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R's Attack 4 - Identity of the Rose Walkthrough

R's Attack 4 - Identity of the Rose

R's Attack 4 - Identity of the Rose is another point and click type room escape games by Rain-Lens. Try to escape the room by solving puzzles and finding items. Language barrier might be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Nothing about 'language' might be a problem in the intro text here. Well, then I guess I'm not really in shape, only found a can and circle thingy with a spiral on it, but no idea how to go on.

anyone playing ..?so much jap ..just found stone ,can ,& there is key at side of sofa but need something to cut it out

hey ST ...so are you going to carry on game or not ?

opened door .. clue on the poster above combined with book pics and the poster in 1st scene !

I'm trying Raasti (but late here, although not as late as where you are :) ), but I have no idea how to progress.

there are some numbers on board on the wall where cat is ..

yep its quite late here ...so I will play tommorrow ...post some good hints ..good nite ;)

use knife on side of red couch for a key ! and stuck with some japanese notes ! any translation by anyone ?

I've seen all those hints E-Addict, but no idea what it's telling me. Do I have to name those animals (then what's the blue one?)

Bye, bye, Raasti, sleep well :)

oh give the green thing with 72 on it to the creature inside for a can opener and another key !

look inside the fridge S-T !

Unplayable without someone that translate the hints :(

now really stuck ! need some translation for the flower notes !

it's impossible to google those symbols !

Forgot about that E-Addcit, thanks, but still missing how to do it I guess. I got 48727 from that, but no go :(

oh dear. found the hints in book, fridge and picture but my logic (or lack there of) is not working

POP haha it works MUCH better if you write the proper numbers down! lol

ok the one downstairs is : cat * turtle !

Use google translate and copy and paste


20*42*7 + 58 !

Anyway, too late for me. Will try tomorrow. Bye, bye guys. Good luck and have fun :)

We need an English version to play on this site.

I've seen pictures in a book, and collected a can and a green disc.Don't know what is is or what to do with it.

Thanks Mark! I love it when game makers allow us to copy and paste!

Lol, thanks E-Addict. I did 42*20*58+7, but like I said; tomorrow for me :)

ok, opened room upstairs but not sure how to use the table on the wall.

translated the blue flower note and got : and i wonder what does that mean !!!

Not sure about the table on the wall. Forced it. Just multiplied all of the numbers by 72 (turtle x cat).


clue for box upstairs in room is downstairs in room with turtle but not sure how to get it to work. Does it have to do with the chart upstairs in the room?

translation for the table note : it's a table for something ! :-)

Explanation of table note:

首 = neck (columns)
足 = feet (rows)

赤 = red
青 = blue
緑 = green

Look at the colors on the cat, use coordinates and get the number to multiply by 'turtle'

154 isnt working @Mark !

it worked !

i wonder if Edgar can translate the blue flower note near the door as well !

Okay--now what to do with 4 letters, and how to get wall cupboard open in kitchen....

Yay! thanks Edgar! have 4 letters now too. And stuck again! lol

The next to do must be the flower thing, but no idea what the clue is....trying to brute force it!

I am guessing that the three buttons relate to the info on the wall by the door and maybe the three door cabinet?

haha google translate says of the info on the wall by the door "and I wonder does that mean?" haha me too

CAn only get two cupboards translated of the three

middle says locusts? bottom says comb?

The 3 door cabinet said "locusts" in the middle and "comb" for the bottom. The top one can't be copied/pasted!

The pic with blue flowers has (I think) these characters: 苗 梨 栗 Use the translator of your preference to figure them out IF I've got them right.

From the drawers I got

Again, translate them where you want/can.

My translations this far don't make any sense to me.

This is my guess. Combine both clues to solve the 3 buttons by the crystal ball and get a screwdriver. Use it to open the wall cupboard and finally place your letters. Sorry. Off to bed. See you all tomorrow!

Pear chestnut seedlings is the translation?

@Edgar that is what I thought too but can't translate some and what I can makes no sense

Thanks for your effort, Edgar. Good night!

