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Digital Nightmare Escape 2 Walkthrough

Digital Nightmare Escape 2

E-Addict - Digital Nightmare Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game created by EAddict using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. Solve the puzzles to escape. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Hey guys.. Not into much thinking right now but let's do this!

I'm thinking like mad, but only have a rose and noticed that you can click some number out.
Totally stuck

Yeah Cool me too. I'm trying to figure out the "think digital" one .. no luck so far..

01101100 11100110
Something like that? :D

Tried that!! lol.. thought that maybe the binaries would make a number when viewed from afar.. nope

In the scene with the boys you can switch the hole from left to right and vv. No idea why.

Hm, in the scene with the clock and the girl picture there are 2 numbers you can click: no. 5 and no. 1.
When you click 5 it goes away. When you click 1 5 comes back.

U can click 3 and 9 too

Both are empty on my screen??

And what about the "let's play" safe? 13 rotated 180º gives EI

Yeah Cool.. I clicked them and they vanished.

Oh wait, I did not see the comments. My screen was not visible completely

What is up with this persons brain ??

Well.. E-Addict is sure making his games more and more difficult :P Let's think guys! Team work will solve this one!

maybe not if I am on the team. I am not getting anything.
#'s move from one side to the other in one screen and then if you click the right side ones they disappear again.

Somehow the numbers reflect a code I guess.
But which order?

Maybe if we concentrate our efforts in 1 puzzle at a time.. I think the easiest one is the "think digital".. still thinking tho..

Number 1 has no effect on the other side when clicked on.

and 1 E is the order one turned .. the numbers match too

Which is the "think digital" I never saw that commwent?

Cool the one which has 7423 below it

on the clock 1 screen, it says start here at 1 and end here at 6 on the left. that gives us 9851 on the right. trying it out now in some other screens.

Yeah found it. Let us see

But I only see .42. below that one?

Cool.. maybe u need to restart ur game

Restarted, but still have light green-4-2-light green
Can't make out any numbers for the 2 lightgreen numbers

Wierd!! Maybe it's a loading issue? Hmm idk..
This is what my scene looks like: http://postimg.org/image/8ytdrqvbr/

this is a very boring game as most of these are. quitting and going somewhere interesting.

That's not wat I see nini.
Strange, maybe because I am playing in opera?

Yep. I do see the number in IE
I hate it that so many games will not work in Opera. :(

Great :) NOW HELP ME COOL! lol

Oh darn ... in IE I do not get the comments :(

Abd finally in Firefox all seems to work.

I'm trying to think of meanings for the word "digital" like "digits" lol.. still nada.. I thought binary would gives us the answer but guess not

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okay okay, calm down. Let's see what we can do :)

Hey E-Addict! :D Nice way to show up lol

Okay, first one: 7423 reads ESHL if you rotate and flip over

yes Nini Think Digital .. what's the number you can make with seven digital segments ? and 4 .. etc ..

Yup.. tried that.. tried to take only the dark parts of each number.. nope as well

Oh..! Thx E-Addict.. lemme try that

and i see we have a new guest here .. hey Cool ! doing ok ? :-)

Phew! SD finally.. lol E-Addict.. I counted the segmentsof the numbers shown instead of thinking the other way around..

and Thanx @Megipoland for posting it !

E addict, I am not a punk but instead a 62 year old disabled lady. I am sorry you did not like my comments, but I am entitled to my opinion. Your games are not fun for me. I am sure others enjoy them though.

Hi E-addict. Finally got the first one.
But I had a problem with the screen. Only in FF I can see comments and numbers.

ok then evans .. well that was the way to do it .. now i understand .. thanx for trying it ~ Done !

where are you now Nini ?

Well I am wandering around with a tulip and a screwdriver.
Pretty much like Nini I guess :)

On the FIX IT puzzle.. already fixed it I guess (with SD) Now I'm trying to make numbers out of the missing ones.. I noticed 5 never changes.. nor do 8. 4 and 6

@Cool there's a hint saying " fix it " on the button on puzzle right of the female picture .. use sd on it !

it's not the missing numbers that matter Nini ! :-) and btw where is Gradow ?

and please ignore the card reader under the safe .. it's a glitch .. sorry ! :-)

Oh silly me, I tried that several times but it never occured to me to press it after that. I expected a button to show up or something.

