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Games2World - Pink Room Escape Walkthrough

Games2World - Pink Room Escape

Games2World - Pink Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 World. In this game, you are locked in a pink room and you try to escape the pink room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Going in!

Knife under pillow on right bed

going in..

battery from duck on left shelves

Two batteries from two ducks on left shelves, switches behind truck on bottom shelf.

Used knife on two pics above beds, got sd parts and numbers to use on cb between beds

Drag sd handle into screen to assemble the two parts

What do u do with the 2 batteries?

Dont know yet what do do with batteries, sd and saw blade...or why you can turn the lights out

wer to use batts, nails and wat is the first item a file?

Tried to use sd on upper left "tassle thingy" and it ate my sd, have to restart

got 3rd batt from the clock, also u can remove the knob/button right to no. 3 on the clock..

well, for some reason I can't reload game even after clearing my cache

anybody could open the top cabinet with two digits?

I can't get the game to reload, guess I'll try later.

       Anonymous  7/24/12, 5:27 AM  
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okay you can cut the steel is it rods? up above those two birds? with the file/saw blade

can combine screws with the steel rods..but what next

wlcm JJ any new findings? pls help..

can't load game...

lost my sd to one of the 3 unopening drawers...and game got stuck...not restarting...

i have a white screen wt share...comment...instruction,but how to get into game??

       Anonymous  7/24/12, 7:20 AM  

What is "the steel above the birds" that you cut and what did you cut it with?

at the top of the room are pipelines, get the blade and don´t zoom in

use sd on floor (6 screws)

change the lightswitch position in the darkness

in the darkness you can use sd on switch (11 screws)

take the left bird after it was shining

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2 big rods, 6 thin rods and 10 screws (without the little ones from the switcher) but not able to combine them.....

7 screws and 4 little screws
use 4 little to new switch near armchair, use sd and flip switch to see numbers on birds

numbers on birds open cb, found a rocket, put in 3 batteries

re turn on lights in the room

@ black düsseldorf, stuck ! do you find another things?

@seb, take the rods in the case you found the rocket!

Oh thanks, missed that

and suddenly I have another switchthing in my Inventory...think its a bug.....

I have left bird, there is an hotspot on pink lights but...nothing
perhaps buggy game...

How do you combine the 2 rods and 10 screws?

Where did you find the little rods? I only have two big rods and my axeblade is gone...

I can't :(

little rods are in cb opened with birds numbers

I couldn´t combine that....maybe Dr.A was a fake....;)

Oh I thought they were part of the wall inside the cb!
Thank you!

I´m totaly stuck with 1 bulb (bird), 10 screws, 6 thin rods, 2 big rods, a rocket and a SD ..... need help!

So I have 2 rods, 6 thin rods, and 10 screws. Where does this all go? Tried everywhere..

@JohnnyA ..and a bulb, a rocket and the SD....but I´m still stuck, no place for all that...

Haven't found a bulb.. One of the ceiling lights? How do you get in those?

@JohnnyA take the lightswitch, put it near the armchar an light it on.....the two bulbs (looking like birds) will give you the numbers for the second case (with the rocket an the thin rods in). After you change the lightswith back to the place bevore you can unscrew the to Birdbulbs and take the left one.

The bulb is the left light, unscrew it for 1 screw and rhw bulb

left bird is bulb

Oh, I've done that already. In the zoomed out view, put the "bulb" in the hole in the floor. Now stuck again.

go back to the light switch you can now flip the right switch and the bulb in the floor lighs up.

Turned on lights in room again, put rocket in zoomed out view, and it blasted a hole in the ceiling!

shot the rocket through the center of the ceiling...stuck.

OUT! make a ladder.. and escape!

Ok, after rocket through ceiling, go back to the switch and unscrew 2 screws. You should have 12 now. Drag the 2 big rods into view, then the 6 small ones, drag each screw, then screwdriver to make ladder. Use that at big hole in ceiling to get out. PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! :-/

I've made my ladder but I can't place it :-(

       Anonymous  7/26/12, 6:45 AM  

My rocket doesn't fly trough ceiling. Where i have to place the rocket? 3 Cells are into the rocket and the bulb is at the bottom.

my bulb is at the bottom but it wont let me shoot my rocket to make a hole in me celing HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

       Anonymous  7/31/12, 1:15 AM  

@louise hawkins
I had the same problem. Turn the light on, so that the Bulb on the bottom is on. Then would it works.

i am still playing in 2020 haha

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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