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Random Room Escape Walkthrough

Random Room Escape

Random Room Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by LingoSlider. Point and click around the room to find clues and solve puzzles to escape! Good luck and have fun!

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The navigation is a little messy, but it looks noce so far. got several yellow circles and two keys.

Got 2 weights, a knife from the library, and another key. Used all keys. found a sheed with questions we need to answer.

Ten circles, a lighter, a knife from a book, 3 red keys with numbers and a black key (used on desk drawer) and two weights.

Another key, found a green squares puzzle I have no idea how to solve.

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 4:21 AM  

I've found a black key (used on the desk), 2 weights (used on the scales), 3 brown key (used on the tall cupboard with TV), a drawing with a sports car (with a number), a lighter and MANY hints. Among them :

- First names written in different colours in the leaves of a plant.
- A blue & and a yellow $.
- Some kind of binary code : 1 1 0 1 0 1.
- Values for letters : B -> 6 , C -> 0 , D -> 2.

No idea where to use all this stuff.

oh yes, the lighter too. And a third weight.
It's a little like a hidden object game so far.

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 4:22 AM  

And 10 tiles (for one of them, use the lighter on the candles).

Another weight is under a chair. And from the clock you can look up to see a "&" sign. I lit also the candles.

Use knife on desk chair

12 tiles now, the last one from fireplace (click inside upper right border) and another one from above candles.

Lit candles and got the last zodiac circle above them.
Cut PC chair, got paper with 110 on it

Random clues I've seen around so far:
Shapes: grey music note, red X, yellow dollar
Train smoke numbers:(15-18-20)(15-18-21-20)(15-18-20)(18-15)
Clock: 9:35, square in octagon
Nancy underlined on a book
D2 on fireplace tools
Norman(I think) on map
Norman Rockwell on map. He's an artist (I bet it's husband and profession for the question sheet)
1,1,0,1,0,1 on light switch

And there is a red cross under chair right of 3 red books.

Where is the question sheet?

Pop! Found 3rd brown key which opened cupboard with question sheet.

A=O/0 (?) between picture of Norway and Norman Rockwell

And C=0 on PC tower.

I think the answers for the sheet are Nancy, Norman, Norway and Novels (they should all start with N as the sheet indicates), but it won't work for me.

And a @ upper right corner of fountain.

And B-6 at the pc desk side.

I found black key, but it dissapeared from inventory. Anyone remembers where it was, to check if it returned to room?

And x-o game in book, the last one has green lines. I tried to connect it with the green squarws puzzle, but nope.

And what about all the names on the plant leaves ?

Black key was in the wineglass.

Agh, it's not there. Won't restart

Urban did you already use it on the desk drawer?

Orange % near fan

@Urban - if you used it on the desk drawer, it disappears and the drawer is unlocked for the rest of the game.

libra tile still missing,help please

Because I believe the "green box" puzzle to be the hardest one in the game - I'm going to let you guys know that "First Down" which is on the display is a hint toward solving it.

I enjoy reading all of your comments because it gives me ideas and suggestions for any other games I create in the future.

You can remove the names from the leaves.

LOL saw that zazie but zoom out and back in they return. I have just been trying to do binary on light switches according to light\dark points on that sun...
it does start like the hint under the right light switch...

CW: any other hints possibly? I'm a little slow this morning.

Also any hints for these would help greatly:
Where to the zodiac signs go?
Where do the colored symbols around the room go?

@Zazie - I had the wrong text type. You are not supposed to remove the names. I have fixed and I am currently republishing to eliminate this. Thanks

@Princess - once you get past the "green boxes" all will be revealed. :D

"First Down" - If all the boxes are the same size... consider how they were "first" put "down"

Ok thx CW, no problem, but i am sooo stuck now.
What do we sell ? I even tried "Nurses" (because there is a little nurse on the paper) but nope of course,lol.

@Zazie - lol. All the clues will add up as the game progresses. I promise. It will be obvious. Work on the "green boxes." Like I said this is the hardest puzzle in the game. Past that it is pretty easy and moves you from one puzzle to the next.

CW you saying the way the boxes would overlap? So we have to pick the bits of the very first box laid down?

Is it about the sequence we push the parts or is it only important which ones we push?

