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Christmas Snow Abode Escape Walkthrough

Christmas Snow Abode Escape

123Bee - Christmas Snow Abode Escape is another point and click room escape game created by 123 Bee. A christmas boy unfortunately trapped in this snow place. now he has to find ways to escape from this place. Help him to escape from there by finding the clues and objects. Good luck and ave fun!

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First, ho ho ho Merry X-mas to all

And out...

i have 5 baubles and Santa,s hat...thx Zoran

i have all bausels, got one santa claus and a star, a red book with a math, but looking for the hint for the yellow circle

And in...

can't pick the blue one by man... any pixel I need to press?

i don't like to say this, but i stuck

john zoom out

got it... I really, really dislike 123 Bee...

stuck grrr, i opened only one drawer with the hint on the candy cane, please help

gabi in the other red sock

Thanks Gabi, I had already done it (by accident, which is the way i get things done in 99% of 123bee games).
Missing ball in middle right...

Have book (with formula), found Rs30 in sock

TY zoran, but i see only one red sock in the second house...where please is the second red sock?????

In the drover in secon house

Hint in the santa hat

i can't open any of the drawers... santa hat????

Jon D, first house drover with two numbers.

What is the code for the drawer with two numbers?

hurra, i am not alone stucking

pamarina87, right side of drover, on the wall.

@Zoran...Thanks, never saw that view...

Thank you Zoran finally out

Missing the middle right ball and code for drawer left of bed.
Have Santa (for what?) and miss candy cane(??).
These 123 make me feel stupid... and just yesterday solved a tomatea all by myself :(

By the way, thanks for the hints, zoran. I would never get that wall number alone :/

What to do with the Santa?

I am stuck in the same place as jon and granny.... why aren't the answers to the questions here?

Ah, the middle right bulb is in the left scene-bottom right corner of house. After you put all the bulbs in the frame on the wall, you get the candy cane-number for drawer in left house. Put star and santa's in the right house on right table-give Bible to guy outside.

I think so many people miss the purpose of the comments here! LOL

Yea!!! Granny to the rescue! TY!

Very interesting ending! :)

Another 123 with great graphics but zero points in view logic, which leads to pixel hunting and random clicking (some views make no sense). At least no knifes on this one... or throwing things.

Merry Christmas all and to a 2013 with lots of Room Escape Games!

And a warm thank you to all game developers!!!!

i need one more baubles, got the rest. I need the first one , been clicking and cant find it. does anyone remember where it was, I need #1

finally out was a pretty good game very tricky. Thanks all for the hint, that helped alot and Merry xmas and a Happy New Year to all

Did we just get Bible guy kidnapped by Santa?

Need bauble in upper left corner. Hint, anyone?

POP. Found it.

makes perfect sense...all those santa references in the bible must've conjured up the old guy

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Can't find the second santa. Help?

Never mind found him :-)

still stuck with one santa and star, missing 2 digit code for the drawer in first house... it would be nice if someone make a handy walkthrough, otherwise, nobody can complete this game...

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