hoops and use the fox on it. Take the PAPER (and the fox).
- Zoom in on the spot left on the ground. Use the bottle on it, then let the fox walk on it and then put the paper on it. Take the paper (with code) back.

- Look at the paper and count the darker dots (4312). Zoom in on granpa all the way and use that code to open the drawer. Take the HAMMER and the CUP with NAILS.

- In your inventory; Look at the cup with nails and take 2 NAILS. Look at a board and use the other on it. Put a nail in, hammer it and do this again and now you have a LONG BOARD.
- Zoom in on the bridge and repair it with the long board.
- Put the fox on the right side of the bridge and it will walk. Now you can zoom in on (and take) the KNIFE on the left. Take fox back.

- Zoom in on the bush (left in the back) and use the knife on it and take the LEAVES.
- Zoom in on the tree and use the fox on it and then take the ROPE and the HOOK. Combine rope and hook. Take fox back.
- Zoom in on the broken hanging bridge. Put the fox there and then combined rope and hook. Click the fox and it will go across the river. Take fox back and GO LEFT from there.

- Put the fox in front of the cage and give it the hammer to break it open. Open the cage and zoom in on the elephant. Use the leaves and then the cloth on the wound on it's leg and then you're out.

the water bottle is in the drawer next to the old lady. the one with the code, i think.

out with no help. I don't usually bother with 123Bee games, but I couldn't resist with the fox :D

These 123bee games are getting better and better...
My favorite part was when the fox used the rope to get across the river!!! LMAO!!! Adorable, yet so strange are these games...lol

       Anonymous  1/25/12, 1:52 PM  

It's buggy everytime I go and get the slingshot it doesn't go in the inventory and dissapears and I've restarted it 4 times?!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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