Hello all ! My English is not good enough but is there hints in 2d black book on the shelve on the right of sun ?

I saw that gazoline but not sure how to apply it LOL

Can anyone tell the location of 3 keys? I only found 2. touch down, and N questions.

Well I'm sorry, I don't understand at all. Giving up.

I hope we not counting rectangles but only true squares....

@Princess, i am close giving up too, until someone comes with the solution how to push the buttons.

@Leroy and Zazie - it is sequential.

Hints to get you guys moving:

First box is top right. Then move straight down for 2 and 3.

@Leroy - Squares that are four times the size of the smallest box.

I still don´t get it lol

Is the blue button on the squares puzzle the "enter" switch ?

Aaaah CW so we have to push the blue button for every square as we highlight it?

I still don't get it either :p
Emmes: I think it's reset switch?

Do we have to press certain green squares or press them all in a certain order?

No blue button is final submit button. I'll have to get on changing it later today so that when you hit the last box it either submits for you or resets for you.

For now, only hit the blue button when you have all the green boxes highlighted and you believe it was in sequential order.

If you guys don't get the order soon, I'll hand it out. As I have said - hardest puzzle in the game.

Are green squares and names on leafs linked ?

LOl Zazie I feel like I almost understand but do I press the blue button every whole square I highlight...

You said we should start top right, do you mean the rectangular or the whole square (rectangel + two small squares)?

Too true CW LOL

And is the bottom level all full or have we to suppose that there is empty space ?

@Leroy - not only at the end - when they are all higlighted.

@Gazoline - they are not related.

Sorry CW dont take it the wrong way but Im feeling like I am a crash test dummy in this puzzle LOL

LOL @Leroy, same here....

I have resorted to little paper color squares, tring to overlap them

I feel there are different sequences possible. If we start at the "end", meaning "last down" it has to be the big one on the left. Followed by the one on top of that and then the one below it, and aaaargggghhh, hit wrong button and have to restart ! Will get back later to check if anyone found the solution.

CW, can you say us how many squares are used please ?

12 Squares. I will have visual answer for you in just a few moments.

problem to me is there is actually 3 different sized squares possible to get those lines...

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 6:02 AM  

Worked the following out, While waiting for a POP for the square puzzle...!

(or for a solution with explanation from a genious player - or even from @CW herself...?! ;-D)

- KNIFE from 2nd from right book on middle right shelf
- KEY-7 from plant pot
(opens CB left of TV)
- KEY-2 from 2nd from left book on middle right shelf
(opens middle top TV CB)
- KEY-3 from armchair right of (zoomed) fireplace
- desk drawer KEY from wine glass
- LIGHTER from desk drawer (use key)
- car PAPER from desk chair (use knife)

5- on right bookshelf
6- under armchair under picture
7- from vases under scale

(1-6 top row in inventory, 7-12 bottom row)
1) Aries: from fireplace (click wood)
2) Taurus: under armchair right of (zoomed) fireplace
3) Gemini: from desk drawer (use key)
4) Cancer: on armchair under picture
5) Leo: from desk drawer (use key)
6) Virgo: from fireplace (click TR corner)
7) Libra: on ceiling above candles on fireplace (click on candleholders at zoomed fireplace & light candles)
8) Scorpio: in red book on table right of (zoomed) fireplace
9) Sagittarius: from basket on floor right of armchair right of (zoomed) fireplace
10) Capricorn: from 2nd from right book on bottom left book shelf
11) Aquarius: from middle book shelf (left side)
12) Pisces: from vases under scale

Oh Ty (very grovelly TY) CW LOL

Im betting the middle left square is the last one to be highlighted....

I am only troubled now :( I tried a hundred possibilities starting top right.

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OMG, i have a new key !!
Thx CW, but i don´t understand the logig lol.


Damn I was so close CW LOL (maybe a better clue to square size used will help in that puzzle)

Hmmm so what does balancing the weights do?

@Zazie - it's a puzzle game I learned from a book years ago. Perhaps that's the reason it isn't as popular as the other games in the book such as Soduku! haha.

All of the boxes are the same size. They are over lapped. You have to order them in which order they were laid. First one down was #1. I used the order I actually laid them in.

Two more weights now, but the scale doesn´t do anything ...put 11 kilos on each side...

Do we need more weights ?

