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Pixel Animal Hunter Walkthrough

Pixel Animal Hunter

Pixel Animal Hunter is another point and click hidden object game developed by SpelGrim. A horde of pixel animals has invaded the world. Now you must become the Pixel Animal Hunter and track down these devious little creatures. Find the pixel animal in each scene. Click on it with your mouse to capture it before time runs out. Pixel animals are scattered from the mountains to the ocean to the city - no landscape is safe. You will need expert eyes to be the best Pixel Animal Hunter. Good luck and have fun!

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Fun for the first couple of levels, gets old real soon IMHO.


Nevertheless, good luck and have a lot of fun again, y'all...

Lost on the cloud level. Don't feel like going through again.

There once was an avatar named Avatar, who wished us all good luck and have fun. Pops in/out with his wish for us y'all..and then - by golly - he's done. But the avatar named Avatar......cracks me up laughing every time..so - by golly - that's me done...I cant even think of a rhyme.

It was also the time of a rose with brio, always vigorous and strong.

Never 2 dull 2 speak and what she said was sleek.

If you wondered if I can't rhyme with Brio:

There was also a woman who, being loved by Zeus, was transformed into a white heifer and was, at the wish of Hera, first guarded by Argus and later pursued through the world by a gadfly until she reached Egypt, where she resumed her true shape: identified by the Egyptians with Isis.

And she was called Io ;)...

Easy enough. None of them took even 10 seconds. Question: Why time it if you aren't going to give a score at the end?

@bill chinery: Why ask here if you can ask the programmer?

That was so nice, clio_rose and Avatar. :)

I also lost in the cloud level. The one with the sunset it was on the top of the pole and the one with the buildings it was on the windows I think, a bit to the right.

Any hint for the one with the clouds?

Verito, the cloudy one was towards the bottom, in the center, I think.

Thanks for the story Avatar.

To rhyme with brio, we learned of Io. So there's no lion, and thus no Leo. Perhaps she was a Taurean, but my story's full..cause i finished it off with a pile of bull.

Timed games are not games, they are punishment.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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