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Children Room Escape Walkthrough

Children Room Escape

Children Room Escape is another point and click type room escape games by ChildrenGames. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  11/2/13, 8:04 PM  

This looks like an Ainars game.

so... i got all the way up to getting the xray scanner, and it won't let me leave the B2 field. do i scan something? glitch? let me know :P

don't understand hint for abc puzzle. any help out there?

Same here, got scanner and I'm stuck.

       Anonymous  11/2/13, 8:22 PM  

I found the same problem. Insert the last fox toy and the back button disappears.

need more stars, balls switches. missing a donkey and 2 cats as well.

yep, stuck with scanner on B2 as well

Same problem here. Stuck on B2

Evans put the red kitties in their place and you'll get more items to use on locks.

This sucks. I got through this without looking at hints and now I can't get out of B2. I'm sad. :(

Same here, got scanner and I'm stuck.

This was a cute game, and very Ainars. Stuck on B2 too. Shame about that.

Cute game. Secret is putting red foxes in baseball hat to get more pieces. Still looking for all the stars.

Forget it, can't find 10th star which I assume gives last fox. Been over every inch. Assume clue to ABC puzzle comes later.

Here is where I found 9 stars. Where am I missing one?

A wall
A3 wall
A3 behind blue box
B wall
B wall
C1 behind cats
C2 purple box
D wall
D1 wall (click on green box)

3 cats are from foxes. The fourth is in D

Finally found 10th star, hard to see spot on wall in C, but stuck in B2 like everyone else. Maybe glitch will be fixed by tomorrow, if not this is a poor Ainars knock-off. Cute graphics tho.

usually ainars publish itself its games... this looks as a true ainars game... strange we are stuck at b2 field... maybe he publish it as betatest... it seems an incomplete game :(

click on xray scanner when it appear so the blue box going back, then in the little white space on blue box and u can get the scanner with blue box close (hope it is clear, sorry for my bad english)

And out! Thx ainars (solve this little bug and the game is usual good game :D )

Amarantomar, thanks. It was kinda tricky, but it worked. Finally made it out.


I still dont get how to get out of b2

Ericka, when you place the last fox, the scanner slowly appears. Click on it while it is still slightly faded. This closed my box and the scanner was in my inventory. I tried the same as each of the other items appeared, but it only worked on the scanner.

The tricky thing about this games, was that you don't have to find all 10 dogs from the beggining. I have just 5 so far, and I put them on the box. So, I have 5 new figurines now that I suppose I can use to proceed.

Now I have a scanner, after putting all 10 puppies but it's stuck and can't go anywhere...

I tried what Peggy suggested and it didn't work for me. I got kicked out of the blue screen without the scanner and now I can't open it back up.
Ainars - please help!

Same as you guys. Placed last fox, got scanner and cant close blue screen. (playing in FF). If it's Ainars, I'm sure it will be fixed.

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I also tried what Peggy said. But this closed my blue screen without getting the scanner. And now I can't open it anymore. BUT.....I enlarged the screen by a few hundred %. (ctrl+mousewheel). Then you can see a tiny scanner without opening the blue screen. So I got my scanner, even in an odd way.

the game is definately buggy. I played again and now, after putting the last fox - puppy whatever, I can't zoom to get the scanner. It's a pitty because it' s a very nice game...

Used scanner to get number codes for ABC puzzle. Got crabs, got key and out. Look at my post above to get scanner and defeat bug in game :)

first time through screen froze after gfetting scanner, couldn't get out of blue scene.....restarted, hit wrong area and went out of blue scene before I could get scanner, can't get back in....pouts....I'll try again later, love these games

Thank you Catqueen!! Not being to finish was driving me nuts. I used your tip and enlarged my screen to the maximum (500%) and was able to click on the tiny scanner. Finally out!

Yep got the scanner and can't back out of B2. Such a shame.

Me too, ditto...can't finish.

It must have been posted before it was tested (???)

I finally managed to get out. You put in the last puppy and then quickly click on the blue background to close it - DON'T click on the scanner. Then you have to zoom in (so that the game gets much larger) on the blue field, but don't click it. When it gets very large, you can put your cursor on the tiny little scanner (cursor changes to a hand when it's large enough) and get it. Then it's typical Ainars to use the scanner and get out.

Ok so after much experimentation I figured the easiest way to get the scanner. you can put the puppies in without clicking on the boys face...so with the last puppy...DO NOT click on him...just click the puppy and go to the boys face and it will lthen go in. Then make the page larger...zoom in...and click the scanner only. That way the blue screen doesnt open and you can go on

Thank you to you geniuses who figured out how to get around the glitch! Went back and played, zoomed and out. Hope next time they test before posting because it was really a cute game.

Out didn't have too much trouble with the scanner

well, after several hours, I hoped they would have fixed the bug, but no, problems still remain. The game was for at least 4 stars. For me, because of that I' ll give it nothing.

I thought it would've been fixed by now also.

I tried what others suggested and it works. With the final fox, go to screen B2, but don't click on the blue box. Simply drag the fox to the UNzoomed box.

I didn't need to enlarge my screen to get the scanner. There was a small light colored dot on the bottom right corner of the blue box. My cursor changed as it passed over the dot. I clicked on it and I had the scanner, and no more glitches.

It is fixed!

Is this an Ainars in disguise? lol

I enjoy to replay this game with the little bug fixed :D very very cute game, thx Ainars :D 5 stars now :D
Gongtats!!! :D

Had no problems with the scanner,. Was stuck with nothing in inventory till it dawned on me when you put a cat in place it gave you stuff to unlock boxes. great game

Had no problems with the scanner,. Was stuck with nothing in inventory till it dawned on me when you put a cat in place it gave you stuff to unlock boxes. great game

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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