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Soul Pawnshop Escape Walkthrough

Soul Pawnshop Escape

Soul Pawnshop Escape is another free online point and click room escape game from Flash512. This is a room escape puzzle game, you need find some hidden objects and solve some puzzles to escape this room. Good luck and have fun!

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Long stick from under the bed, axe from the vase with scrolls.

Slow loading....

Bronze key from right side of table (below the two pics).

It's so slow loading, you'll be out before I'm in...

It looks like a big one Zazie, A lot of inventory boxes.

And a key from right of table...

Yellow crystal from peanuts on little table.

Remember to drag items to use them...

Crystal from peanuts and a metal thing from flowers in the corner.

Pliers from chair next to table with green cups on it.

Yellow crystal goes to the left of the statue with key on it.

Old chest from sofa, opened with metal stick from flowers.

Pink ball from pink flowers.

The other yellow crystal is on top right of cupboard behind big table, but can't get it with the stick :(

I can't find the flowers in the corner?

Use axe on long stick

In the left corner in the view with peanuts.

I found those flowers in the corner now, they're to the left of the peanuts, but I can get anything from it :(

drag 2 sticks to tongs.

Ah thanks Roberto,
And with that you can get the other crystal.

s-t i just clicked around and the metal key was here suddenly.

With the other crystal to the right of the statue, you get light, go in the light and you're in another room.

I am in another room now...

Ruby from vase and scissors from right cb

Red ruby, from red roses in the other room.

It´s gonna be hard to sove both codes in bedroom.

For the 4 zodiac code on the picture, look in the cupboard to the right of the light.
After that place the metal ring from the other room in the picture.

Yeah. Very hard to see it.

Use scissors on fan in first room and put string on lamp.

Which cb ?

Use scissors under fan.

POP got it.

Brush in small drawer in shelf

No idea where to use the disc with energy (the one you get back from the pic when you did the zodiac code).

Yellow gem goes in topaz

Put the Topaz in the energy disk and then use it in the left pyramid.

This game is Teeshie style....long inventory list and will be tricky

lol. Another room.

A maze.

Great find Robert :)
Now take it back and put it to the left of the statue for yet another room.

Put the light off by pulling the strings, something fell off but i cannot find it.

What's the order to pull Zazie? Can't find a hint for that.

Couldn´t find anithing in this new room.

It is an emerald, it fell on the flowers.

Where is topaz ?

Only hints in that new room I think.

I tried the knobs on the cords. 7(?) left and 4 right or so....

I think topaz is the disc you found in the chest.

Look at the knots.

Yep, thanks Zazie and Robert, have the green ruby now :)

Stuck with the signs left of bed upstairs. Hints are in the room and on scroll downstairs but i don´t get it.

Don't understand the hints either, hope it's not a language problem.
And no idea where to use the brush (we probably need ink), or the pink/bronze round thing.

Started with you all but still in first room (hangs head) I just can't find the second stick. Help.please.

There is no second stick. Cut the stick with the axe to get two sticks and combine them with the pliers.

Thank you st - I was forgetting to drag.

You use the brush on the contract on the table in first room.

Yep Charlie, just found that out, Now looking where to use it, probably in the maze room.

Thx Charlie now what ?

Where is maze room ?

Can't find a use for it in the maze room and it doesn't go on the scroll. :(

The left scroll in the big vase right of the table is a map of the library.
The paper on the table shows where to open 2 compartments.
I found the purple jewel in one but there's nothing in the other one.

Hi - guys. trying to catch up. Use the pen on the book on the table in first room. I can't seem to pull the strings right on the lantern. I think I'm following the knots, but not working

I found a shovel in that compartment.

Pull left 7x and then right 5x.

Use the shovel in the second on the right plant soil to get a blue saphire.

Thx S-T! know trying to find the purple gem and shovel

Can't find the purple gem.
I thought I inderstood the maze, but I guess not :(

Can´t find anything in the compartments....

Me neither zazie - i feel like I've clicked on every door

No shovel for me...can't even find the shelf with the purple gem again..

Finally found the purple gem.
So now 4 gems (green, blue, purple and red, the round bronze thing and the contract and no idea how to solve the code in the other room :(

I have to make supper, good luck to you, i will try again later...
Is this game autosaving ?

POP...got the shovel!

On the back of the plates are hints if it's the top or bottom shelf.

