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Chess Wroom Escape Walkthrough

Chess Wroom Escape

Chess Wroom Escape is another free online point and click room escape game from Tomatea. In this game you need to find items and clues to solve puzzle to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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game is not loading for me, although I disabled my adblocker :(

Let´s see...

I only get a white screen...

same here Zazie

First view, small table on the right corner... There is the 1st tile (out of 4) and the number 56 under the chess piece.

Need a key.

Same first view, table on the left... There is a second tile, and the number 8 under another chess piece.

I'm in on FF - no add blocker. Hope that helps.
Also, new Tomatea! Squee!

Mee too i am in FF, no addblocker, but nope.

View with tv... A third tile. Need a DVD. Another chess piece with 9532 under it. Lots of codes needed.

Buhh and i cannot play :(

Top of fireplace, there is a machine (don't know the name in English) that shows a number hint: click on the top button. And yet another chess piece with 714 under it.

game is not loading for me also :((

I tried FF, IE and Chrome, nothing...

No game for me too on FF... :-(

I really wonder why Valérie & Emily can play. tried different browsers, but no go...

Ok I had all 4 tiles (very obvious to find), I solved the puzzle on the wall... and it gave me the hint for the first drawer on the left, in the view with the tv.

Got another chess piece with no number under it, but it seems we can place it on something.


Can play too. there is a cross on top of horse manege. The only puzzle available to solve is L/R but don't get it.

I'm using Chrome. I had no problem loading the game.

Ah! Combined croos from top of horse manege (thanks Drisana!) with the piece I got from the left drawer by tv. It forms a new chess piece: the king.

There is a sort of device under it, I used the code from the machine on top of fireplace and got a key.



I solved the puzzle on the wall but I dont understand clue for drawer on the left...

Drisana, the left right puzzle is the way the horses are facing.
I have a Bishop from the drawer but can't find the next step. I think I know the number code but the game won't let me put it in.

Used key on lower table on right of window, and got a chessboard.

DVD inside chessboard. Used it on tv to get a new hint.

Combine hint from tv with shapes of chess pieces to open second drawer left of tv. Got a key for manege and hands for machine on top of fireplace.



Out. Puzzles are simple.
Thanks for the L/R hint ;)

Used key on manege to get color hint for the small table left of tv.


Emily to input number code you have to see hint on horses pic and hint on tv.

Cheers for the heads up on the combined piece! Now for a little math!

Got a whole set of chesspieces from that small table.

Placed the chessboard on the table in front of fireplace, and the chesspieces on it. It's missing one black knight.

Placed the hands on the machine on top of fireplace but cannot use it, I need another button.

Last knight : use sd under horse manege

Hi alls no problem with FF...
great game, thanks

Hello everyone,

We are very sorry because some players can't play our game now. There is problem with our host provider. Please, try again later.
Have a great day :)


Where did you get a sd, Drisana?

when puzzlz horses finish, click up left to see math

Drawer right of tv, you need the second clock working

combine hint math with chesspieces places

POP! Lovely game as always.

Well thanks but... how do you make that clock work? Where is the button?

And I don't get that math formula from horse puzzle. 1-2x3+4? The answer is -1, I don't see how I can make a 4-digit code with that.

button is in upper right drawer. Do the math according to the tv

Aaaah thanks seb!


Valerie, 1 is king...

Valerie, you need the DVD to get the second part of the hint for the math. I think the dvd was in the chess board which is in the cupboard that needs the key. Combine the chess piece you've picked up with the cross from the top of the merry-go-round and use the numbers from the left clock to open it for a key.

Ok so upper right drawer gives button to make work the second clock. That clock gives a hint to open the last drawer (S8P3O11I6LER), in which you find the screwdriver.
Use the sd under manege to get the missing black knight. Use the knight on the chessboard to get door key.

And out!

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 7:48 AM  

nice and easy

Right now it loaded.....

maths numbers on chess peice
(2*3)-1,+4 (9562-(714*8))+56 = 3876

finally its start loaing on IE

I made the horse picture, but RRRLLL doesn´t open drawer ?

Ohh it was LLLRRR

And out, very easy this time, but cool nonetheless. the graphics are awsome !
Thx Tomatea !!!

I've found that I can't play games that others can, this one I had no problem with I use IE, other times I get just a black screen, or game says 100% loaded and doesn't go to the game. It has only started recently.

it always fun to play Tomatea ...& i solved all the puzzle on my own so it make game even more better....

Where is the math clue? Can't find it...
Is the "horse Puzzle" the one with colours??

can someone explain what click up left means after the horses finish. I don't see where to click to get hint

the math clue is in first left tile on horses pic ..you hav to click it ....

I hate it when I drive myself crazy because a spoiler doesn't work!!! I think I am deranged or something....then try it backwards and remember that many people are L/R challenged!!!LOLOLOL

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 10:01 AM  

As always, a beautiful game! Thanks for all the help!

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 10:41 AM  

What a shame. I really wanted to play. Refreshed over and over and while the "advertising" is there over and over and over ... the "game" is not.

Fantastic game. Took me some torn-out hair at times, but I wanted to solve it without help. And I was lucky I could!

(However, it was not the toughest Tomatea we've had here. Even a bit too straightforward at times)

What I also loved was the idea of putting two puzzles into one (chess figures). Great! 5 stars.