@Leroy - or perhaps I don't use that puzzle again! lol

Scale balanced = check parts you have probably already seen.

CW can you explain why 10 comes before 11 in the squares puzzle? There are also other numbers that can be switched without making a difference in the pattern.

OK Zazie I think it operates the gauges in locker 2 as I can change values now I guess I better go read the books again LOL (I think I know one value..)

Also number in fountain now....

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 6:19 AM  
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@Emmes - you are correct as in more than one way. Hence reason probably won't use this type of puzzle again. I did it based on how I laid it out. This is one of the reasons I read through the forums. Helps me make the games better. (I'm still learning!)

My sun has changed now...

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 6:21 AM  

Btw, CW,
if you want to make a clickable link here (mayhaps you will need it even later for us LOL!), use the following (change{} brackets into <>):

{a href="put-URL-here"}put-LINK-NAME-here{/a}

on to family tree

LOL CW you doing very well if you challenge us when making a game!

put things on 90, 110 and 100 for another key.

Thanks Premiere

90 from fountain, 110 from paper and 100 i don´t know lol.

Thanks Leroy - but I don't want it to be so challenging that people get frustrated and give up!

Zazie - 100 Volts - ETC book.

Thx CW ! Now i am stuck at family tree, are we supposed to enter names in all fields ? I put in the coloured ones names but nothing.

Zazie - pay attention to the colors on the tree. Think how they are related.

CW another idea.. Maybe make the names drag and drop so we dont have to keep going to tree to check? Im also not sure what archive hotspot does? Im currently using up blank paper at an alarming rate LOL

another thought maybe make people find snips so they can cut the leaves off the tree?

We AIN'T beta-testers....... UGH

Leroy - Thanks for the idea. That's why I said you might want to take some notes on the start page lol. I almost filled a notebook creating this game!

I only understand the 4 colourd boxes. Tyler, Diane, Rich and Lillian, but no idea for the rest :(

bottom -paul
2nd row- tyler, jessica
3rd row- joshua, diane, rich, lillian
any one got any thing different so far?

My brain is smoking .....

@GuruOne - who said anything about beta testing? Ideas are for future games.

last row john, mary,roman,sarah, timofei,april,justin not right thought mixed colors to create last row?

mix colours going up the page Zazie and wrap some ice in a towel then apply to your head LOL

Bates try usual thing for family trees.. male name first then female partner name...

Im looking here at the moment LOL http://www.d.umn.edu/~mharvey/th1501colormixingchart.jpg

did that nothing happens

Can anybody put a spoiler for the names please ?

need caps?

What's wrong ? I have the same as Bates but nothing happen :(

@CW, it is a bit annoying that always when i step back, the names i typed disappeared and i can them all enter again.

clicked archive nothing??

Is 'lilian ' a man's or a women's name ?

Zazie got the ice in a towel on your brow yet?

From left to right, top to bottom......

John Mary
Timofei April
Roman Sarah
Justin (Jane)
Joshua Diane
Rich Lillian

(then Archive)


Thx Guru !!!! I had one name wrong grrr..

Guru, I have put the same and nothing happen ...

Case sensitive - just like on tree

Got the next key from piano.

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 7:05 AM  

(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


- click ARCHIVE at the end
- gives KEY-4
(opens left TV CB, 2nd row from top)

Next key from colour disc juhuuu

oh ! I had TimoTei and LiLian wrote
Thanks Premiere ;))

And now i am stuck at a button puzzle...

All with effing capital letters LOL why I hadnt got it yet...

Came back, caught up, and now OF COURSE the keyboard puzzle makes no sense.

Clue please Zazie?

I rest for short while LOL I have to count my way thru a piano key lesson now?

Princess go look at picture on back wall and write the numbers down then count keys left to right on KB

@Princess, note the numbers from smoke pic (from down to up) then count the keys on piano (the black ones included) and hit these keys starting with 15 18 20 etc.
Before starting hit the record button and at the end the stop button.

Any hints for the green button puzzle ?
I thaught it may be in the book with the green lines but i don´t get it.

Got it - thank you Zazie.

Now stuck on symbols. Did anyone find a # or & symbol anywhere?

I had:

$ Yellow
@ Blue
X Red
% Orange

The # symbol was the last i changed, it is green. But i never found it in the room.

