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Solitude Metro Escape Walkthrough

Solitude Metro Escape

Yotreat - Solitude Metro Escape is another free online point and click room escape game from YoTreat. A witty mind is undaunted by the most lonely places, like this metro station for instance. Just look around for hints and solve puzzles to make an exit. Surely there is some way! Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Angeltutbil via EG24 Chat]

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A coin from the green phone, and...then everyone else can tell me how to continue...LOL

hehe clio.. so far I got only a coin as well

Oh! Zoom on pad near white door and input number from train

021 (code for 3-dig code on right drawer)

Turn on PC, gives the hint for the 4-letter code.
Use brown key to get inside train.. Solve puzzle and het yellow key, also use red key to get microchip

And Out

Thank you Nini.

That was fun!

So I used 2 different keys in the same box???

mrtelcom: bown key is for train, red key for emergency box and yellow key for green box inside left drawer

Where is the red key, please?

POP, got it. Drawer under computer.

Short, but nice

A bit of s pixel hunt to turn on the PC but other than that straight forward and logical.

       Anonymous  7/22/13, 1:44 PM  

Easier once you realise there are 3 scenes!

I got a "circuit covers panel", a red key, a yellowish key and a coin. How do you get the brown key?

I don't get it. I keep putting the 021 number in the pad, but nothing happens. There is no enter button on the pad, only a "clear" button. I give up.

read the clues up above and one said to input the number from the train (1945) but nothing happens. found the coin......any suggestions?

Ah! figured it out! you have to zoom in on the trains number for the number to work!

hmmm, got everything except red key,brown key got me into train, puzzle in train gave yellow key, opened the box and got the first metro card, inserted metro card and coin, got second metro card now can't use second metro card or circuit cover. Y'all so much better at these than me!

Ericka, you have to go in the office, click on the first drawer at your left, then take the red key. Go in the wagon, click on the first aid box with the locker, use the red to open it. Get the green micro chip, go back to the first scene and insert it in the black rectangle. Use the convert at the same place, then your metro card. Hope it helped you! :)

I still dont get the train # thing. I have zoomed in on the 021 sign then the pad, entered the numbers then zoomed in again on the sign. What am I missing?

Im a dork I figured it out

Unknown: The number you need is writed on the train, not in the wall.

how to turn on pc end what is teh code for teh 4 letter in teh office

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       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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