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Paintings Room Escape 2 Walkthrough

Paintings Room Escape 2

Paintings Room Escape 2 is point and click escape game created by Ainars. Examine all rooms in order to obtain various hints and items. Find 11 symbols to unlock first door, obtain key to unlock safes and escape from house. Good Luck!

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First, stuck on green square puzzle

Suck on A7, can't find last fish or pineapple.

1x 2x ...
click the first once, second twice, and so

missing number 10 !

thanks sisli, now anyone any idea where to put the dinosaurs?

put them in field B Belgarion .. the pic to the right ! missing one safe to crack !

Where is the red key hole?

And out!! Will stick around a while

Mac, in the first scene, the centre picture moves if you tap it right

put dinosaurs in B, on the wall, the right picture

Red keyhole Belgarion?

That was great fun Ainars .. Thanx !

Steve in scene A the centre picture moves if you tap it right

It moves, but doesn't fall or move out of the way.

Well thank you Belgarion, but I obviously do not know what I'm doing. The picture moves around, but not out of the way.

Wait I get it!

Tell me, Tell me!!

Dang it! It won't work.

There is a clue sheet in the the same area, field A7

Ok Steve, what did you do?

I saw that and tried it, didn't work at first. Just got it to work, must not have been holding my mouth right the first time.

LOL @ Mac. Still looking for number 1

Belgarion, I'm missing #2, which I assume is in the safe in E6 but I can't find the bottom two crowns. Can you give me a hint? I'm just running in circles at this point :/

elmo, just replaying, give me a minute

Thanks - also missing key for safe on the bed...

Hi missing last medallion for box that the two crowns goin, missing two dinos and still have cat key but can't find a place to use it. I'm getting a bit over Ainars

click on the corners of the box, above left once
bottom left 2 times, right up right down 3 times and 4 times
and then, in the center

Tritebs maybe you are missing the one in field A on the door to the right !

#2 is in the 'safe' in the bedroom.

and pop found one more cat safe so now have three dinos

tritebs, one cat key on end of bed frame in E5, 2 on walls in first scene at each end of couch, one in C6. Not sure if that's all of them.

*center painting

#2 is in the safe in E5 nor E6

WhooHoo Gongtats!

My goodness! There were zero comments when I started the game. Just finished and went back to comments to help, but it looks like there's plenty of help.

Thanks Ainars! Fun game, as always.

Thanks E-addict that was the one.

Great Ainars :D thx :D

Out now, yay

Hmm, I still have a cat and can't find the spot for her (found E5 B4 and C6 already)

Andrea, there are two safes in Field A.

Peggy, thanks!

Thanks, Ainars!

Thanks @E-Addict for the dinosaur place.
I had found but totally forgotten that place.

Not understanding the number clues in A4... anyone out there who can help?

I need papers # 1,2 and 6 and 2 more crowns and one more red switch

in A4 the clues are all hidden on the wall around. just type in the right ones and push the button

finally found everything, out now.

Ah I was trying to convert the letters into numbers LOL Thanks evans!

Great fun - thanks Ainars!

going to have to give up - can't find the gold safe anywhere. missing 1 dinosaur, one crown (top one) and clue for puzzle in pink safe

will try again later : (

Souless Minion, the gold safe is in room E 5 behind the left picture.

Wow! Tough one! Few sneaky spots there, but fab as usual!!


The painting that moves is very irritant! I did try many times, but only work when see comments! :@


thank you Ainars, i love these games, This game is at the top of my list always, great games

i cant find paper number 10

POP found a spot i had missed earlier!

Got out! Great one, Ainars!

found a spot in kitchen, in grey area next to large orange square....had the last switch I needed.....good game as always Ainars

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I'm late to play this, but I have completed every puzzle, got all the pieces to unlock the door but can't find the bottom two crowns to open that box, which I'm assuming gives the fancy key which will then let me leave. Anyone do a walk through?

Painting was very twitchy
otherwise graet game as usual
Thanx Ainars

Open the door
go out
Go to the R
press button
get special key
Open the two boxes
one outside the door and one in the bedroom ( I think)
That will give you the crowns

good as always thx Ainars

This is the same as Lasgna Lobster just with some of the pictures horizontally reversed

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