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Small Challenge Walkthrough

Small Challenge

SmallTool - Small Challenge is another challenging brain teaser riddle based puzzle game created by Small Tool and for EscapeGames24. It's 30 levels and starts (I hope) very easy and is slowly getting harder. There will be no fancy riddle stuff to do, I mean; no info with hidden text, or in the source, or in the exif and/or picture properties; No picture manipulation; No audio manipulation, etc, etc. Everything you need will be there in plain sight on the level. Only on 2 or 3 levels you have to Google a little bit. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by Small-Tool]

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In part 3 there are four words with that tiny difference. Use that tiny difference to pick letters, again; no anagram!

Have word for first section only...

Third section still don't get... translated everything and no words are the same? or was that only for the first section... Not sure how to use Peer/Pear difference?? and I think hair translated back into her?? is that significant?

On the third part no word is the same indeed.
But, for example; In Dutch the word FRIEND is VRIEND. Only one letter different!!! Just like there's only one letter different in the title.

Ah! I was thinking the same letter had to be different (a/e)

and, Donas was really brilliant to get all this without help! (and anyone else that did!)

Go, go, go Laura, so far nobody else besides Donas finished :)

I just got there too Laura!! I'm slapping my head!! Once more I didn't listen to instructions!!! I was supposed to convert BOTH ways - geez!!!!!!!!!!

Once again small-tool, I thank you enormously for all the effort you put in to develop this game, and for sticking around all this time to help morons like me get through all the levels.

Oh no! tried a guess at middle word, but really wanted to figure it out with grid! Can't get back? Not pleased with myself! (and am I really done? don't see a poem?)

I think I've finished........... don't tell me I've missed something else LOL!!

You're only finished when you have an end page with poem and video. The other end is just a red herring end :)

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why doesn't that surprise me?

So are you going to help us get to the real end?

Hold on - no help yet!!!

AHA! way to catch cheaters like me :-)

So am I done now??? LOL!! The last answer was the best

I'm still on 26. I found a third word, and walked straight into a trap..thanks small...lol. Ive minused the two words from each other, which made me look up the top right of the bookshelf, but now, ive run out of ideas. A shove please. Thanks.

YEAH, Congrats Cee Bee :)
I hope you felt a little bit of remorse while putting in the final answer :P

Not at all!! It echoed my sentiments in spades!! After all my praise - LOL!!!! great stuff! I love the humour - hope there's more to come

@clio_rose... what's the difference between your two original words - letter by letter you'll get another word

Just do the maths with the 4 pairs of letters. For example; S - C is P (because 19 - 3 is 16 is P)
But also visit the rotten egg by looking at where the different letters are alpahbat wise. :)

Thanks. I'd made it a long string of numbers, rather than individual numbers.

@Laura.. did you get the final answer?

Congrats @Cee Bee!!!! I'm still looking for that two letter word... am I looking for words with same spelling but different meaning? like about/over in first line?

@laura - Find all the words in the grid that translate properly - look at the pattern

hmm, I must have too loose a definition of translate properly... I have only 8 words that I thought didn't ...

@laura .... the words might look English, but try and think like small-tool............so...........

don't think I can ever think like small-tool :-) But maybe I can get there anyhow... am I counting those 'one letter differences' as not translating properly??

You have the right definition. Only some of them go the other way around. Get my drift??

Translate from Dutch to English

Oh, I think I get it.... have to try translating all 'english' words dutch to english.... dang!

You got it!! Bad is a Dutch word, so is Want etc.

You'll see the pattern - VERY CLEVER!!

Wow, finally got it!!!! So cool!!! Thanks for all the help to all and to Small-tool thanks again for the SUPER GAME!!! Heading to 1000 comments!!??

@laura - did you see the poem/video? .... The last little challenge LOL!

Yes! It was great. Now I wish there was more!

but good there isn't.... good night all!

Congrats Laura :)

Level 29. Have now idea how chess works, so I could be on this one for quite a while.

       Anonymous  8/4/12, 10:25 PM  

@laura, I didn't finish 30 yet. I went to watch some fireworks. Now I'm back and doing the last level. I've got the first two words and am working on the last one. :)

       Anonymous  8/4/12, 10:35 PM  

Found the four words in part 3, but can't make a sensible word out of them. Apparently it's not the single different letters...