Not shovel for me either. Just yellow writings.

Okay - got the purple gem, now for the shovel. Zazie - look at the top of the cupboards

Ah the four gems go on the statue :)

Is the shovel on top or bottom shelves?

POP. Found it!

finally got shovel! Are we supposed to find a yellow thing too, from the other page of the book?

After you put the 4 gems in there's a girl sitting at the big table, give her the contract.

And after that you can take a yar from the big table with the shining yellow thing in it.

s-t, which statue?

Maybe we have to put the yellow thing from the girl in the empty compartment...now to find it again.

Yes! Put the yellow jar in there and get 5 numbers!

The statue thing where you placed the crystals to the left and right to get to other rooms.

Can´t understand those 5 symbols.

Lol, do you remember where that empty compartment was Charlie?
Getting a bit tired of that maze :(

nvmd - got it. Charlie, was the empty compartment on the top or bottom?

Where did you find blue gem???

Blue from using the shovel in the right plant in second room.

From the start you go left, up, right. Then it's the left shelf in the back.

POP - got it. Now what do do with the symbols!

I have no idea!

Empty compartment is one of the bottom shelves.
First left bottom door.

When I go left, up, right I'm in the place with the light beam and can't find an emtpy compartment there :(

Maybe we have to combine them with symbols on top of hourglass?!

So the numbers are, 8294 and don't know last one

It's the code for the bedside table. Look at the scroll and use the symbols beside the numbers.

well, I haven't been able to find the shovel, so maybe I should go play something that's more my speed LOL

small-tool, it's the left shelf in the back, bottom part, left bottom compartment.

Thank you so very much Charlie :)

Where to use the statue?

Great find Charlie!!

Use the statue on the right wallhanging thingy in the bedroom.

OK, I'm outta here. No offense but the hints have not been too helpful. I still can't even find the scissors or brush. Have fun.

Oh...just realized you use it as stamp to find the differences in the wallhangings.

Ahhhhhh!! Out finally!
Thanks all.

What did that do, and why do we still have the statue? Amber, just ask a question, most of us are good about answering

Thanks again Charlie!

How many differences are there?
So far only found two.

Use statue more than once, until you get the key.

Think is five.

After you find all of them you get a key! Put the pink bead on it and you're out!

Ah finally out too. (it was 5 differences).
Great game, great teamwork.
Thanks for all the help :)

and out - couldn't have done it without a lot of help!

That was fun!
Thanks all!!

okay, I am left with jade seal and round button thingie...

Philomena - read the above comments on how to use the Jade statue

Thanks Miles1, I appreciate the response. Unfortunately I have very bad contrast on my screen so the game is very dark. I will catch you guys in a brighter one!!

That's too bad - hope to see you in another one then

I don't get how to complete the key.

Ops, out

Here's a pic with on the left side the code for the 5 characters and on the right side the 5 differences.

Pic with code and differences

finally out thanks to all the excellent hints!

PS... miles1... OI don't usually catch live games but I do remember many of your comments in past games being very helpful!! TY

can someone do a walkthru cause i am stuck cant evenfind the green stone from the lamp

After you pulled the left cord 7x and the right one 5x it falls down. Zoom in on the chair in the back (left next to the peanuts table) and then zoom further in on the yellow flowers on the far left.

       Anonymous  8/25/12, 10:19 AM  

I have put the 4 gems on the circle thing, but what must I do now ? I still have the disk and the contract.

Go to the big table, a girl is sitting there now. Give her the contract and then zoom in on the table to get the jar (with probably her soul in it).
Put that jar in the empty compartment in the maze room to get directions for the 5 characters code in the second room.

When I go left, up, right in the library and check the bottom left compartment, there is yellow writing in the back. When I click on it, the box is empty. I have no shovel in my inventory.

That's the empty box where you, in the end, have to put the jar in. The shovel is in another box. Look at the map on the table.

I've gone over the map like crazy, and I've checked every square in the library. Hate spending an hour on these games and having to just give up.

       Anonymous  8/25/12, 10:43 AM  

Thank you very much, Small-Tool !

I'm going to read more comments in order to understand the 5 symbol code.

Just find those symbols on the left scroll in the vase to the right of the table and find those 5 symbols to find the 5 characters. A few posts above I posted a pic.

