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Surrealism 02 - Transform Walkthrough

Surrealism 02 - Transform

Surrealism 02 - Transform is another new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from Surrealism and sponsored by No1Game. Try to finish the game by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem.Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
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This looks like it may be a good game, but I think I'll leave it until someone cleverer than me can work it out - have fun!

Taking awhile to load

Big language barrier, impossible to solve for me....

Damn I need to learn Japanese..
I can't understand anything

Loading for ages, and reading your comments I'll quit in advance. (language barriere)

Great game so far! Unfortunately you're right, the language barrier is really near-insurmountable.

Nevertheless, I'm quite a step further now.

- Find that purple 5 letter box

- It's Japanese vowels: A I U E O

- Now the nasty barrier comes: you must know how the kanji are read to solve the puzzle
(Thanks jisho,org !!)

- Kanji are hidden at a sneaky spot: move to the screen with the 5 empty platforms (colored kanji will go there later) and notice the ARROW in the katakana line above. The kanji clue is hidden below that arrow.

These kanji, whose readings entirely consist of VOWELS, give:

甥 (nephew) = 'oi'
魚 (fish) = 'uo'
青 (green or blue) = 'ao'
上 (up, above) = 'ue'

This should get you the purple box open now.
The next clue is also not very difficult to solve for you experienced escapers out there (think orders!)

p. s. Attention, purple box will not respond to clicks unless you ZOOM CLOSELY at it. (yes, really closely)

Thx arbeitsloser, have the box open now !!
I also bruteforced 2 #s and have a SD.

3 signs and also a japanese knife...

Now i solved the box in bottom right drawer for a paper and another key.

Opened 3# box for another sign.

But where to use second key ?

Missing also 4 letter box code and where to use SD or red/blue plate.

Nobody here ? I am so stuck....

Yes, I'm still on that 4-digit box myself...

'abcd'? Hmmm...

HINT: About item SD :)))

Thx for SD hint :-) I am running out of ideas for the 4 letter box...

I tried 1234, then to continue the sequence like 5678, tried to read numbers in the letters, but nothing works.

second key is used on the back of red/white sign for a card... There's also a hint on the back of the knife...

Got all kanji except for the white one.

And don't just focus on solving the 4-digit box, also note that the traffic sign (I guess you've found that now?) can be FLIPPED.

On its back, there is a fraction which can be reduced to 94 / 31 . If that helps. (31 is prime, so no further reduction possible)

I don´t see where to use key on the back of sign ?

BTW i don´t have a red white sign, only a blue red one...

Must be another sign, not the one ("no parking") that we've found :)

there's a keyhole on the back of that red/white sign... It was in the pink box...

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OOGGRR we need a clue first how to open that pink one...otherwise all your hints will make no sense, as you're 2 or more steps ahead...

Argggg and i have to leave soon....

OOGGRR please can you give us a spoiler for the abcd box ?

I had a paper with a phonenumber etc on it but i forgot what i did with it, it disappeared in any case lol.

I think I am behind you guys... I only have red, green and yellow symbols, and a red/white sign with a card behind it, a knife and a businesscard...

It was 71 or 72 if i remember right.
Where was the red white sign ?

OOGGRR...no problem, we'll make it a deal!

You tell Zazie and me how to open the pink box (you still ignored that demand) and I'll tell you where to get that blue kanji! :P

Maybe that will also cause your long response intervals to become a little shorter...;)

arbeitslooser, I just followed your instructions on how to open that pink box...

@Zazie ... I'm about to hack that thing, I'm just about to lose patience...this all takes WAY too long...

or purple as you called it...

ARGH! Misunderstanding!? (Maybe it's because of myself losing patience ;))

With the pink box, we mean the box with 'abcd' printed on it.

I gave instructions for opening the PURPLE box, not the pink one!

Pink and Purple are not quite the same thing...

Yes i think OOGGRR is speaking from the purple box, you gave us the hint fot arbeitsloser, he did not yet open the abcd box.

But where is this f****** red white sign ?

oops, sorry...

red/white sign came from 'purple' box

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Hint on back of red/white sign when opened says: @PASS neetneves (with a yellow @, so I think its a clue for 2 digit code...); that businesscard has a lot of writing on it I don't understand...

My purple box is gone after opening it.


Maybe there is a randomizer in the game that selects whether we will find the r/w or the r/b sign.

