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Escape from Syamisen Classroom Walkthrough

Escape from Syamisen Classroom

EscapeCafe - Escape from Syamisen Classroom is another point and click type room escape game developed by Escape Cafe. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to make your way out of the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
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Lets go…

Don't understand what is written on shamisen and on plectrum.

Language barrier?

Need Japanese to understand symbols..

Well, I got up to where we decipher the code, but my Spanish doesn't help with Japanese characters. :-p LOL!

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oh great! another stupid f'in p.o.s. game where if you dont read japanese you cant play. YAY! hey website owner! you suck! ENGLISH dangit! ENG-LISH! yeah i know it's a strange concept but not everyone can understand japanese!

You're absolutely right! How DARE someone provide you with FREE games, and not consider that fact that YOU can't understand one once in a while?!?

Google Translate tells me the paper says white times black plus red. No clue yet about the other symbols.

there used to be English numbers etc
Stopped Dont know why
someone usually translates and we can get out
Does not change the steps till the end
I am happy just finding the stuff
Thanx for the free games
japanese or otherwise

OK I try now LOL

Found numbers(????) in wall, guitar and white wedge(???).
Now it's question of math...

This game posted before LOL

Jon D try multiplying

other game very similar

hold that use the math from clue in cupboard

Find in internet the code is related to Chinese character stroke.

White (撥) = 15
Black (胴) = 10
Red (三) = 3

Yep Im out now

clue to numbers on the grey paper
Cannot translate to the wedge and samisen

Code is white x black + red

Thanx Tautau
out now
? chinese or japanese

Thanks @tautau for character strokes.hint and counts
Negative on game -- the characters were in script, so for one who only knows a little you can't count the strokes.


You're absolutely right! How DARE someone provide you with FREE games, and not consider that fact that YOU can't understand one once in a while?!?

Bravo! Good "shootdown". Couldn't have worded it better. %&$# moaners.

P.S. Interesting. Same 'congrats' music as with Escape Men games ;) I'm wondering why.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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