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A Fall from Grace Walkthrough

A Fall from Grace

A Fall from Grace is another point and click type adventure and puzzle game developed by Studio Maarten for MouseCity. Click with your mouse to cause a chain of actions and reactions, and puzzle your way through this surreal world in the story about right and wrong. Good luck and have fun!

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can;t figure out what to do. Bat kills rabbits, "angel" restores them. i am carrying a dead rabbit and need to get the hangman down. now what?

I need to grow a tree but don´t know how.

I don't understand what's going on. There is sort of a vampire who kills rabbits and I seem to have no effect on the action...

Bored with this

Found a naked man who wants butterflies and a sleeping baby.

You get the man down by killing all the white rabbits on the screen.

I can't figure out what to do with the locked cage in the snake's mouth.

Got a hammer but still stuck.

I have an apple (one which I gave to the old man), a thorn, a dead black rabbit. I have to find a live black rabbit, and a key to unlock the wheel in the snake's stomach.

Where did you get the hammer?

give black rabbit to hammer man, after the man who wants butterflies.

Can´t pass beetles puzzle.

Stuck on beetles, too.

I got it, solve the puzzle to where 2 are green, then move the last beetle in the middle of two squares (where it is bouncing back and forth) and let go of the mouse.

Oh! I didn´t know you could move beetle too.

Why to solve the beetles? Just to cross to the side I´ve ever been?

hmmm. My game is buggy. After solving bettles, got into the cage and the only thing I could do was crossing to the snake side, so I walked back to the left instead passing by beetles again and now my character disappeared. I only have the evil and angel.

You get the key, unlock the padlock, use the black bat-thing to have the bunny turn the wheel. This extends the red path once you leave the snakes mouth. Go to the left to save the girl.

And so our hero rescues his love, and together they escape the hellish alien planet on his interstellar carrot...

doesn't load for me.

The game had the potential to be really good. It had depth, great artwork and great puzzles (except for the slider). However, the simple, yet gnawing ineptitude of the character to simply walk from scene to scene without getting hung up on invisible ledges and scenery was infuriating. Also the fact that you could not (or if you could, I didn't find a way to do it) unselect a character so they didn't keep flying into the scene of a puzzle and screwing you up was pretty annoying.

Even in the video walkthrough (yeah, I used it to get through the slider. Ain't nobody got time for that), the developer got hung up on the same inability to walk.

It started out as a five star, hands down. Then, kept losing stars each time I had to yell "Will you freaking walk!" So, two stars.

Wouldn't mind seeing more like this out of Mouse City, but would like to see a bit more care put into the mechanics.

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