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End of the Year Escape Walkthrough

End of the Year Escape

End of the Year Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Yuuri. In this escape game you have to help a little chick escape from strange place. Good luck and have fun!

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Cute! All clean :D

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Nice. Out.

Cutest game ever!

Very Cute. In & Out.

       Anonymous  12/30/12, 12:53 AM  

Where do I use the clean rag/towel, please ?

       Anonymous  12/30/12, 12:54 AM  

POP, I've got the key !

heheh that was fun

Terrible translation of the game's name:
ネンマツエスケープ means End of the Year Escape, nothing to do with Neon. I wonder where that word came from.


I think 'neon' is a misguided attempt to say New Year. It's probably a good idea, to have a Neon Party. I'll try it sometime. Just remember, if you break one of those tubes, YOU WILL BE ELECTROCUTED TO DEATH. Just saying.

So this chick had a party in her parents' house, and now they won't let her out until she cleans it up. In 1st scene, pick up chick holding cleaning cloth and notice up-down code on windows.

Go left and enter it in pink cabinet; get Vacuum Cleaner Important Part and Cleaning Spray.

Go left and notice messy room after chick's slumber party.

Go left and pick up Dirty Towel and Shrimp. (I guess - leftover hors-d'oeuvres from the party?)

Go left, use Spray and then Chick on windows to get rid of that ugly clue.

Go left twice, put Shrimp in trash; the chick was hiding in the closet, but will come out to take the trash away. How she got in there with the door locked is a question; but you can do amazing things sometimes when you're hung over.

Enter closet, get Vacuum Cleaner Other Important Part, select it and put the Vacuum Cleaner together. Put Dirty Towel in basin with water.

Back out, go left, force chick to vacuum the room. (Just click vacuum and floor.) Open hatch, retrieve Soap, and that is the strangest place to keep soap I've ever seen, but you know, chicks are different.

Go right and back to closet. Pour Soap in basin.

Go right again, pick up chick.

Take her to the closet and... make her do the laundry. Hang up the towel to dry, and oh my. A key magically appears, as a reward for being next to godliness and all that.

Use key, leave building. Meet chick in restaurant, plan next party.

Let me correct: you MIGHT get electrocuted to death. You will usually survive a 230V~ AC shock if of all grounds you don't stand directly in water with both of your feet AND if your heart is 100% OK,
Since a heart defect may actually cause death on you, people may NEVER get allowed to become electricians once this is diagnosed.

Remember this neon tube stuff is public mains voltage, not high voltage as in a Tesla transformer unit.
(Whilst electric fly zappers may use 8000 volts, but if you touched these, the resistor inside will cause the current to get less than 300 mA, so no real danger.)

(sorry for the OT, but I'd like to get facts straight instead of causing panic for no reason)

Hi there arbeits I still don't want to become an electrician - not due to panic, just healthy fear that I make too many dumb mistakes, lol

Gotta love the vacuuming !!!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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