Well, I am going to leave this one for now. Good luck all!

Jo-Ann, google translate says comb for the bottom one, but from another site I got alcohol/sake. Still no sense to me to figure out an order for the buttons. Good luck all.

I'm going to come back to this later, although it was fun until now

OMG, finally another game by the great Rain-Lens, but at the dead of night here!

I will try to keep up with you guys, and then help if I can. *yawwwwwwwn*

Hi all, for the rose clue:
The picture says:
苺 = いちご
梨 = なし
栗 = くり
with the arrow going from left to right.

Based on the position of those characters on the cupboard, press the button in order
い  = middle
ち  = top

I can't remember the exact sequence of things, but you will get a key to open the door, which will bring you to a room at the basement, with a few more puzzles. However, no other language barrier iirc

I've got to go to work in a bit, but will come back later with some translations..
It's a great great game, and I have a feeling the story might give us a bit of a clue about the game maker themselves..

thanks to mhtyhr for the help!

Spoiler to open the three button thing



gives sd which opens and you can place your letters. opens basement. Got chisel and note but have to leave now

thanks mhtyhr!!

got the screwdriver, yippieh!


Characters are hiragana, so I can read them:
(thanks mhtyhr for helping with the kanji which I can NOT read)

(The are only syllables and make no words afaics.)

[chi] [ri]

[i] [na] [go]

[ku] [shi]

This is what's on the three cabinets, and what mhtyhr figured out for us is thus the sequence

[i] - [chi] - [go] - [na] - [shi] - [ku] - [ri]

which, for the rose, gives


ok, was going to go but tried one thing first and still here lol

use chisel on right side of stairs for crystal that chisels to a key that opens cupboard

... and, as usual, someone else has beaten me to it in the meantime. Hrmph. :P

found pencil that needs sharpening in cupboard. can't plug sharpener in.

no idea what ab in the cup means or what love under the cactus means

sorry arbeitslooser!

come help me in the basement!

sign on wall gives hint for code box. Gives knob, which gives cord Yay can sharpen the pencil now!

HAHA write 2 on the note, give to boy who gives you the key and out!

Jo-Ann I can only help you in the basement when I found the R letter...missing it...

Ah, R letter was in box. Mark wrote the solution for it in the spoiler, but it was only one factor of a multiplication. :) The other factor was 72...

Hi, bill. Thanks for that helpful hint. :)

Jo-Ann, where do we use the crystal? I can't seem to get it to work anywhere.

replayed it and out .. thanx mhtyhr and jo-ann ! ( couldnt figure it out myself ) !

where r u .. in the basement Peggy ?

just click on it in about item and it's a key !

@peggy, I think you need to chisel it to a key or click on it in inventory. when it is a key, it opens the cupboard under the pencil sharpener

E-Addict, I have the crystal and a note with 100 written on it. I haven't found a key and I can't plug in the pencil sharpener.

HEY! What did we do just now? Money forgery? Heh...

I'm out too now. The ending part was a bit odd.

Thanks, Jo-Ann. I thought I had to use it as a chisel.

Peggy you need to solve the box in the left cupboard.

HINT the code won't be anything sensible...

Thanks arbeitslooser, E-Addict & Jo-Ann for the help. I think it took a bit from each of you to get me to understand what to do.


For the box upstairs, hint is "亀x猫" or "turtle x cat". Turtle is 72. Cat is 154 according to the table (head blue, feet green). So the code should be 72x154=11088.

Where is the key to the upstairs room?

I *think* it was the key you got when you gave that green object with the '72' printed on to the tortoise.

But I might be wrong...

Thanks arbeitslooser! Never thought of giving the shell to the turtle (even though we have four box turtles in our garden).

Maybe another little hint for players yet to come about the codebox in the basement.
The pic in the basement shows the silhouettes of two items that are in the cupboard, but one of the things is broken and the parts are on the left and right side of the other item.
A non-existing 6 letter word will be your answer.

"Out!" is NOT helpful at all, and if the person posting it has not even provided any help whatsoever then why even post simply "Out" if not to just show off?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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