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Trap the Thief Walkthrough

Trap the Thief

Games2Rule - Trap the Thief is a new point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Rule. In this escape game you have to trap a thief in a room and the keep the door locked. Make sure that thief should not escape from there by finding useful object, and hints. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Anyone else playing? o.O

I am..but dreadful as usual.

I'm here Lemon. Opened a couple drawers, one with a key, I have a screwdriver, knife, code paper and two keys in my inventory that I can't find a place for. Tried to put the axe in my inventory but it ended up in the closet. Now I'm stuck. I don't like the inventory in this game, I prefer when the inventory is shown below the screen.


so far.. i have key from r/h side of lilac book; key from second drawer on top row; an axe i can pick up but not put in my backpack. Second scene i opened a drawer with number clue from wall. I used the square shaped key somewhere? and got another key..and thats about it really. I'm wandering around and not getting anywhere...

Yeah I agree about the inventory.

Theres like three golden keys and I dont know what to use the screwdriver for but i think i did everything else...

You can cut the cord off the chainsaw, but can't take it.

I called the police and i am out ? Most of items not used...stupid game. And this inventory sucks.

And there was a pin under desk, i will play again to look.

You are out but the goal is to make sure the thief doesnt get out too...

And for the axe - i think you put it in closet and lock the closet... but of course i still dont know what the pin or the chainsaw is for

There was another key on top the closet -_-

I also used one of the keys on big cb but it didn´t change anything.

Okay nevermind - you dont do anything with the screwdriver and pin... just pick them up

Stupid game.

Whats a cb? o.O (took me a while to figure out what sd was)

cant get rid of axe ..stick to cursor

cb = cupboard

well..the thief can do what he wishes..but after failing at everything i try, im going to snuggle my pillow and thank heavens that when i wake up, i will just turn a door handle and be outside. Good luck everyone.

Well the point of the game was to take as many objects as possible and make as many other objects unusable by the thief... I dont think it was that bad (just really short)

raasti put axe in big cb but whatfor ?

I am out of here, too stupid.

Well if you want a walkthrough...

Keys on :
first screen :
top of closet
second screen :
locked drawer (use key)

first screen :
open closet, put axe in closet
close & lock closet with key
remove key

second screen :
take note from trash can
take knife on top of drawer desk
use knife on chainsaw cord
take crooked pin under the drawer desk
open drawer 3427 (iirc) and get screwdriver
go to the wall with 3427 on it
hover mouse over numbers to remove

go outside :
use key to lock door
remove key

Aw i had the whole message indented but apparently it would let me have blank spaces :( - now the layout looks bad

Hey!! An interesting twist! A lot of common sense needed here!

Would give it 0 stars if I could. Buggy with items sticking to cursor and that inventory constantly popping up is beyond annoying.

The inventory wasn't that bad. Get item, hoover over bag and place the item. To get something click on bag and take what you need.

I picked up the ax and it stuck to my cursor. Couldn't do anything after that.

i take the knife and kill the thief.. oh i can't stupid illogical game

I must be missing something because my thief keeps escaping. Do I need to hide something inside the 4-digit drawer?

I believe if you move the axe back to original position it "unsticks" itself

Lol, i did that so many times with the axe

Try following my WT

Well, I loved it! Something different for a change. Just think backwards.
My only problem was that I couldn't make the closet doors shut easily.
I wish it was longer. The dude got busted!

Unfortunately we can't have logical escape games or else everyone would throw chairs through windows or axe the $hit out of doors.

But this is the closest it can get. It's good. :)

None of the keys I picked up will lock the closet. I got the one from on top of the closet, 2 in drawers, and the one from under the desk, but the thief keeps escaping by getting the ax out of the closet lol.

None of the keys I picked up will lock the closet. I got the one from on top of the closet, 2 in drawers, and the one from under the desk, but the thief keeps escaping by getting the ax out of the closet lol.

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