       Anonymous  8/4/12, 10:39 PM  

Duh! Using the wrong letters! Wait. There's no poem yet. Hmmm...

       Anonymous  8/4/12, 10:45 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

On to level 30, thanks to the great hints here.

       Anonymous  8/4/12, 11:18 PM  

Nvm. Now I just feel stupid. It shouldn't have taken me that long to see that. :P Awesome work S-T! That was a lot of fun. And thanks for sticking around to help.
Btw, I second the earlier comment about appreciating all the hints and help you put up on EG24 in general. I learned to recognize your name pretty quickly when looking for help. :)

Finally finished!!!!!! Great game small-tool. I can't wait for the next one. That is a very interesting last answer. lol

Oh and great job on the congrats page Clio and Yoli.

Finished. I really enjoyed the last answer. It summed up how i felt about level 30.

Congratulations on a wonderful riddle, small-tool. That was incredibly creative, clever and absolutely hilarious at times. Thank you so very much.

@Clio - thank you so much for getting stuck on 24. I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one who didn't get the clue :) :) :)

Hahaha...even when told...i still didnt understand. They had to quite literally tell me HOW to do it... Crikey !!

if anyone is still around, i still need help on 25, i know the dob, the dod, how old, i tried adding subtracting everything i can think of, but just not getting it, please help me out..:)

@rds665 - PurpleLogic's comment (8/4, 10:22) was the most help to me

Hi all, I’ve had little chance to get on here recently due to all sorts of commitments. However, when I saw this riddle posted by our small Belgian friend I just had to have a go. So, I’ve set aside tonight to see how far I can get :o)

I promise to peek at the hints regularly lol

Okay, I'm on my way...

Great to see you @Rambler :). Have fun!

Thanks annaby :o)

I'm on level 9 right now. Lots and lots of counting. Sheesh!!

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 10:50 AM  

Finished - BOO-HOO!!!
But also:


Now, that was, what I call a real R-I-D-D-L-E!
At least for my (lousy & bone-lazy) riddle self:
- Googler & Wikinger => (almost) nothing to do with those friends...!☺
- Converter => No polygamy, only 1 tool (& the other two as secret lovers)...! ;-D
- Player => Numbers, letters, words are my favourite birds...! 8-D
- Thinker => ♪♫ I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien, I am alien in small-tools brain ♫♪...! ☻
- Riddler => Loads of great hints from the others & available maker for even more...! ;-P
♥ ♥ ♥ cubed (now do the math)...! ;-P


Well done @ premiere, hopefully I'll be joining you on the finishing block tonight.

I'm up to level 13 now :o)

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 11:05 AM  

Wow, Rambler,
with that average, you will be finished for sure, before you can say Jack Robinson!

(but beware of the last level...!)

@premiere. It's not all my own work. There are so many helpful hints on here. However, it's still a great feeling when I get the answer right :o)

Slowing up a bit now, what I think is the answer for level 13 doesn't work!!

NVM, I missed a letter out lol

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 11:36 AM  

136 comments till grand barrier...!
Shall we shoot thru by the skin of our teeth & with drums beating & trumpets sounding (or sometimes also wailing and gnashing of teeth)...?!

And add 3 more to the score

14 was easy, 15 was sneaky and 16 was clever (back to basics lol)

135 to go :o)

And I got 17 too, but only after s-t's hint from 8/3/12 7:29 PM

Update for anyone interested:

18 was tough for me, 19 was easy, 20 was a nice old school riddle, 21 I made the same mistake as everyone else (counted black instead of white), 22 took me a while because my maths capability is rubbish and I only got 23 by looking at PurpleLogics post at 8/4/12 9:27 AM and translating it.

Aha, got 24, 1+1=1, 2+2=2, 3+3=3 and 4+4=4. Strange maths, but it works lol

I'm going to have to take you all back to level 15 - "center away observation"

What do I have to do? I can't figure out which of the middle bits I need to miss out, what to keep?


Scrap that...I've got it!

Well done Ellis, I was just about to reply. Hurry and catch up, I've a feeling I'll be needing some extra help soon. Currently on level 25

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:21 PM  

You're doing great, Rambler!
(Btw, still sticking around here for some extra hint...)

Thanks @premiere, I'm just taking the advice from all the previous posters - Don’t Overthink!!

Hehe, level 25 - shake and solve ;)

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:31 PM  

& not stirred...!