Does somebody seen the # ? I' tried each color but nothing grr ...
And I have X and $ red :~. And you, see you the same ?

& = blue
@ = purple not blue.

Where is the place to enter family tree?

Princess I have blue & and from tic tac toe page, green #?

& = blue
$ = yellow
@ = purple
# = green
% = orange

I thought green dots from book?

Sorry, $ is yellow ;)

No clue on dots, when back and looked through all bookshelf.

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 7:28 AM  

Play a smoky melody:
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


- gives KEY-5
(opens middle TV CB, 2nd row from top)

can it be about x o x ?

Clue must be in book on left shelf, 2e red on 2e level ... but I don't understand anything

Red book on left middle bookshelf... tic tac toe on lower right has green board = #

I can't believe no one recognized that song! The picture where the clues are is the title too!

And for the green dot's puzzle - are there no geeks playing this?!?

or maybe we must found out the name-husband-job

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Smoke on the water??? LOLOL

I did note a similarity but thought nah couldnt be LOL

Done with this, too ridiculous - sorry CW.
3 hours on an escape game and to be stuck is too much.

CW no i don´t know this game. How is it working ?
BTW i love your game, although some puzzles are really hard (the dots now).

But i love challenges and i hate stupid pixelhunt games without any logic.

BTW Im guessing binary clock display so I will now try setting according to clock above fireplace...

I don't understand the 2x2 extra dots ...

LOL Im thinking a shortened version (with no second display) in the game http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/lights/59e0/

It's totally Smoke on the Water! :D I even spaced the notes out. :D

I just set it to 9:35 as a binary clock, but nothing.

Gazoline Im thinking Binary so first 2 columns is hours and last 2 columns is minutes..

Yes without the seconds but why it doesn´t work ?

LOL I was right but sneaky CW used a 24 hr clock LOL

Oh the horror google coming up to relate horological symbols to the zodiac in your inventory LOL

Ohh got it ...put it on 21:35, not 9:35. Got the key.

21.35 not 09.35

This will help you all...


       Anonymous  5/22/12, 7:48 AM  

BBL, need to air my brain LOL!

Sorry, I'm not a mathematician. Please explain which buttons to push to get 21:35.

Have remote now from zodiac puzzle.

1st colomn 2d from bottom
2d 1st
3d 3d or 1st-2d
4th 1-4 or 2-3 but nothing ???

Be careful CW mixed the symbolism up a bit LOL

I get it !

First column : upper button
second column : downmost button
3rd column: downmost and middle button
4rth column : Downmost button and second from above.

dots http://i48.tinypic.com/pwyvs.jpg

Gazoline consider each column seperately OK so last column must = 5 so as columns rise you have 1,2,4,8..
5 = 1+4 etc

c1 -> 2d from bottom
c2 -> 1st
c3 -> 1st and 2d
c4 -> 1st and 3d

what now? has anyone solved the job ? nancy-norman-norway-?

Now i have nails in TV ?

Ahhh they are selling nails !

Got a key from nurse now.

And another key from switches :)

Stuck on a paper with letters and numbers.

Then click the corner top left


Need help with yellow paper.

LOL we all have our strengths but Im still stuck with that stupid zodiac! Being atheist and not believing in spiritual things dont help I guess LOL I didnt even know my own symbolism correctly...

its key to door probably?

Good grief, I'm out!

no anagrams for jthrall

Look here Leroy

Zazie, switch on the computer.

in first book there are a lot of BDP

Once you have the yellow paper click on the PC tower below the desk, press the button and enter the user name and password (with capitals where necessary).

0602 abcd thanks everyone

Then just use the ABCD numerical code to escape.

Thx Siobhán Long's sister, but what is the pincode for door panel ?

Ahh ok thx, i forgot about this lol..

Hmmm 0602 does nothing ?

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 8:10 AM  
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LOL Zazie Im already using that chart.... Somebody post me a screen shot? Do I get another key if I get it right or just no indication?

       Anonymous  5/22/12, 8:11 AM  


It seems, that this game will get more than 200 posts...!
So to see the newest comments (from post 201), look on the next page (click blue word «newest» above or under comments)

This is a riddle not an escape game LOL Ive gone into riddle mode!
Still could be the new format for a new genre?

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