1 2 7 and 0 appear in 2 patterns, not in the 3rd..

Nini the black squares are the limits !

idk.. but MAYBE the remaining numbers form letters... I can see.. TUO lol


lol .. i feel really sorry now for making it .. yes Nini the limits .. so see what's between .. Got it ?

god.. just had a deja vu lol.. it's not 8582? :((

2858.. got card

start with 2 .. now am i supposed to spend the night spoiling the puzzles for you ? lol that's disappointing .. here you are .. solving them ! :-)

the card doesn't work anywhere.. Well.. I'm going to solve the let's play safe then

I am right behind you Nini, looking over your shoulder :P

yeah sorry about that... :( I need to try a lil harder..

I notice the S is bigger than the other letters. Is that a clue?

ok forget about the card now .. told you the card reader was supposed to be hidden :-) .. just try harder .. :-)

So.. 13 rotated 180º = EI .. maybe we need 4 numbers and they'll make 4 letters..

Nini am i supposed to keep spoiling things or to just give you more time ? because to be honest i'm not enjoying it while you are finding all the puzzles impossible to solve ! .. never played cards Nini ? :-)

noo don't give me hitns!!

and @Parky you being a moron doesnt mean there's anything wrong with anyone's brain ! ..

sorry guys today is my day off my anger management training .. so just enjoying it ! :-)

Awn E-Addict.. :( I got it.. :((((

hint for the 77 needed as well ? :-)

I'm on the puzzle that just activated (after pressing switch)

Okay Nini, if I press the button I get missing 1 and 3
then 7 and 9, then 2 and 0
Am i on the right track?

Ok Cool.. but what's between those numbers?

Well on the green light puzzle the missing numbers are 2 4 and 6.. but I've tried every order for those numbers and nada.. so.. time to think of something else.. (and hold ur hints E-Addcit!)

and for the 77 safe .. notice the position of the safe !

I'm really no good in making letters outa numbers and vice versa. And too much trial and error for me. Sorry.

Nini .. as if each three numbers form something !

Nina, the safe with the missing 2, 4, 6 ....think if the numbers thats there as arrows pointing to another number

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Well Thank You jungle_mac !


got crowbar! (and thx guys :P)

so this is it Nini huh ? yelling as well ! :-)

got a ruby.. is that the lucky gem?

Yeah.. I'm getting tired and frustrated.. sorry!

:-) sorry again .. i didnt mean to get anyone frustrated .. i just tried to make a game .. and i will NEVER try again ! :-)

had to go for a while anyway .. Thanx Nini , Cool and others for trying it i'll spoil it later !

Sorry .. I harmed you didn't I? It's cuz things are not quite going well today for me.. not even this game lol... and Chrome decided to crash and stop Shockwave from running.. awn well.. but I'll stay and try..

E-Addict .... in principle it's a good idea, but just too many options. Too much trial and error.
If you could have made it a bit more .... logical, I think it could have been a great game. Really.

OMG I got one! (I got it a few mins ago but I couldn't post it cuz my brower freezed again!) so.. for the 77 safe: the position of the safe matters the most! if 77 was written correctly where would the safe be? top right.. so a number and something to the top right of it.. hmm.. ring a bell? 77 squared.. (cuz we need a 4-dig number) and now for the last step: it's reversed so end to the beggining

Gotta go! Good luck for whoever's here. (I hope I can come back b4 E-Addict spoils the remaining codes lol)

Evans I too am a 62 yr old woman. I am on oxygen. You are entitled to your opinion. We just don't think we should also have it. You are welcome to it. For me, whether the game is easy or hard I am grateful for the work done to put it out for us. Just don't play what you think is boring. You actually mean too hard. And these designers should hear ONLY thanks from the players.

thank you @penguinplayer I was about to post the same thing

I find the puzzles hard and probably could not solve most of them without either hints or spoilers but they give me something to do

Thanks e-addict for making it

I'm stuck on the map puzzle under clock 1
I've tried all combinations using the positions of the hands on the clocks but nada
Anyone have any tidbits to give me?

