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7 Crystals Escape - Underground Walkthrough

7 Crystals Escape - Underground

7 Crystals Escape - Underground Escape is little point and click escape type game developed by Ainars. Explore underground bunker, obtain items and find clues to solve all puzzles and gather 7 crystals. Search for exit key and unlock exit when all 7 crystals is in pocket. Good Luck!

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my first live, OMG

and I see new puzzles

Hey, surely I'm not the first ....!

hammer in room to right, but it doesn't seem to smash anything

free the orange with the hammer

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       Anonymous  6/25/13, 5:17 PM  

Straight forward, little challenge.

dang ! this one is tough. only found 3 (eye) numbers 4 crystals and sections 1, 2, and 4 of the safe code.

T-T Still in time for me to join u guys?

ok, totally stuck in the room w/4 balls
got 2 balls, see one in the globe I should be able to smash with the mallet, and totally missing one.

Anyone able to help?

wow the page is taking ages to load!

I can not find the hammer

the game is not loading.. just a blank screen!
Server overload?

The hammer is on the ceiling in the ball room, I thought it was a key

ah, that hammer, I used, tx
I need a ball and paper No. 1

I give up! Can't get into game.. even swf file is not loading

Are there more than 3 switches in the room with all the papers? Everything is so dark... too hard to see anything.

Nope, four switches, one to the right of the string hanging down. After pushing all four, panel opens up on wall.

Any hints for the triangle puzzle? Where is the last orange?

The last number for the safe and the green number for the eye, is in the room above where you reset the eyes.

bruteforcing box -95 and 110 :)

Cheers ainars, straightforward enough.

Found clue for triangle #2 and then just clicked #1 until the panel finally opened. Got last orange and clue for puzzle in the room where all the rags are in the tub.

this game gave me errors, suddenly appeared the orange ball and could leave
I did the blue puzzle above the door

**** I did not ever blue puzzle above the door

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nice 1 ainars easy and out

       Anonymous  6/25/13, 7:33 PM  

where is the safe???

As usual it is too dark and too small to see the things you are supposed to see. As a result, and also as usual, it is easier and faster to brute force many of the puzzles than it is to actually find the clues.

What is different about this one is that the confusion which can result from using mixed navigation (arrows on the sides as well as arrows on the bottom) was taken full advantage of here. Sometimes you had one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, but never the same way twice. That made navigation the biggest challenge of the whole game.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the mute button didn't work for me either.

I give it two stars only because I reserve 1 star ratings only for games that don't actually work.

Alrighty! Finally got into game and it was nice and easy as always.. Thx Ainars :)

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Same as theamypalooza: where is the safe?

Anita: To the very left and up once.

The safe for the key is once before the exit door on the lower left wall

Did anyone find the clue for part one of the safe?
I suspect that it's in the blue arrow puzzle somewhere as I never solved that and have no clue as to how to solve it.

I'm out, but I feel like I didn't play properly because I don't understand how...

Didn't like it too. Bruteforced things too and I couldn't get out until I pulled the key onto the keyhole for the 10th time or so.

Had fun playing this - thanks Ainars!

I don't think there is a clue for the blue arrow puzzle - you just turn all the points to the middle and the safe opens. This is the way with all that type of Ainars puzzle.

Green corridor, on R black eye clue, on left orange ball1. Go right
Blue corridor top girder tool to smash glass ball for orange ball2. Blue arrow puzzle, turn so the flat edges match. Get clue 1 for degrees of rotation. Go right
Pink corridor, gem1, orange ball3. Go up
Files on shelves room, 4 buttons to push to open eye safe. Go up
Rubbish room, number safe clue 3, eye puzzle green clue
Go back to pink corridor, turn right
Aqua corridor, above door blue eye clue. Go up
Green pipe room, number safe clue 4, clue 2 for degrees of rotation puzzle. Go up
Pink room with green door, 2nd gem. Go up
Gas mask bin, 4 rotating things puzzle, number safe clue 2

Go back to start room green corridor. Take right up arrow
Ladders, gem3. Go left up
Machine 4 buttons for gem4. Go back to green corridor, take left up arrow
Long corridor. Numbers safe clue 1. Degrees of rotation puzzle. Put in values for 4th orange ball and clue for rotating things puzzle (all with purple bit down). Go up
Gold eye puzzle clue, see numbers safe. Go back to orange ball safe. Place 4 orange balls for gem5.

Go to rotating things puzzle (at last room on right keep going up), turn as clue for gem6

Back down, go left to pink room then up. Click eyes the number of times as per clues for gem7

Go back to green corridor, take left up arrow
put in numbers in number safe for key. Go up
place key in door and out.
NB the key in door is a bit pixelly, place the ring of the key over the keyhole

why sound button is not working ...?& Soozon if you are still here i wrote walk thru for you "Escape of Lasagna Lobster"

Again - I'm sorry that there are people who want to trash Ainars. I don't understand why they feel they have to do that! Especially bill chinery who not only plays the games and then trashes them, but then takes the time to write a lengthy diatribe about how much he doesn't like the games, and then gives it a low score!

It almost sounds like it's personal for him!

I LOVE Ainars games and if I could I would give it 10 stars to counter Mr. chinery's!!!

He is entitled to his opinion just like everyone else Zoe, don't take it personally. I've noticed if a negative comment is posted some of the old timers jump in and savage the comment. Live and let live.

yes everyone is entitled to his opinion ....but sometimes people here criticize unnecessarily to the players that they are not helping ....but when the players help & leave helpful comment ,,they never said thank you or even say few nice words ...my complaint is this ..hope no one mind..:)

       Anonymous  6/26/13, 1:11 PM  

Bless you raasti. I hope I always remember to say thank you. So many of you are so helpful - it's part of the pleasure of playing these games. I love the questions flying about as people try to work it out.

Raasti, you're a star. I will go back and play it. I got quite ratted off by that game LOL...must've been in a particularly dense (stupid) frame of mind that day!

Excellent Ainars, good fun whilst having my sandwich
Cheers pete

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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