Lol @premiere, not much stirring on level 26 yet. Tried the obvious answer to the question (don't overthink lol)

However I do see differences, gonna work on them now...

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:44 PM  

Just clamour, Rambler,
for an increased kick...!

Tee Hee, got 26 now. That was a good one!

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:47 PM  

& did you found the rotten egg?

Nope, all I could get from coding that made any kind of sense was CDOG. I tried to convert that as well, but I was CBarking up the wrong tree lol

WOW! Usain Bolt!!!!!

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:55 PM  

read question above shelf, count & convert...!

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 1:57 PM  

LOL, Rambler,
is this a POP exclamation?

No, I just watched him win the 100 metres final, he was awesome.

However, I may use that in future instead of POP lol

Right, back on track, 27 solved - another old school riddle - the eyes have it ;)

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 2:06 PM  

What a coincidence: nomen est omen (esp. the last name LOL)...!

Yep, sometimes the name fits.

Right, level 28 looks like hard work, methinks I'll need a sheet of paper, a pencil and a stiff drink.

LOL - 28, what kind of statement is that! Well s-t, whatever floats your boat.

Onto 29 now, but I only have a little time left

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 2:29 PM  

& now double the first vowel in last word to get s-t's dream...!

To clean the impossible clean?

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 2:37 PM  

Clean float...

On 29, I got the placings on the board pretty easy thanks to s-t's hint on the page.
Now, which parts belong to granmaa and which parts belong to Caesar?

I presume white is granny and black is Julius, but I'm not getting any sense!

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 2:49 PM  

both for all moves, first do it like Julius...

Okay, I'm getting gibberish regardless of what I try. I'm using white letters alone, black letters alone, white and black letters combined, letters and numbers combined, added and subtracted. Nothing makes sense!!

I think I've gone far enough tonight, so I'll check back tomorrow.

Thanks for the company @premiere :o)

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 2:53 PM  

My pleasure, Rambler,

       Anonymous  8/5/12, 3:15 PM  

@Rambler, whenever you come back, your final answer is a seven letter word, it is an anagram, and you will have to do some "letter math". Hope that helps. :)

Finally finished. Thanks to s-t on a fine riddle (and for just being s-t), to jon for production, to mtatt for testing, and to clio & Yoli for the great congrats page.
And as I spent hours toward the end not getting anywhere, I hereby award clio 50 million points for her patience and help :)

ps - I forgot to thank all who left hints - without which I wold have gotten exactly nowhere!

Finally got level 29, I took the clues to work today and played around with them on paper, no ROT needed however. It's surprising what a new day brings. Thanks for the heads up T'Lai :o)

As for level 30, I'm going to save that for later on in the week when I have more time

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       Anonymous  8/6/12, 11:43 PM  

Sorry ST, it just seems wrong for the author to have to continually show up to give hints and helps for their game.

it's not easy!!! (for me) Stuck on the first level.... argh!!!

Szilvia - look at the first letter of each word perhaps?

hint for help szilvia - go through the comments - there is lots of help there for you on every level

"You are on your way" Yes, I already discovered it. But I don't know what it means...... Sorry.

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:20 AM  

that's already the answer, put it in box below (words linked together making one word, no caps).

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:21 AM  

you can search particular stuff in comments with typing Ctrl+f on your keyboard.

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:29 AM  



(click right to open a link e.g. in a new tab)
- GOOGLE & WIKI (L-10, 16, 25)
- MORSE (L-23)
- probably a calculator, dice...
- perseverance & no scruples to cheat...! ?


You may also search particular stuff in comments with Ctrl+f
- mayhaps you'll find even more details on a level (e.g. L-23), that will help you to blaze the trail thru this phat riddle...!

☺ ☻ ☺

- read the text carefully for a later needed hint...!
- click BEGIN

- HINT: title
- take all FIRST letters of the sentence

- HINTS: in poem
- woman without man
- end without start
- midst of suffering
- ring as final part

- HINT (for rotten egg): CAPS in sentence
- anagram caps
- HINT: shapes mentionned in sentence making letters
(no anagram)

- HINT: in title, which tool to use (granmaa=anagram)
- anagram previous answer

- HINT-1: bake picture ingredients for PIE
- HINT-2: 3 eggs, plate (with/without spoon*), 1 butter, 4 milk, 1 flour, 5 apples
(*English players write a dot, non-english players a comma)
- gives famous infinite number (sounding like the baked product)