       Anonymous  8/25/12, 10:47 AM  

Once again, thank you, ST ! So, the hints on the plates and in a cupboard are red herrings ?

Nah, those were extra hints I think to find the boxes in the maze.

Anyone that can give directions to the shovel?

Pfew, really not sure anymore.
Maybe it was;
From the start (so when you come in that room)
Right arrow and then top boxes on the right (and in the back) and when zoomed in there, the most right one on the middle row.
But maybe the purple gem was there.

Yea, that was skull/purple gem...

       Anonymous  8/25/12, 11:05 AM  

Finally I'm out, with tons of help !

Then try this for the shovel;
From the start go left. And then the top boxes left and in the back.
And there second box on the bottom row.

For the shovel:

Go right, then left, then right, then down.

Back left section on top. One of those compartments.

May be easier way to get to it, that's just the way I went.

Lol Princess, that's indeed the same box as I posted, but you went all the way round to get there.

Well whichever. It's a shame several people above had the same issue and no one bothered to respond.

While playing such a difficult game it's very hard to respond, especially with that confuzing maze. And most people go away after they finished :(
But I always try to post the best I can and keep an eye on the game later.
But congrats on finding it, now you're almost done. :)

I'm done, and that was in no way a jab at you - you are always a doll and very helpful. Thank you.

       Anonymous  8/25/12, 1:32 PM  

Well, that was a work out!! Thanks for all the hints!

Wow, that was a GREAT game! I'm sorry I missed it live, but I most likely couldn't have kept up, anyway. The only thing I didn't like was the maze - it got pretty tedious trying to find the same cabinet over and over (the one with the yellow writing that needed the Soul Jar). And, how sad that the girl signed the contract and lost her Soul!

Finally i came back after a long break and i finished it, it was a wonderful game, cool riddles, great graphics and all, the only thing i did not like was the maze. I hate these....
I want to thank everybody for their useful comments and the help all around !!
This was fun !

In spite of the maze 5 stars from me, because it is very rare to get such cute and challenging games offered. Thx also to the game maker !

Click the yellow soul twice to start the game
Click the desk
Note the empty jar
Click the book
There are clues here about 2 items
Click the green arrow to flip the page
Here is the third clue
Close that view and go right
Note the empty contract
Back up so you can see the room again
Click on the vase filled with scrolls
Take the AX (left of the rightmost scroll)
Click the leftmost scroll to see a map with strange symbols on it – make note of them or printscreen
Click the top right corner of the tall black screen
There is a gem here, but you can't reach it
Go right
Click under the bed and take the LONG STICK
Go right
Click on the right side of the stone basin thing to find a KEY
Go right
Click on the nearest chair
Click the pillow of the left chair to find the TONGS
Back up
Click on the light hanging in the corner and note it is missing a cord on the right side
Back up and zoom on the further chairs
Click on the plate on the table
Get the TOPAZ GEM from the peanuts
Go right
Zoom on the flowers between the 2 couches
Get the PINK DRACONIC BEAD from the left blossoms
Click below the vase inside the dark area between the benches
Click the magnifying glass that appears next to the locked box in your inventory
Drag the key to the box to unlock it
Click the gold clasp and get the ENERGY DISK (it is depleted)
Go right 2 times
Zoom on the top right corner of the black screen again
Click the magnifying glass that appears next to the long stick in your inventory
Drag the ax to the stick to cut it
Click the magnifying glass next to the tongs in your inventory
Drag the 2 sticks to make handles for the tongs
Use the long-handled tongs to get the SHINY CRYSTAL
Go left
Zoom on the right pyramid on the floor to the right of the statue thing
Add the crystal to activate the teleporter
Back up and click the light that it makes to zoom to the next room

In the bedroom, note the left nightstand needs a code
Also note that you need a Chinese Zodiac code for the bottom right corner of the picture over the bed
Turn right
Click the plate between the chairs to see a purple hint
Go right
There are 2 doors in the bottom left of the bookcase – above the right door, there is a drawer
Click there to zoom in
Open it, and take the WRITING BRUSH – it comes pre-loaded with ink. How convenient!
Click above the doors of the red cabinet in the right side of the room
Note the Zodiac symbols (it is dark, I know)
Click the plate on top of the red chest to see an orange-yellow hint
Go right
Zoom on the bottom right door of the stand thing that is to the left of the vase
Zoom on the flowers in the vase and take the RUBY
Click the top of the hourglass-type thing on the long chest to see a hint in brown (note it has the same symbol as in the book from the desk)
Go right
Click the bottom right corner of the picture over the bed
Enter the zodiac symbols you found
Solution below
Back up
There is now a hole in the picture
Drag the energy disk there
Take it back (it should now be glowing)
Click the magnifying glass by the energy disk
Drag the yellow/topaz gem to it
It changes – click to take the SILVER GEM
Turn 2 times and click the light of the teleporter