@ E-Addict
Never say never dear! Thanks for making games for us YOU are appreciated always! HUGS

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Oh, E-Addict, please don't quit on making games.

For every grump, there are a myriad of others who enjoy them and are grateful. The grateful ones just may not be as vocal as the grumps.

I enjoy your games. I find them very challenging and fun.

Now... how about those hints and spoilers you were offering Nini?

Picked up girl poster and placed it next to the boy poster on the right. Gave the tulip to the boy. Got a ruby from the boy on the left.

Used the remote on the TV twice, which displayed more gems. But I don't know the significance of that, if any.

:-) @penguin , alexis i'm really impressed thanx .. @Clee Hugs :-) .. and Peggy it isn't about the grumps but when Nini starts yelling at you then you know there's a serious problem ! ( at least she got one on her own ! ) :-)

i think the game just needed more clues .. or at least the clues included needed to be more clear BUT how was i supposed to know ? NO Way .. i saw Nini and others solving much more complicated puzzles so one got confused that's it !

i think the puzzle left is the double E puzzle .. when you click on the black square and the digit 1 shows up , make one move and click on the corresponding digit to get the first code number .. then 2 moves then 5 etc .. the clue map was supposed to hint at this , obviously it didn't ! :-) .. and Peggy for the TV .. see the big picture ..

Thanx !

E addict/ Nini
I have pored over this for days
Not getting anything
Tried counting segments
3455 does not work

Finally clicked
God E addict you are brilliant and killing us.

Now I have card
Remote with no batteries and completely stuck!

Opened the clock 1 room safe finally with E addict clue!

Now have magnifying glass and minute hand
Minute hand on clock 2
No help

I still don´t get the 2 "E"s....have SD, rose, card and hammer.

E-Addict i love your challenging games, only here i really need more help LOL (and i am not alone i guess)

Is it normal that the 1 in the left E is not clickable ? All the other numbers are !

Glad to see that I am not the only one struggling
Any ideas

Hi Joe, can you help me with the double E code ?

Start at the balck square
Move one step
press ( 2)
Note the number on the othjer side(9)
move 2 from the 2 ( 5)
Note number on other side (5)
Move 5 from the 5 ( 4)
Press the number
Note number on other side (6)
Move 4 from the 4 (6)
Press that
Note number on other side (1)
I love and hate E addict in the same thought!!!!

place the minute hand on clock 2
No help otherwise

No hint from Nini re crowbar

Ohh what/where is the balck square ?

Ohhh got it thanx !!! Now to go on....

am @ work
Doing both so forgive if a little slow to respond

I am stuck too, where to use magnifier and how to get crowbar ?

No prob Joe, good to know that i am not alone, i have some more time (about 40 minutes)

We have to solve the 13 safe I guess to proceed

Yep all i understand is that it must have to do with card games or playing cards, but i don´t get it.

Ohh pop it is KING !

Any 4 letter card games?


YAY!!! Crowbar
As you pressthe black square numbers look like arrows!

Cool Thx Joe !! I have no idea why KING but maybe 13 is the king value in a card game, not sure.

Now have poster
Picked it up
Put it next to R boy
Got red heart
Clock 1 ...2...Clock 2
3 number result
What the H does thatt mean?

Gave tulip to boy on R
Got jewel from boy on left

Now stuck with a ruby from left guy (after putting girl left of right boy) there is a ruby heart and no idea what to do with TV

What H ? Where is it ?

There is a hint : OK GO NOW

It looks like we only have one puzzle left to solve zazie
The 3 number button for the TV
I guess from the clock1..2 clock 2 clue

H short for expletive H..L

Maybe the clock hint means clock 1 to clock 2, maybe we somehow have to make a connection between the clockhands on both clocks ?

Clock 1 looks like a Y
clock 2 looks like a K

Ohh in the clock hint save are the batteries !

TV works now.

How did you open the safe?

Use remote twice on TV

No the safe with the clock1 2 clock2 hint.

Batteries are above the papers.

I cant work out the clock safe!
spoil plesae

Ah thanx

Pretty but does not help us does it?

I did not open it yet, i don´t understand the TV clues with two des gems.

