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Haunted House Escape 5 Walkthrough

Haunted House Escape 5

Saru Escape aka Haunted House Escape 5 is another free online point and click room escape game from Sarukawa. In this game, find objects and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Angeltutbil via EG24 Chat]

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And finally a live!

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I was in the wrong game lol...
To get in game : Click the black characters and then click on Room 5.

What, YET another one?! Sometimes it takes 6 days until a "non-mass-game" (= neither of 123bee, GH, Games2...Whatever) shows up here, and sometimes you're getting drowned in them! (as today :))

I have found a glass, spade and a candle..but, where to use them? LOL

Hello arbeitlooser! So far I have needle with thread, knife and left arm (used)

And....I am in the wrong game as well! :)

oh this again...no thanks, I'm outta here...

So.. after u place left arm, read the book again
Got right arm now

Why is it 5 and not final???

@nokra have fun! I just won't with this particular series, it's simply not my cup of tea (and never will be).

Especially, there is particularly nothing enjoyful for me. Understanding is kindly requested from person...

hands I attached, there is a knife and a needle

I'll come back later when we figure out which is the game....I think I have played 5 ....

No idea nokra but if u check the writing below the game u'll see that the one released today was room 5...

So.. Any idea for the 4 dig code? I tried 1531 but no

Oh! 1541

wasn't 5, there was 1,2,3,4 ending, 7

and out

and from where a code took?

Angelika look at book:

Number of frames: 1
Number of dust boxes: 5
Number of drawers : 4
Number of heads: 1

thank you very much! Nini xD

you have to recheck book repeatedly. more orders get added when you advance in the game.

Hi all, tried to look up as the book says but where ?

Ok it is above the table with book.

When all parts are put use knife on head for another eyeball, step back and forth and use needle.

And out lol....

BTW doll is sitting left of red cb, click it to get a key...

What game am I playing? LOL I loaded final from game select...

So I have candle, thing (looks like valve), spade and glass...

where is the eyeball?

POP found it

We played 5 before , the final game is what you want. And stuck with what Leroy has lol

Use candle where you found valve for a number

It's disturbing , I dug up the doll and planted a seed in it have a code I don't know where to use yet

Covered the seed (doll) watered it and put wax on it but nothing happens yet. My finger is sore from over clicking in this game

I got an ending it says - This is not true ending BUMMER!!!

The better ending must be using the code in the book which I can't find where. It's a click fest, if you click the door to many times it is the wrong ending ..

I presume the true ending has to do with water, sun (candle), moon (?) etc. Can't seem to get it right though

Final came out in January, here's the previous discussion that sheds light on the book code:


True Ending for the "Final":

Plant the "Thank you" seed then look the book for the code:
Umbrella = water (put water on vase)
Sun = candle (put wax on vase)
Moon = you have to close the "cupboard´s door" where the vase is in as many time as you see it on the code.(To do this just step back and forth)

Follow the order of the code then you'll get a rose. Put it on the grave.


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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