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Escape from Robotron 2 Walkthrough

Escape from Robotron 2

Escape from Robotron 2 is another point and click type adventure game sponsored by Accolade Games. Help the tiny green creatures known as the Pytans to escape the robot infested world. The planet is beautiful drawn and animated bringing this adventure game to life. Good luck and have fun!

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Don't skip the intro movie....it is really cute!

Flooded the pipe I was in and now I'm stuck.

another one...cool

i got no movement. just castle(?) no movie zip

I'm stuck in the water tube with scuba tank...can't figure out the hint!

stuck underwater

game won't load? blank white screen?

Elise, I am clicking switches next to big wheel...but nothing happens....lol

wow can't get past second screen...can't seem to move anywhere without the robot seeing me

whew...got it finally...theres a spot near the covered opening...then quickly to the colored wires to open it

hide in the grass...then climb something, I think

Nokra, I'm in the same place. I even restarted thinking maybe I missed some critical tool (which, btw, there is a knife in the second screen that you can get, but don't necessarily need for that screen, but it disappears when you move to the next screen). I'm stuck and clueless. Can turn the wheel that used to move the ladder - nothing. Can click the switch that flooded the pipe in the first place - nothing. Can walk to lever, but not use. Can walk to far end, but nothing there either.

the hint in the water tube doesn't make sense, and I can't find any useful hotspots. pixel hunt?

good, pats...now help us get out of the water screen...you have to go up to get scuba tank first, then fill it with water....still stuck! lol

Pets Fan - as soon as the robot turns off the light, go to the grass at the top (pick up the knife along the way if you want), then when he moves to where you were at first, continue on the just below the front fan thing. then when he moves around to the top, you move to the grass at the bottom, then on to the pipe by where you started.

starting over

Stuck too in the pipe. That lever must move. It's a trap!... ehm, a bug.

I don't seem to have the knife when I'm in the tube

I'm thinking of giving up and coming back after someone else has figured it out. Lol!

it's a beautiful game but I think it must have a bug. his thought bubble shows him thinking about getting flooded when he's already underwater.

I thinks that the hint says to pull the lever to open the drainage in the bottom left of the screen.

I'm with Dumah. I think he's thinking about draining the water, but it must be a bug or something that the lever doesn't work.

Yep...the lever should move but doesn't....maybe come back later....I think it saves progress, I hope....lol

yah, you can walk to the lever but can't work it

yeah...I've clicked everything...hope the air holds out in the scuba tank!

lol pats

I seriously think this is a bug. I like everyone else stuck underwater. There is nowhere to click on the lever, and nowhere else to go.

ah, I checked the WT. Don't exit through the hatch in the ground after putting the stick in the fan. Instead, go through the fan...

unfortunately, there does seem to be a bug several scenes past that one... there is just no way to sneak by the robot, even though the WT shows him walking by without seeing you. Oh, well.

I've tried and tried to hide in that little room with my friends but that bloody robot still spots me, grrrr

followed your advice, @zoz...and got to the scene with the lift....I got to the part with the television thing...but just can't do it fast enough...really not fun anymore!

Extremely laggy and will not even give me an opportunity to figure out solutions on my own before it floods the screen with hint bubbles.

I agree nokra. It started out fun but I find it odd that it would allow you to start one level and not be able to even finish it. So I too went through the fan instead of the hatch, and now stuck on same part. Not enough time to figure it out.

Uhg! I tried this a few weeks ago, at least I got past thru the fan this time! Thanks for the info Zoz!

For those looking for a walkthrough, here's what i found.I wasnt able to finish this game even with this walkthrough, its really buggy.


killer the link doesn,t work

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here is the pipe panel solve :


       Anonymous  3/27/18, 4:31 AM  

caught this one from the random section

should have read comments before as I can't continue either at the same spot...! :-(

VWT doesn't help as there are completely other scenes than where I am atm

anyway, thx for creating this game, AG ☺
would have been a great one for sure
like the graphics, the intro & the music

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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