I tried 610 (red positions) but nope.

214 doesn´t work as well.

good thought

535 (counting the blue gems i the rows doesn´t work either.

815 does not work
nor does 813

Tried lots of things, i even tried to put the missing gems from the heart shape 379 but no go.

Hello Zazie .. welcome back !

Joe .. Thanx !

for TV : blue is what matters !

for clock1 2 clock2 hint ... clock1 and clock2 are letters !

see you guys later .. had to go for a while ..

Clue from Eaddict earlier
" see the big picture"
I wonder what that means

hint above suggests that we are correct on Y2K
have to consider Blue is what matters?

Well thx E-Addict, now thinking about your new hints lol....

anyone else still stumped by this one?

e-addict what did you mean by your hint to Peggy re TV to see the big picture? I've been looking at that tv for days and can't see anything there


great that you are here
Tough puzzles
Add the 2 hints taht we have
Blue is what matters
see the big picture

Is big picture the TV ?

I still don't get it
I've tried putting Y2K over the blue squares and counting them
496 and 466 but didn't work

yes @zazie big picture is tv

I still don´t get it, i counted the letters from Y to K (12) and looked how to connect this with TV, no go.

I thought also that maybe it has to do with the 2 clicks on TV, first time 8 blue gems, then 7 or 13 all together.

Because we can repeat all this....
I must fetch smthg to eat, brb.

E-Addict please help !!!!

just re-read e-addict's hint and it looks like the tv and clocks are for separate puzzles
does that mean there is another one after we solve the tv??

I am not sure that Y2K refers to this puzzle!

Yes Alexis I think it does
Remember we have not used the card yet!
E addict is wonderfully diabolical on this.

Maybe Alexis, but i am out of ideas. I will have to wait until E-Addict is back i fear :-(

For the card E-Addict said earlier that the card reader is a glitch and that we shall forget the card, isn´t it ?

I don't know about the card but the card reader is not supposed to be there it was supposed to be hidden?

He said ignore the card reader under the safe not necessarily the card
He said the card reader should/is hidden

I've tried everything I can think of including overlaying the hearts over the blue ones in paint which leaves 6 blue but still stuck

I am out of ideas!!
I have to leave for a while
Will check back regularly.

bY the way E Addict
DONT stop making games
Just because they are challenging does not make you a bad maker.

I think yo0u are brilliant and each time the lightbulb goes off over my head i kick myself because you are so creative
KEEP it up. and thanx for your games and your time

Tried smashing TV with hammer.
Sadly no help

do the position of the posters in co-relation to the tv have anything to do with it?

I was drawing the Y over the K on a paper in a different colour and the only number that is matching is 6....(the same number in both letters)But how to make a 3 # number out of this ?

BTW E-Addict, i love your challenges too, keep on going and gimme more of them !!!!

tried that too lol

Argghh i hate being stuck such a long time ;-)

Well i am giving up for now :-( Loosing patience, i will look again later, maybe somebody can solve it.

For what its worth I noted that the card reader we are supposed to ignore is now active and needs a 4 no clue

Ohh made a last try, 323....it worked. This is crazy, overthinking as always.

Yep i got this too lol

I agree zazie
hopefully e-addict will come back and leave more hints or a spoiler

you got it!!! how?

323 doesn't work for me

323 not working for me
It says nothing happens

I counted the lines in the letters ..Y has 3 lines, then the 2 from hint and K has 3 lines as well.

Click on the card panel after entering 323, maybe this did it.

In any case this is what i did, because when i clicked "try" nothing happened.

What did it do for you Zazie
Nothing for me

Yep enter 323 and click directly on the panel without clicking "try"...strange.

Then you need a 4# code (from TV i suppose)

Have to go
back later

so all the 323 does is activate the card reader?

aaaah I tried that before but with 4 for K as in digital


now to try and make sense out of the tv dots

any ideas? I'm stuck

Had a phone call, now for the last code, this game really is hard stuff lol (but i love it !)

Tried all possibilities with 8 (first click), 7(second click) and 13 (all blue gems together on screen), no way.

yes hard and I love it too

it's things like this that keep the old brain functioning

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