In the first room, zoom on the left pyramid
Add the silver gem
Back up and click the light of the left teleporter

Enter the library
This is a maze but there is no special way or order you need to get through it
All you need to do is find 3 compartments – one with a PURPLE GEM, one with a SHOVEL, and one that is currently empty. So don't worry about that one now.
Explanation on how to navigate the library is below.
Once you have the shovel and gem, leave through the teleporter.
Click the right teleporter, and enter the bedroom.

In the bedroom, go right
Zoom on the right potted plant and use the shovel
Go right and use the teleporter

In the main room, go left
Zoom on the fan
Use the scissors to get the RED CORD from the bottom of the fan
Go left
Zoom on the light hanging in the corner
Add the cord to the right side of the light
Pull the cords according to the number of knots on each
Back up once
Click the chairs farthest from you
Now click the plant to the left of the left chair
Get the EMERALD that fell from the light
Back up 2 times and go right 2 times
Add the gems to the round part of the statue thing
Click the name that appears
Go right
There is now a girl at the table
Click the table to zoom in
Use the brush on the CONTRACT (go right if you zoom in on the book instead of the paper)
Give the contract to the girl
Zoom on the table and get the SOUL JAR (go left if you zoom in on where the contract was)
Go left
Enter the left teleporter to go to the library

In the library, go to the cabinet using the yellow hints
Solution below if you still have trouble navigating
Open the correct door, click the yellow characters, and drag the soul jar to the cabinet.
Note the symbols that appear
Go to the teleporter (up and right from the start point)
Click the right teleporter to go to the bedroom
Zoom on the left nightstand and enter the symbols that correspond to the ones you found
Solution below
Click the gold clasp to open the doors
Go left
Zoom on the 2 scrolls on the wall
Drag the stamp to the places on the right scroll that are different from the left scroll
Solution below
Once you found all five, take the LARGE KEY
Go left and through the teleporter

In the main room, you can't place the key in the bottom of the statue thing because it says it is incomplete
Open the about item view of the key and drag the pink dragon bead to the key
Now place it in the stand

You escaped!

Zodiac Puzzle
SPOILERhorse, monkey,snake,roosterSPOILER or, if you prefer, click 6 times, 7 times, 5 times, and 8 times
Navigating the Library for the Gem and Shovel
Combine the hints from the book on the table, the plates in the bedroom, and the map scroll that you saw in the first room. The plate with the purple symbols on the back tells you which symbols are on the side of the cabinet that has the purple gem. I'm going to name them spider and cross. The scroll from the first room says that this cabinet is in the bottom right corner of the library. So click the right arrow to get to that corner. Click the square on the edge of the right chest (the edge facing you) – there are the spider and cross symbols so we know it is the right cabinet. Now, the plate had an up arrow on it, which tells you to zoom on the top set of doors of this cabinet. The book on the table showed the purple item being behind the right door in the middle row. Click on that door, click the yellow characters, and take the PURPLE GEM from the skull's eye.

The shovel is marked by the triangle symbol. The top of the hourglass has that symbol on it. It is with a pitchfork-like symbol, 2 horizontal lines, and a down arrow. The scroll map tells us that the pitchfork-like/2 lines symbol is on the cabinet in the upper left corner of the room. So go back once so you are in the start point. Now click the left arrow. Click the square on the edge facing you of the left cabinet to see the correct symbols. Back up once so you can see the cabinet. The hourglass had an up arrow, so again, click the upper cabinet doors. The shovel was in the bottom row of doors, second from the left, according to the book on the table. Click the door, click the yellow characters, and take the SHOVEL.

