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Tiger Dynasty Quest Walkthrough

Tiger Dynasty Quest

Tiger Dynasty Quest Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by TimeFall. Tigers are very dangerous so you must escape fast. Good luck and have fun!

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for the maze:

click here

My screwdriver doesn't work on the screws!?

Anyone here? still need to solve number code and maze

mine doesn't work either

Truus - I know the route, but nothing happens. Did you just use your mouse?

just click on maze and create green line. start at right.
I need # code too. and what's with the TIGEr sign on TV?

My scrwedriver doesn't work either

4-digits code:

Was wondering the same thing - must be the clue for the numbers. Thx for the maze, will try it now

For maze, click to draw the path.

where did # code come from???

Ah thanks Edgar,
Of course it was from TIGEr

hint for the dots is on the screen standard, view with tv

BTW, 4-digits code is not really LEET speak, as I originally thought.

oops sorry Miles, missed your comment

Is TIGE supposed to look like 7163??? I guess I can kind of maybe see it

Yep Miles,
It's a bit "looks like".
1 and 3 are clear of course, but for 7 and 6, well a little bit of imaginiation.

aha, it does work with the handle.. :)

Yep Truus,
would have saved me a lot of clicks when they named the first part screwdriver bit or something like that instead of screwdriver.

yes indeed small, my thoughts exactly!

Why is it, when trying to put the items in, it is always the last one..? lol

where is the screwdriver bit? got the handle.

sorry, nevermind. had it and thought it was a knife

So, the screwdriver is not a screwdriver but a screwdriver part ? My problem is to find the other part...

I don't find any hint for the 4 digits code, I suppose that the other part of the screwdriver is here.

I can't use the hammer on the tiger

The hammer you use on the flower pot on the table.

tiger wants screwdriver which comes in 2 parts
hammer is used on table

cutter EVENTUALLY worked on plant

Thanks @miles1 for number code

Where to use the saw?

Below the table on one of the legs of the table.

Thanks, totally forgot that view.

PuzzledinCA...you used the DIAMOND CUTTER on the plant? cause it's not working for me

never mind...found the box cutter!

i did it except the number puzle
nayana. India, 03/14/12 11.34 ist

The number from the TV was a weak clue. Other than that I love these games.

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