- HINT: in title (no B-R-A-I-N-E-R)
- remove all those letters in the two words above picture
- anagram remained 6 letters

- HINTS: pictures
- write down, what you see (2 names)
- leave second name as it is (incl. letter T...!)
- read first name as «1. letter & ...»
- link letter of first name & second name together

- HINTS: title & numbers
- write OUT all 8 numbers
(seventyseven, seventeen, eleven, three, seventyeight, twentyone, eleventhousand, eight)
- amount of letters of each word
- convert numbers in letters (A=1, B=2, C=3 etc. - Z=26)

- HINT: title
- count all letters C-O-U-N-T in sentence under picture
- convert numbers in letters (A=1 etc.)

- HINTS: numbers & level number (9)
- convert numbers in letters for SENTENCE
- pick every 9th letter from sentence

- HINTS: picture & CAPS in country names
(caps gives also: nonoteasy ;-D)
- google the CAPITALS (=caps ;-D) of all those countries
(Windhoek, Bogota, Porto Novo, Ulan Bator, Addis Ababa, Tallin, Tokyo, Majuro, Nairobi)
- pick letters in each capital name at same place as in each country name
(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 4th)

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:29 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:32 AM  

- HINT: on picture (& title)
- numbers representing letters
(B-Y-E H-A-I-R
2-25-5 8-1-9-18)

- use same pattern on numbers under picture
(1-14-4-3-5, no 13 nor 15, as there's no 19 in hint...!)
- convert to letters
- anagram

- HINT: on picture (& title)
(comparing to the previous title, still no google, but MATH)
- convert letters to numbers (A=1)
- square=squared
(squared number=18225)
- line=not squared
- take root
(135 - for 135x135=18225)
- convert to letters

- HINT: title
- regard NOTES as musical ones
- eliminate all note names in sentence

- HINT: on picture
- sun represents a famous computer programme
- count WINDOWS of each item
(plane, train, house, boat, car)
(you may anagram, when items in another order)
(btw: also an in-house gag in picture for advanced master riddlers...! ;-D)

- HINTS: on picture
- take out WHOLE center of each word, title included
- link remained letters together

- HINT: in sentence (& title)
- all FIRST letters of the words make a question
(you may google for the answer)

- HINT: on picture
- note the letter «r» in speech bubble
- note same amount of words in each line (11)
- look for letter r in each word of first line
- pick letters at same place of each word of second line

- HINT: on picture
- write out colours
- look at last letter column left & right side of equation for two words
- convert numbers to letters
(3-9-16-8-5-18 = 1-21-20-15 KEY)
- find the correct cipher tool (hint: with kinda salad ingredient ;-D)
- use word found in coloured column (right side of equation) as PASSPHRASE
(no alphabet key)
- set tool to DECRYPT
- type letters as MESSAGE in cipher tool

- HINT: on phone
- convert phone LABEL at bottom to numbers as per phone keys
- convert those numbers to letters again (A=1 - Z=26)

- HINTS: from pictures
- recognise countries as per their shapes
(you may have a look on a European MAP)
- look at picture NAMES
(click right & choose SAVE AS)
LEFT picture:
- look, at which CITY arrow is pointing
(city=ROME & pic name=ANTICO = HINT, what to do next)
- convert number to roman numerals
RIGHT picture:
- translate pic name as per country language
(Germany, farbe=colour)
- translate colour on pic in same language for HINT (cipher tool)
- note also number 9 on pic
- use correct cipher tool on roman numerals
(look at line 9)

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:34 AM  
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       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:34 AM  

- HINT: (title)
- count all WHITE lines of each block
- convert numbers to letters
- choose another letter for THICKER white lines, fitting between the other letters)
(same size=same letter=A)
- link all letters together

- HINTS: on picture
- note math SIGNS
(alternating plus-minus)
- note which math signs the letters are covering
(E+, Q-, J+, F-, C+, P-, Z+, T-, M+, Y-, L+)
- note big number SHAPE formed by letters
- of each letter in pic, take letter after next or two before (+2 or -2) as per math sign

- HINT: on picture & sentence under pic
- sentence is telling us, what to do with the letters
(you can hear MORSE)
- convert letters to morse characters:
(O=---, D=-.., U=..-, K=-.- R=.-. G=--.)
- put morse characters of each letter COLUMN one below the other
- DASHES of each morse column are making a LETTER
(7 letters)