This is what I'm about to believe.

My businesscard is gone as well...

You may be right arbeitsloser...

Well i have to leave now, coming back after shopping, good luck with this pink box !!!

Thanks! Gonna need it. Badly.

Trying not to think at the exit door code lol....

Hmmm, I just replayed and first thing I did, was open that box, and there really is a red/white sign there...

Maybe someone could tell me where to use the chopping knife????

Back on here. EXCUSE THE DELAY, it sems I took it a little too far. I wanted to check out the randomizer thing and opened a second game ----> CRASH

Took me a few tries to be back on in game again, and have to do everything from the beginning.
(I'd give *anything* for a save option in this game!!)

@Zazie (et. al.)

OOGGRR was RIGHT. Either the author changed the game while we were playing first, or it was due to similar moon phase or cosmic rays ;)


- First we had a blue/red "NO PARKING" sign, that's a circle with a stroke thru it.

- Now we have a kind of TARGET that may be used to throw darts at.

- A I U E O box inside double doors is PINK.

- 'abcd' box inside drawer is PURPLE.

Just so that we know what everyone is talking about :)

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Hah, there are even TWO.

- TARGET (r/w) inside pink (star) box.

- NO PARKING SIGN (r/b) behind code lock '___ %'.

arbeitslooser: thanks for clearing that up...
that red/white sign disappears when you enter the 2 digit code... behind businesscard it says: % pass LIE, look at it upside down for 3 digit code...

I am back and opened the game again in another window, got the businesscard and when i clicked on it, it disappeared. Is there a magic spell on this game ?

Now i played a third time and have both plates....

@OOGGRR I was remembering wrong, sorry for correcting you with no reason...

You were right, the box I figured out the "vowel combination" *IS* pink and not purple.

The purple one was the 'abcd' one.
Probably I just got confused by all those pastel colors...(which may get terribly close to be alike on different color sets)

And still no code :-(

Yes, sometimes poeple DO need to go shopping. :)

Back now too. The foolish guy who wrote that fantastic on-line Flash decompiler managed to break his own code...he made at least 30 modifications, and the 31st screwed it all up now...

Wish this game was posted 10 days earlier, when the site in question still worked...

So you got the box open ?


This game is cleverer than we are!! The "red sign" ( = target disc) did not appear anymore to us because the two of us BRUTE-FORCED the two-digit code!

Get it?

The game engine "knew" the disc was not needed any longer because we already cracked the code. That's really quirky.

Wow there is a new asylum game, i am off to play it !

Hah no, I haven't restarted working on it. Just came back, read above :)

Ahh lol yes, i understand :-)

Well.. Placing the kanjis in the order SD gave us didn't do anything...

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Btw.. behind knife there's a hint:

ad/bc.. = 94/31 ^^

Why 94/31 ?

The same as 188/62....

But i still don´t get the code.....

Got the box open !!

Put the 5 signs on the grey cubes like on SD now what ?

I am out....pftttt

I could deciffer the first and the last number, not sure for the middle two.

And i guessed the middles ones, but i was stumped that i could read "10" and "3", this would make 5 numbers, so i just played with 3 in the middle and got it somehow.

Sorry my net disconnect and just returned!
Here's the explanation for the last code:

Red White Yellow Green Blue





Thx Nini got it too :-)

abcd Box was 9314 btw....

Long live our stubbornness :-)

Yes, mine too! and ...

Nini does it again!

Thanks so much!
Whilst I'm already a bit proud of having solved the vowel code on the box inside the double-doors cabinet alone, I would definitely not have been able to count over 5,000 in Japanese!

(not even over 20 LOL)

@Nini what meaning did the katakana line on the wall (high above the pedestals) actually have?

(apart from the kanji clue for the vowel box)

I found out that when the signs are on the grey squares and you click between the squares somewhere on the screen you can read numbers at the bottom under screen. I tried to translate these numbers by the internet and found 5 and 8 easily, i had a bit trouble with 0 and 3.

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That's sneaky, like the whole game. Thanks Zazie.

BTW, in the intro I could at least decipher the "Italian restaurant" in katakana.

What both I and Google Translate (!) could not decipher, was



However, gladly there are English-language newspapers that tell about this doubtful "practice":


It means getting lured into certain establishments and then getting ripped off using soothing/raunchy music and girls that can act very well (pretending that they "want it all").

Not cool. :-/

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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