@ Dee click up left refers to the "fake slider puzzle" (as I call them) where there is a sort of "formula" in the upper left corner.

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 12:01 PM  



- SAVE option available (game menu)
- first you need to see the hints before you can solve the puzzles
- after solving puzzle, click square button at the end
- SOLUTIONS at the bottom

- note on carroussel: coloured HORSES, SLOT in front & screwed PANEL (bottom)...
- take CROSS from top of carroussel
(have a look at it in inventory...)
- go left (no comment ;-P)

NOTE (above fireplace)
- CASTLE with NUMBER on bottom (714)...
- CHESS CLOCK: left side showing NUMBERS (click button on top) & right side missing hands & button...
- also: TABLE with grid...
- (bottom right of fireplace): PAWN with NUMBER on bottom (8)
- take PUZZLE PIECE-1/4 bottom right of fireplace on floor
- go left

- note as usual: locked DOOR...
- take PUZZLE PIECE-2/4 from top CB left of TV
- note in CBs around TV: 4 PUZZLES...
- note on bottom CB right of TV: KING with NUMBER on bottom (9532)
- click BUTTON right on PLAYER under TV to open SLOT, no DVD inserted...
- go left

- note above couch: PICTURE missing 4 parts...
- note right of couch: CB with 5th puzzle...
- take PUZZLE PIECE-3/4 right of puzzle CB
- note left of couch: LOCKED CB...
- note on locked CB: KNIGHT with NUMBER on bottom (56)
- take PUZZLE PIECE-4/4 left of locked CB
- put all 4 puzzle pieces in picture above couch
- solve PICTURE PUZZLE for HINTS (directions & math - click top left tile)...

- solve L/R PUZZLE (top CB left of TV) for INCOMPLETE CHESS FIGURE

- put cross on chess figure for another L/R ARROW PUZZLE on bottom
- solve puzzle for KEY
(you may have a look at chess clock again...)

- open CB left of couch for FOLDED CHESSBOARD
- unfold chessboard for DVD

- put DVD in player for HINT on TV (chess figure order)
- solve CHESS FIGURE PUZZLE as per chess figure order hint for WIND-UP KEY & CLOCK HANDS
- solve NUMBER PUZZLE as per chess figure hints for BUTTON

- put chessboard on grid table
- put hands at right side of chess clock
- put button on top of right chess clock
- push button for HINT (numbers)

- solve DIAL PUZZLE as per number hint from right chess clock for SCREWDRIVER

- put wind-up key in carroussel slot for HINT (colour order of horses)
(click key)
- unscrew panel on bottom of carroussel with SD for BLACK KNIGHT

- solve COLOUR PUZZLE (CB right of couch) as per horse hint for CHESS FIGURES

- put figures on chessboard
- put missing black knight on board for ESCAPE KEY

- open door with escape key for a


☺ ☻ ☺


(right click to open link in new tab/window)


(seems to mean 3 horses left & 3 horses right from centre, but just the other way round, in which directions horses on pic are looking...! :-o)

- from chess clock:
7-5-10-3 o'clock (C=clockwise, A=anti-clockwise)
C-A- C-A

1) KING (TV)
2) PAWN (fireplace bottom right)
3) CASTLE (above fireplace)
4) KNIGHT (left of couch)
- or click:

- math hint: 1-2x3+4
1) KING - 9532
2) PAWN - 8
3) CASTLE - 714
4) KNIGHT - 56
- gives:
8*714=5712 (multiplication before addition/substraction!)

G-Y-B-R horses
Y (start)

8-3-11-6 o'clock


       Anonymous  9/18/12, 12:20 PM  

Finally get to play and everyone has left the room. Great.

Where is the "maths" clue?? I cant enter anything on the puzzle to the right of the tv. It says "I have no clue". The tv has the clue to the puzzle to the left of the tv. for changing the chess peices to match the order of the pieces in the room.

Where do you see "math" on the TV?!?!?!

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 12:32 PM  

I refreshed before posting and thought everyone was gone and POOF Premier posts a walk through. ~ thank you thank you thank you.

I finally found the "maths" clue and was able to finish the game. As always Tomatea has another lovely game.

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 12:32 PM  

click top left puzzle tile on horse picture above couch (after solving pic puzzle) for math hint.

       Anonymous  9/18/12, 12:34 PM  

Me (too) should refresh first LOL
Thx & my pleasure, 4red3s!
(& WTG for finishing)


im just starting im on IE no problems loading

gave up got so lost understanding the walk through only had 2 items in inventory

c'mon you can't be serious. even my dog would understand that well-structured walkthrough (if I had one).

I'd say: PEBKAC.
(Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) ;)

had a breather restarted and got out.

think ist attempt was reading it too quickly so got lost but after taking a break did each bit bit slower then understood it better.

Another 40 mins of absolute pleasure, TY, TomaTea.

To reiterate what premiere said,
always do the multiplication first.

nice neat game with great graphics..

First time,that i'm a bit disapointed with Tomatea.IMHO,puzzle horses(L-R)doesn't make sense(too random).No heart feelings Tomatea,but i have great expectations from you.Like Tesshi,Robamimi,Kotorinosu e.t.c.
But,the rest of the game was great.Still one of my favourite developers.

Wonderful game - thanks Tomatea!

thanks Tomatea

Agree with @Akis Anast. Unfortunately, it was the first puzzle. Remaining puzzles were great!

Still great. 6 piles of books is a red herring.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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