- HINTS: on picture & title
- convert letters of the two words in numbers

(BTW: Why not google the two words together - you'll find sth, that's just natural...! ;-D)
- add the two numbers of both first, second, third & fourth letters
- convert numbers to letters

- HINT: pictures & sentence below, title
- find out who the two gentlemen are
(you may use e.g. PAINT, to separate the pics for Google Images)
- find out, what they have in common as per sentence hint
(year of birth: 1632)
- look on a die, which number is opposite of each digit of what they have in common as per title hint
- convert numbers to letters

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:36 AM  
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       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:37 AM  

- HINTS: from picture, title & question
- note same amount of books in the two top & bottom shelves
- count at which place the books on top are differing from those on bottom at same place
- convert numbers to letters (for rotten egg)
- make two words with the letters differing on top & bottom
- convert letters to numbers
(3-15-4-5 19-20-5-23)
- substract number of each letter at same place per as title hint
- convert numbers to letters

- HINT: on picture & title
- assume, you are the lady in blond: sitting at your computer, which item do you see by looking down on your desk?
(you type on it ;-D)
- look at the item: which letters are placed from W-H-E-R-E in the eye directions
(bottom right of W, top right of H, bottom of E, left of R, bottom left of E)

- HINT: letters & title
- note THREE gibberish words
- convert letters to numbers
(2-2-11-7-10-2-2 10-7 4-7-11-2-9-4-7-3)
- add numbers of each letter as per title hint, start again for each word
(2+2=same, 2+3=next, 11+11=same, 7+8=next etc., 10+10=, 2+3, 2+2
10+10= same, 7+8=next
4+4=same, 7+8=next, 11+11=same etc., 2+3=, 9+9, 4+5, 7+7, 3+4)

- convert total of each number addition to letters
(BTW: double first vowel in last answer word to get a small-tool dream...! ;-P)

- HINT: title & in text
(Bishop, Rook, King, KNight)
- set a coordination grid on chess board
(columns A-H, rows 1-8)
- move the figures as per text hint in brackets & note their places in grid after each move
(WHITE: D5, F1, C6, E6 - BLACK: F8, E8, D8)
- do the same with the letters/numbers as Caesar did in L-20
(ROT pattern: D+5=5th letter after D, F+8=8th letter after F etc., F+1, E+8, C+6, D+8, E+6)
(alternating white & black moves, but not necessary)
- anagram

- HINTS: titles, picture, text
- main title gives you language, in/from which you'll translate
- 1) START is START means same spelling, same meaning
- 2) The story of a BLACK (chess) BIRD in SMOKE means same spelling, but different meaning
(e.g. smoke=rook in Dutch, rook in English=a black bird ;-D)
- 3) PEER into that PEAR means same meaning, other spelling
(ONE letter differing)
- translate each WORD separately
- translate both ways (from Dutch to English & from English to Dutch)
- look also at bottom right: further info=real translation
- 1) count words in sentence (26)
- 1) 4 words fitting title hint
(help, god, perfect, plan)
- 1) place of those words in sentence (1st-26th)
- 1) convert numbers to letters
- 2) 22 words fitting title hint
(bad, been, beer, want, slang
door, was, big, long
room, was, 2x ten
rug, wig, worst, kind
breed, of, rook, wand, sleep)

- 2) mark each word in the picture grid
- 2) marks forming shapes
(2 letters making one word)
- 3) find the 4 words & take the different English letters
(old-oud, hair-haar, friend-vriend, beer-bier)

- scroll down for another answer display...!
- HINT: the answer was given at introduction...!
(you may go back in the game to see the first page, but better to start a new one...!)



       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:38 AM  

Plz, feel free to add further info or to correct (hopefully non-existent!) silly boobs.

       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:47 AM  


- use is only recommended in a most desperate emotional state
(otherwise you'll miss the hugely clever way HOW to solve a level)...!

