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Easter Chicks Escape Walkthrough

Easter Chicks Escape

Easter Chicks Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123Bee. Play this game and help the chicks go into the house to celebrate Easter. Happy Easter! Good luck and have fun!

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Giving it a go

picking up some decidedly un-Eastery things here --- candy canes???

Hi, have some items, 2 sticks, hat, round thing, star (placed on an egg) and a thread...and the anagram by the swans of course is HAPPY EASTER lol

Anyone playing? I usually lurk but now I'm stuck.

Put the star onto the egg and then the hut, you will get the other two candy sticks.

so far have communion wafer and cup from church. Rearranged sign to happy easter and swans gave me two candy canes. Used silver star and hat on egg on first screen in back, which gave me a present that had two more candy canes. Placed all four on egg tree behind swans which game me a kite and put string on ti.

Combine flying dragon with thread and give it to bunny

bunny kite gives you present, open up present get some board and you need to put in right color order of birds

Arrange the chick colours like on the pic and get some bells.

lol tommy :)

that was goofier than bee's usual fare

Bells are for the angel...

Put magigal eggs into chalice etc..

give the bells to cupid, take the eggs from bunny #2 and put them and the wafer in the goblet, use each chick on doorsteps with fruit plates and you're done

And the little chickens will eat the fruit plates.

Yes Zazie got bird color hint from previous present. Give bells to angel, angel rings for bunny and gives two magical eggs. Put eggs in cup and wafer over eggs to give two birds.

Yes i am done too, lol....a really self explaining game. Too easy.

Maybe for 8 years old children ? But it is ok.

lol I cracked a few eggs....

N8 N8 everybody, tomorrow i have lots of people..... cu soon.

Hmmm I am listed 28th but another Aussie is listed first in trophy list LOL

Did someone say where the kite string was?

I still cannot see a string anywhere....

finally!!!! bottom right of first screen...It is hard to get that spot without going right!

Nice and easy, in and out without help. I'm on a roll today LOL! HAPPY EASTER!

Easter eggs and candy canes and communion ... what a strange mix. lol.

Haven't played a 123Bee in ages because of bugs and glitches, and was not disappointed to find the glitch in this one.

My string got stuck on my screen, but I just left it there until I found the kite, then it joined the kite.


1. go inside the chapel; take the communion wafer and the chalice/cup;
2. take the red string beside the bunny house (extreme bottom-right);
3. go right; click on the swans; put anagram of the letters (HAPPY EASTER); the swans will give two candy sticks;
4. zoom out; take the hat on the tree (extreme left) and a star beside the right egg house;
5. go left; click on the pink egg house behind the angel; put the star and the hat on the Easter egg and get a gift; open the gift and get two more candy sticks; note the colour of the chicks on the cake;
5. go right; behind the swans there is a green Easter egg; put all the candy sticks in the slots and get a kite; put the red string on the kite;
6. go left; give the kite with string to Mr. Bunny; when he'll fly it some dove give another gift; open the gift (put the chicks colours- yellow, blue, red) and get bells;
7. give the bells to the angel; while the angel rings the bells another bunny comes with two eggs; collect the eggs;
8. put the eggs in the chalice/cup and put the communion wafer on top of the eggs; two chicks will come out;
9. go right; put the brown chick in front of the left egg house (beside the fruit plate) and put the white one on the right egg house; their wish will add colour to the houses; and WISH YOU ALL HAPPY EASTER!

Interesting game - a cross between true meaning of Easter and the Easter Bunny!

Happy Easter!!!

Mixed Up Holidays, a good theme for a string of escape games. Funny music.

I got the feeling that they originally designed it for Xmas, but never used it, so just changed a few things for Easter. I mean, bells? Candy canes? Snow?

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