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Steal Scheme and Escape Walkthrough

Steal Scheme and Escape

Steal Scheme and Escape is little point and click escape the room type game created by Ainars. Infiltrate in to the flooded underground bunker, search for valuable blueprint and escape. Good Luck!

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In and out, easy

That was fun - Thanks Ainars!!

Good luck and have fun...

A new Ainars game!

Nice and easy one (not to mention 2 short). Thanx again, Ainars...

Easy? In and out - what sort if help is that??

What avatar said.

I love Ainars games. Thank you.

Super simple, sometimes I just need simple, Thanks :)

Well, I'm totally stuck on the fourth room - can't find a screw driver to open panels. I may have to continue at work tomorrow as it's midnight in England!

Oh, I've found it now! (Another late night)

Oh - dead easy after that, and FAR too short!

Super easy but I was brain dead after work so it was just right, thanks!

screwdriver keeps disappearing from inventory and when it's in there, I can't pick it up!

where did you get a screwdriver? easy and out and oh found it! DO NOT HELP!

Well, that was NOT easy. I had to restart twice to get screwdriver to appear. (it is in fourth room on a ledge middle and slightly left in screen)
I too had trouble using screwdriver and getting it to return to inventory.
Not as much fun as usual.

congtats typo at end

nice one ainars.love the typo at end when u get out congtats

Was it just me, or did this seem more pixelly than most Ainars games?

this games is getting worse every time

I can only find 2 purple discs...one for each room....no place else to use the sd and hammer and I have played twice....what am I missing?
help! LOL

POP!!! I swear I clicked those orange circles many times...now, something happens!

I love my gongtats!

Thanks Ainars, but too short!

Nice! Thanx Ainars!

Thank you ainars. Can't help loving your eg's.

What to do in the room after SD? I only found a hammer and one disc. I can't find any more places to click or what to do now.

Good but a bit too easy this time.

I need help in the room after you get the screwdriver (the one with the hammer).

After you get the hammer look around for places that you can break. They will look different.

       Anonymous  6/6/13, 5:29 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

Great game. WAYYYY TOO SHORT!!!!

In and out, thanks Ainars. Gongtats ;)

Ohh, the cracks! Thank you Anna for your hint. Thank you Ainars for the game.

how is it easy in and out? can't find hammer or screw driver. going to restart

okay i restarted 3 times and can only get to the room where you need a screwdriver. there is a square at the top but clicking on it does nothing. still can't find hammer or screwdriver. what am i missing?

searched everywhere in fourth room and can't find the screwdriver, very disappointing.

Oh look, another *YAAWWNNN* buggy Ainars game.

How do games that are unplayable for so many people, and are so stale even for those who can play them, still getting 4 votes?

SD is in 4th view to the right of center screen, has yellow handle. It is not hidden by any thing.

Wenmomojo, i came back to try it again and it really isn't there for me. am retarting it one more time to see if i can find it this time

Was that lovely - YES, thank you

       Anonymous  6/9/13, 10:19 AM  

Only easy if you spot the screwdriver...

good game but too short

good game but too short

can someone tellme what i break with the hammer please? :(

You need to go back to the 1st view and click on the black lines :)

How do you figure out the numbers???

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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