Back up 2 times, click the right arrow, and click the teleporter light.
Navigating the Library using the Yellow Clues
The plate in the bedroom with the yellow/orange writing had a symbol with 2 squares and 2 curved lines. According to the scroll with the map, the cabinet with those symbols is in the middle of the library against the right side (just above the teleporter, which is marked with the triangle on the map). So go right, left, right OR go up and right. Either way will get you to the teleporter. Click the square on the edge of the left cabinet to see the correct symbols. Back up. The plate had a down arrow on it, so click the bottom set of doors. The book on the table had the yellow soul fire symbol in the bottom left door. So click that door, click the yellow characters, and then drag the soul jar to the empty cabinet.
Solution to the Nightstand Lock
The symbols that appear after you place the soul jar match some of the symbols on the cabinets. You can see them on the scroll map. The 2 vertical lines are part of the pitchfork-like symbol. The 2 curved lines are part of the symbol made of 2 squares with an X, and so on. You need to match the symbols you saw to the complete ones on the map to know which to enter into the lock.
Click the lock from left to right like this: SPOILER5 times, 4 times, 8 times, 6 times, 2timesSPOILER
Find the Differences
The bird at the top; the middle bamboo leaves just below the bird, the evergreen branch just below the white flower, extra pink flower on the left edge of the right scroll, and missing white flower bud to the right of the white flower.

That was such an amazing game....lol...the pinky bead was the first thing I found...and finally used it last!
In peeking at comments for help, I came across the screen shot that small-tool made...and used it to put the 5 symbols on the locked drawer in 2nd room....I did not realize it was too early for that ..and the comment at the bottom said..."so you figured it out without any clue. You are very clever!" LOLOLOL
Needless to say, I did not get the jade piece until I got all the other "clues" and went back to it and the jade piece was there!

Oh, look! KKF made a WT while I was sweating for over an hour with the clues!!!! LOLOL

@kitkat...so good to see you again :) Thank you sooo much for writing a walkthrough...as always...superbly written, but then I expect nothing less from your WT's ;) I always hate to peek but your directions for finding that bloody shovel box saved me...lol!!! I did feel bad, however; shoving that contract in the poor, unsuspecting girls face and standing over her until she signed it :P What we won't do to escape!

Thank you again for saving my....ahem!

       Anonymous  8/26/12, 2:55 AM  

Aaargh!!! Can't believe it - encountered a BUG...!
*screaming loud*
After putting in topaz in glowing energy disk & the metamorphose to silver gem, I closed about inventory without taking out gem & disk wasn't clickable anymore...!
Happy, the awesome KKF-WT saved me from pulling all my hair out 'cause of restarting...!

       Anonymous  8/26/12, 3:02 AM  

& I found a SILVER DRAGONIC BEAD in bird vase in bedroom, that wasn't mentionned before in comments or WT, before I got the pink one - but didn't find that one anymore in flowers between the 2 couches...

       Anonymous  8/26/12, 4:05 AM  

Epic game!!!
(only bummer, that game screen can't be zoomed in...)
No probs at all with differences on paintings or with the maze, didn't even need the hints to find the way to all item compartments...!

Thanks kkf! I was doing fine until the maze!

Well, I'd love to join in, but if I can't even work out how to get the game started, don't think I stand much of a chance :(

Do I need a username and password?

       Anonymous  8/26/12, 7:49 AM  

Sueln Spain,
scroll a bit down & you'll see three underlined Chinese words with PLAY (servers, you can choose), click on one of them.


LOL, thank you, don't know how I missed that

kitkatfox is back!!!!!!!!!! And, not only that, but she's back with one of her wonderful, wonderful WTs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this was one bear of a game to do a WT for. Legions of Escapers bow to you @kkf!

Hey KKF, finally you are back with a wonderful WT !!! It makes me happy to see you here and doing well (at least you WT is super !) Many hugs to you <3

@premiere there is also a GREEN dragonic bead in the game. Looks you can finish the game with either of the three. It may (or may not) be hidden near the bottom of a bookshelf in the library.
Logically, you can't find any more than one, because you only have 21 fields in inventory! :)

Besides, what an OUTSTANDING game! Just according to my taste in terms of difficulty! :P

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it first time because I seem to have brute-forced a little too much with the nightstand.
Yes, even though I'm 99% sure that the symbol code is always the same, there was just that 1% of doubt that it could vary sometimes...(yet disproved by two independent video WTs on YT, same code too, go figure...)

BUG: when you put the topaz crystal in the energized silver plate be sure to remove it before closing the view or you'll need to start over. Disappointing that the bug is still there after a year....

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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