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Call Angel Walkthrough

Call Angel

Call Angel is another free online point and click room escape game by Angeltutbil using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. Find items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun! [Submitted by Angeltutbil]

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This is one of the better Dr. Fou games.
No bugs, very logical.
A little bit short but I liked it :)

Thumbs up!

Any help ? Got the safe open and stuck...

10HEARTS = 10x Rubies

i cant open anything :(

same place as you zazie

only thing i did is click play button & remove books from shelf ..LOL

raasti,look above the door.
Think Roman numerals.

raasti over the door is the number for safe in roman #

Charlie, i still don´t understand...

Same here raasti, thought I found code "orange" from tv, but there are only number codes

Count the Heart rubies and multiply by 10.


Ahh pop now i got the 10 hearts..

E Presto, you need that later.

Thanks Charlie and Zazie, i'm now getting somewhere

Charlie many thanks, I am glad that was pleasant to you)

used crowbar and knife

Yep, I agree with Charlie, good logical game. Creative use of Dr. Fou

i dont get it guys even open roman numearls at google ..C =100 ..what are firs & last numbers ?

Have crowbar, knife, SD and hammer.

raasti, it's MCM


raasti M = 1000, C = 100

Raasti M = 1000, and do the same with the C in front of an M as you do when you see IX. Why is that 9 ?

Don't forget to use the knife twice.

raasti,it's MCM SPO1900ILER

out, thanks a lot for this game

small-tool thanks! and all thank you that you play my modest game)

What was the APDOOR for btw?

Charlieeeee...bite my finger. Small-tool cheat me....I have the roman numeral solved, and then the heart solved. Used the crowbar,..and..im confused. I dont know what to do next. (Thank you for the game Angel x x).

spoil it ...m = 1000 ,c =100 ,m =1ooo ..then what ..im not roman just spoil it for me ..

oh sorry there is already lot of help ..thanx ..

Stuck too with my 4 tools lol

Cool game Angel btw, thx...

Clio, use the crowbar to open the bars and then solve the safe there with the tv hint and what's below the tv. The missing mix colour.

zazie have you looked behind poster?

Look under the TV...2 colors make another. Use that for the safe above the chair.

Do you have your small-tool too Zazie? haha. I still have only a crowbar, which i used already.

Where you found the hammer is also a paper with a clue how to open the cupboard.

Clue for bookshelf lock is behind poster

Read my comment at 7:28, i have the hint TELANGEL from behind poster.

where to use SD ?

@ rose ...put the color name which you got after mixing red & yellow ..

Hammer is also behind poster

Then open that cupboard and use your hammer.

oh got it ..knife used on poster then SD on pannel ..

Thanks small. Sheesh!! Im so dense. I didnt even notice the relation between the colours on first shelf to those on the bottom shelf. I now have TWO tools. Crowbar AND knife. LOL

Don't get it, purple and green are missing if you count them, combined they're brown. Now I'm hanging out with just a crowbar.

what to do with Telangel ?

Can´t open cb lol...feeling very dumb

Red and blue mixed makes purple.
Yellow and blue mixed makes green.
Red an yellow mixed makes ???

Ericka : red and blue = purple, yellow and blue = green, red and yellow = ?

Read it as telephone Angel.

Like the game says - Call Angel

what would you call Angel with Raasti an Zazie?

yeh i got that ST that i have to call angel but onwhich number ?LOL

dial ANGEL

I'm pretty sure you have a mobile in real life, Raasti, look at it. ;)

Thx s-t !!!! Got it now.

Thanks Charlie too. I took the poster off with my knife....and...have got a steel wall. Sliced the armchair and now have THREE tools...I have a screwdriver. My goodness im brilliant at using all your brains!!! (stand by for further brain cell stealing)

hmm your guess is rite i have mobile & feeling so em brassed :0

And out, this was fun, even while being an idiot :-)

lol Clio, you're nearly there!

great game ,got a go for a walk ..bye bye

raasti, look at the letters ANGEL on your phone and note the numbers.

Looking forward to your next game Angelika

clio use SD on the panel

CRIKEY !! I got out after that. Thanks for the help everyone. You may keep the rest of your intelligence ...till next time. bwaaahahah!

Thank you again Angel. That was difficult for me, and logical and fun for the brainiacs. I reckon you have a winner !!

thank you! all called me?)))))))

Lol, I tried to call in real life, Angelika, but I got your answering machine :P

Hmm Small tool flirting ;). .

If small-tool didn't flirt...i would call an ambulance...and the resuscitation team. HAHAHA. How I LOVE being number 5692 !!!!

angel in waiting of calls! ) ) )

Roman Numerals give 10 hearts
10 hearts give crowbar
Crowbar gives safe, colourmix give knife.
Knife makes poster grey.
And then?

Ha! Knife is used again on coach, gives screwdriver. Screwdriver unscrews where no screws are to give hammer...

Somewhere a link is missing. I have a hammer but no place to knock on. I have two locked doors and no key, and no place to enter ANGEL either...

My mistake. Place found. Angel opens cupboard, hammer gives key. Out. Still, there is an unopened metal box leftover...

Hmm, used the knife on the poster and there's just a grey square and blue gems. No hotspot on sofa to use knife...

Andrea, they forgot the screws in the grey square, I tink. And you can use the knife on the seat again.

Jef, thanks, onward now!

Use knife on purple seat to get screwdriver.

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Thanks @Angelika - very nice game :)

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