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Spooky Mannequins Walkthrough

Spooky Mannequins

Spooky Mannequins Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by TimeFall. In this game, you try to escape from this wonderful room full of interesting inventions. Have fun and good luck!

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Hmmm, sawed off a leg and need to find the axe handle to chop up another mannequin...

thought the eyes clue was the blue and red mannequin but not

finally found the dot clue on the cabinet, missed that the first two times round

bolt cutter is under table & wrench is on the leg of spider man like manniqune

finally an axe handle from the dot clue! Chopped up another mannequin! lol

axe handle by solving brown dot sqaure puzzle ..hint is on cupboard

can't figure out number code (with triangle) or eyes color

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word puzzle needs hints on tv and door.

ok, I SWEAR red and blue for the eyes did NOT work for me the first time! have garden scissors now

Easy out LOL
You need help?

still not sure what the number code is. I see a triangle hint on the picture on the wall, but don't know what they mean? tried 2111 but no (number of white triangles between the grey ones)

Count darker triangles left to right for number code

word clue starts with D****

count darker triangles left to right for 4 digit numbercode

Jo Ann lo9ok at the location of the dark triangles and turn it into a number

Stuck on triangle number code

Hi Leroy!

count the dark triangles? I only see 4 dark ones...

but then my monitor is rather washed out and hard to see sometimes...

4 helping at once ! is this a record!?

LNS the LOCATION!! Thank you! have scissors, now off to destroy the couch!

LOL Jo Just count across to those 4 darker triangles LOL first one is "1" so second is"4" etc

Thanks for the hint LNS, out now!

dont get the eyes? i can zoom for spiderman eyes but wht ?

Jo-An and LNS

Take note of the position of the shaded triangles on picture frame. That's the 4 digit number.

@raasti, the colors of the eyes are different


the blue /red works but before posting it was not..

raasti A hell of a lot of colours on cupboard puzzle so keep clicking til you get bright red and dark blue LOL

@raasti, that happened to me too. Tried it, didn't work, but later it did


red and blue eyes as hint for MYEYE puzzle?

glad to help Jo Ann

Hmmmm maybe you have to see the EYES clue first? Not usually for one of these timefall games I thought...

thanks for the help ..im out

@Leroy, I had seen the eyes first but had to back out and do it again for the colors to work.

Maybe I had the wrong blue or red? there were a lot of colors

Easy out. Love these.

       Anonymous  4/17/12, 10:45 AM  

WIW-THROUGH (Where Is What)

MANNEQUINS from (order clockwise from 12 o'clock)
- RED: letter puzzle
- BLACK: triangle pic puzzle
- GREEN: blue woman mannequin (use whole axe)
- BLUE: metal mannequin (use bolt cutters)
- PURPLE: leg of wooden mannequin (use saw)
- ORANGE: wooden mannequin without head (use wrench)
- WHITE: couch (2nd backrest from left, use scissors)
- YELLOW: bigger plant (use garden scissors)
--> SLOTS (& other puzzles) in TV CB
--> gives escape KEY, use it on door

- bolt CUTTERS under table
- AXE head left of big CB (behind blue man mannequin ;-D)
- SAW from hand of blue man mannequin
- WRENCH from leg of big blue man mannequin
- SCISSORS from number puzzle
- AXE handle from square puzzle
--> combine axe head & handle for whole AXE
- garden SCISSORS from eye puzzle

- darker TRIANGLES on top painting frame
- SQUARES on big CB


- number triangles on painting frame 1-9
- darker triangles at places

- both points

R - B
13-12x click




       Anonymous  4/17/12, 10:47 AM  

I must be blind. I can't get the dots to work, even using what I think is the "dot clue." Can anyone help?

The code is on the tall cabinetm where you found first part of the axe. On the lower doors there are dots as well.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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