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Vegetarian Secret Walkthrough

Vegetarian Secret

Abroy - Vegetarian Secret Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Abroy. It's time to eat healthy, but in a while you feel like eating something else, so you have to escape this vegetarian room. Good luck and have fun!

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going inn.......

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Found all but the colour clue. Missed a view?

I can't find it either @ReemZ.

me too ......

Same problem here. I'm pretty sure I've clicked everywhere. :)

I think I've gone around the room a dozen times. Either a bug or too obscure for my mind! ;-)

It's the cushions on the couch

I wonder if it was supposed to be beneath the pillow...

Sorry, throw pillows

Nice catch @lazyelk!

thanx lazyelk...

Hi! Sudoku Hint...first column across.


In LOL lets see how quick I am this morning (cafe imbibed...)

Where to use the ax please?

And...I am missing the clue for the word puzzle.....

POP...ax used behind the pics of veggies! lol

Nokra, a word clue on globe and another on a magazine

its the cushions brown greeen brown green brown

Ah well, might as well start the walkthrough and wait for someone to finish it ;)

Puzzles are in the cabinet under the desk.
Sudoku gives a puzzle piece.
Triangle puzzle gives a puzzle piece.
The hint for one of the two word puzzles is the globe on top of the desk, you'll get a knife. Cut the pumpkin with it to get a puzzle piece.
Go right, zoom in on the telly and push the dvd player back to find another puzzle piece.
I can move one of the three pillows on the bed but it seems to be a red herring. The middle painting above the bed covers a not-so-secret compartment.
Go right, click the carrots for, amazingly, the carrot clue. Click the records for the other word clue. The corresponding puzzles give an axe and a pair of pincers, respectively.
In the starting view, peek into the wardrobe and use the pincers on the handbag for a puzzle piece. Open the beforementioned not-so-secret compartment with the axe for another puzzle piece.
Go right from the door view or left from the starting view, zoom in on the settee and find another puzzle piece behind the green cushion on the right. Can't find anything in the vases.
In the door view, there's a medieval torture device disguised as a chair, of which a part seems to be stuck. Most likely, the tool to take it apart and find the last puzzle piece is the reward for solving the colour puzzle, to which the clue I've not found yet.

Word puzzle, globe: Greenland
Word puzzle, band: The Beatles
Sudoku, triangle and carrot puzzles: click.

POP...found another view I had missed...that was my favorite album of them!

*slaps self on forehead after reading lazyelk's comment*
Nice one!

And...finally got my last round one from top of the receiver...I swear I clicked there many times....lol

Thanks, @kimbo...lol...leave it to the young'uns to confuse an album cover with a magazine! lolol

And yes, I had that one...one of my very first albums!

now ehere's the color code clue ?

POP the colorcode clue r the pillows on the couch ! :D B G B G B

       Anonymous  9/13/12, 5:34 PM  

I wonder, since so many are using more the just the primary colors, if Grey and Green should have their own abbrv. Grey=Gry, Green Grn? I know it gets "lettery", just a thought. Like the pink=PI and purple=PU Whatever...:D

This might help,


(The sneaky way)

Escape abbreviations,
I suppose it's first and last letter.

oh by B i meant black gayle ! :D it was black to me !!

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time to visit the optician ?? *)

Hey E-Addict, you'll never guess who I bumped
into in Specsavers...



(The old ones are the best)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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