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Colourful Lights Escape Walkthrough

Colourful Lights Escape

Colorful Lights Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Gamershood. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Yellow keys a bit tricky but got out eventually.

Yellow Key - SP4O4IL4E3R

       Anonymous  2/8/13, 5:46 PM  

I don't get the yellow key at all on this one. :(

The spoiler clue from tishtosh doesn't work for me. How did you figure it out?


       Anonymous  2/8/13, 5:52 PM  

It didn't work for me either. The book says x=1 I'm just not sure what it's looking for in the number puzzle.

found prybar found gold key can not get it yet for some reason

Soduko help?

blue key found

Top line of ken-ken is 2143.

       Anonymous  2/8/13, 5:57 PM  

soduko line one is


found antique looking key no idea what its for yet

Is that you, Abracadabra? If so, have your numbers changed?

       Anonymous  2/8/13, 6:00 PM  

No, not Abracadabra. I have no idea why it's posting numbers. lol I used the AIM login.

The yellow key spoiler isn't working and I don't know what precisely the book is asking for :(

I don't understand yellow, and the spoiler above does not work for me. :(

oh..sorry...in that case..you can be cfadiie. hahha. (now watch me confuse myself forever).

Also, im being dense im sure, but where is the red key?

3444 worked for me. I just BF'd it. Might be 3443. I have no idea what pattern we're supposed to be seeing.

Red key's a bit tricky to find. Click on the left window above the white couch.

Thanks, puzzled. 3444 worked for me but I have no idea why.

SP3O4IL4E4R try that one.

Thanks Marnie. Missed that spot completely.

stuck on zebra pic

What that note on the couch means?

Where the hell are the drawers to use the keys??? LOL

What that note on the couch means?

wow skudoko puzzel everything adds up but no go

Linda, use that fancy key to unlock the chest by the door. No, not that door, the other one. :)

Caco, we don't seem to have any idea what that note means!

Ah ... haven't found fancy key yet! Going to look around again! Thanks!


Note on the couch: SP3O4I4L4ER

Got fancy key - moving now! Thanks!

linda try the thingy that looks like a wood stove but i think you need an antique key

Can you explain how you got the answer, H?

I appreciate GH getting more creative with their games. The problem with trying new things is that you occasionally hit a dud. Thanks for trying, GH guys, regardless.

can someone spoil the bottom line for scudoko puzzle please?

found black key

And out ... thanks for fancy key and yellow solution ... was stuck there!

where does the black key go?????

@shane ... final door for escape

       Anonymous  2/8/13, 7:10 PM  

yellow key:
(1) 2..4..6 [3 does not fit]
(2) 1..3..9 [4 does not fit]


aargh, apologies everyone I wrote the yellow key no. down wrongly. As op above stated it should have been 3444 instead of 4443. note to self double check before you post.

Geez, I feel stupid this time. Usually this is a relaxing game for me, but it's causing more stress than relieving it tomight! :s

Only have crowbar, remover, fancy key, reg. SD, blue & orange keys. See lots of clues. Also red, pink and unknown one by stereo, but have no way to get them. Grrrrrrr. Anyone left out there?

Things I loved:
The Suduko and the picture puzzle are back.
The music was good enough to leave on for the entire game.
Things I didn't love so much:
The notebook on the couch and the yellow key - I only got the answer by looking at comments. Anybody have an explanation???

@hartzb65, can you be more specific about what you're missing? I'll start the game over and try to help out.

only have 2 keys, blue & orange, solved those puzzles. now I'm stuck, don't know what else to do.

I see Red and Pink keys but can't get.
I see key shape by DVD player, also can't get.

Hoping I can figure out puzzles if can just get all the keys :)

ok, duh, just found the drawers under the key spot, lol. Might be ok now

I'm playing thru again, but I remember that the thing that looks like a roll of athletic tape is used to get the key to the left of the DVD player. The dark area on the wall behind it will give you the final door key once you get a hatchet. If I remember right!

Thanks Zoz! I'm doing pretty good now, at least have all the keys (except black).

Appreciate you. Love all you regulars, I guess I'm typically a lurker b/c rarely hit a live game :)

And out. Shew!

Zebra puzzle made me a bit wonky, but do enjoy those (like the Hottategoya Completion puzzles)

No idea on yellow key, thought it might be a math pattern, but couldn't figure it out.

On to something hopefully more relaxing!!

first scene: Blue key in strawberry bowl
crowbar under pillow on couch
cryptic clue in book on right end of couch
orange key under glue on plate on lower shelf
horizontal/vertical clues for white/grey/brown on wall hanging on left (for Blue key)

Go right:
by plant, use crowbar on floorboards for antique key
Wall pegs: clue for Green key (M, M, L, M, S) - get pliers/grippers for Purple key (in scene with speakers and DVD player; beside right speaker)

Go right:
Use antique key to open cabinet for keyholes
Bottom left drawer: sd
Bottom right drawer: green key
Solve Green Key and Blue Key puzzles (horizontal/vertical/horizontal) to get glue solvent for Orange key on shelf in first scene

In first scene, click on floor light (the lower light on the pole) and click the dial to get colors that correspond to numbers. Also, use sd to get red key.

Back to key cabinet:
Red key = sudoko
Get tape
Go right to DVD player and use tape to get yellow key from the left

Back to key cabinet
Yellow key solution: 3444 (I still don't know why) - take grippers
Orange key: use colors from dial in first scene: 2453 = GORY
Purple key: zebra picture

Use hatchet on wall behind DVD for black key
Use yellow sd and grippers on door, then black key

@ hartzb65: Sorry it took me so long, but I'm glad you got out! See you on another game :)

Explanation for yellow key puzzle (as much as I can figure out):

They're supposed to be based on number sequences.

1) 2,4,6 - even numbers, add 2 each time. 3 is the odd one out
2) 1,3,9 - odd numbers, multiply by 3 each time. 4 is the odd one out.
3) 3,9,12 - all divisible by 3. 4 is the odd one out.
4) 10, 22, 34 - add 12 each time, 4 is odd one out.

The trouble is that there are dozens of possible relationships between the numbers, and choosing the one that is right is a random guess. The sequence only becomes solvable once you know the answer.

I was thinking along the lines of:

1) 2x3=6; 4 is the odd one out
2) 1,4,9 - all perfect squares. 3 is the odd one out.
3) 3x4=12, so 9 is the odd one out
4) 4 is only perfect square, so it's the odd one.

That obviously wasn't right, so then I was back to finding some other explanation and randomly trying that. Tishtosh's hint was wrong, but I believed him that all the values were 4 or less, so that was small enough to brute force.

Very maddening puzzle, all in all. I hope the GH folks learn from it.

If the numbers had been in sequence it would have made sense i.e. 2,4,6,3 instead of 2,6,4,3
that way the final one 10,22,34,4 would have been solvable. Because the others weren't in sequence you couldn't surmise that the numbers were just adding 12 to each one. I was looking for a number that wasn't divisible by something the others were...which didn't work for the last sequence.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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