L-1) youareonyourway

L-2) wondering

L-3) trash* / coins

L-3-Egg) icons

L-4) pi

L-5) hotdog

L-6) switch

L-7) lifeline

L-8) glory

L-9) rage

L-10) worldtour

L-11) dance

L-12) ace

L-13) sportsskills

L-14) liked

L-15) greycrayon

L-16) havana

L-17) secretlover

L-18) colour

L-19) bigdice

L-20) mugger

L-21) catamaran

L-22) goldenbrown

L-23) spoiler

L-24) must

L-25) fade

L-26) know* / pear

L-27) dudes

L-28) devotedtohovering

L-29) milking

L-30) lostinlife

LAST) ihatesmalltool

*rotten egg


       Anonymous  8/7/12, 2:56 AM  

cut off last letter of the link to the CIPHER TOOL for L-18 - sorry!
Here's the working one:
(click right to open link e.g. in a new tab)


       Anonymous  8/7/12, 3:00 AM  

& the ? should be a ☻ behind
- perseverance & no scruples to cheat...! ☻

very good riddle congrats to small tool and it was really evil at the end lol

Thanks Smalltool,LOL the end...

and thanks alls for hint and première for WT, out with a lot of help!! Very hard for me but I enjoyed :)

Thank you all for playing and I'm really glad a lot of people liked it.
The next EG24 riddle will be the second riddle from Yoli (coming very soon) and after that the third riddle from Gut. Further away in the future there will be a storyline/themed riddle from Yoli in collaboration with yours sincerely :).

Big thanks to Premiere for yet another great HintThrough.
Btw. I completely forgot to make another planned rotten egg and remembered again when I saw the HintThrough. Yep, on level 10 nonoteasy had to be an answer as well. :)

I tried and failed lol... but with the hint through I am going back in (THANKS PREMIERE!!).

But I won't got straight for the answers, I am quite excited about LEARNING how to do the riddle! :D

WOW some of these are hard!! LOL... I wouldn't of got some of the ones i have done (thanks again premiere lol), but it is interesting to see how they are worked out!! Well done again small, you lot are so smart!! :-D

only for clever people i cant do it even by using answers given lol

@Premiere - what can I say except WOW!

Premiere you are amazing!! And thanks for getting me to level 13 LOL (love these notes... who's Tim?) :D

Premiere, what an amazing walkthrough. You are the Queen. Consider this a verbal curtsy.

Congratulations. Well done.

I forgot to mention that. Tim is Tim Tang the maker of a riddle called Tim Tang Test.
It's a very, very hard 250 levels riddle and in 5 years nobody reached the end. But one of the main reasons people don't finish is because he bans people from playing if they can't explain good enough how they found an answer and he also bans people when they tried too many wrong answers.
The funny notes on level 13 are made by my riddle friends (like Bigtank and JBG) who are banned from that riddle.
The picture on level 14 (besides the plane, train, etc) is a picture from his ridiculously difficult level 99.

Thank You Premiere, now I can learn riddles!

Jo.C, you took the words out of my mouth, lol.

LOL ohhh yeah I remember Jon said something about that Tim hahaha... And I was going to be double nosey and ask about that picture but you have already told me ;)

Thanks, and loving it so far!! (Now that I can understand it easier lol)

LMAO sorry I had to google them two words together for level 24 (premiere sort of encouraged it LOL)!! How nicely put it is.... :-P

Well I made it out all on my own.... LOL YEAH RIGHT!!! Would have never managed it, and am not going to pretend i didn't cheat on some lol. But what a great effort made by everyone who participated and left great hints (I went back to check them out as well). Thank you all so much, and always love clio's poems! Now I am just dancing along to this catchy riddle song :D

Samll-tool -- I tried your riddle yesterday, but got stuck in the kitchen -- (what was that, level 4?) -- about par for me on most riddle games ...

One so straightforward, no one even posted a question, let alone extra hints!

But thanks for the effort and I enjoyed the humor (as far as I got).

Finally finished this tonight, what a great riddle, lots of word play which I enjoy, a little bit of maths to stretch me and a good sense of humour.

@small-tool, you're an EG24 legend \O/, \O/, \O/.

Thanks to premiere for sitting with me on Sunday and coaxing me along, and also to all the other's who helped knowingly and unknowingly.

Hopefully I can get back on here more often in future and play along 'live'.

Cheers to all :o)

@Puzzled, when you speak of 'The Kitchen', are you referring to the eggs, milk, butter and apples etc level?

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ok finally finished a couple of weeks after everyone else, but thanks for another great riddle small

Toolio- This was an amazing riddle :), thanks so much for holding my hand and spoon feeding me the last DUTCH level. I now know how you feel, I guess that was your intention. Definitely one the most creative riddles ever.................THE QUEEN

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