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Dark Elves Escape 2 Walkthrough

Dark Elves Escape 2

Esklavos - Dark Elves Escape 2 is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Esklavos. In this escape game, you try to escape from Dark Elves’ forest using four colored keys. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Anasteisha Roma]

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First!! YAY!

Hint for grid bottom left corner of first scene (male elf). Also a stone....1/4. Hint for something bott left of right scene (female elf) as well as stone (2/4) and a net.

...am I the only one playing?

Im here LOL

white key easy

Get a forked stick from the side of the stick with the rune symbols on and join with net to catch bird.

Hi Leroy :-)

uncharged wand far right scene ( on far right LOL)

hi, I'm out, if anyone needs help let me know, I'll stick around for a few minutes

Yep, out too. Will hang around.

Blogger becomes really annoying : I can't connect anymore with LiveJournal, though my account works perfectly (I tried again and again to log out an in). I hate to be connected as a Google user (have to disconnect each time I post a message to avoid being spied).
For the game, I closed 2 holes in the left scene (with water from ice and with the skull), I used the charged wand, the spade, solved the runes puzzle, the sprouts puzzle, got and used the gem. But there is nothing to make a net of any kind. I still have 4 pearls (?), the wand and the spade.

The net is behind the hint with the circle and vines on. Left bottom of female elf scene from memory.

The 4 stones go in one of the holes in the trees.

Oh and the forked stick to make the net is on the side of the large stick with the runes on.

Maybe I should not be connected as a google account. I didn't know you can be followed with it.


Thank you for your help, now I have the net and the branch. You're right, the 4 "pearls" go in the top right hole in the trees. The bird fills the last hole...

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The "pearls" go in another hole.
I have not the net.

for net, stick bottom left in view door and 2nd part net bottom left in view girl

How do you get the ice?

use torch (found in safe) on the left of the branch where bird is and fill the pot

How you folve the sprouts puzzle ?

were is the safe?

melenia lock at the red sign and use the numbers for the sprouts puzzle

click bottom paper/circle to have 2 leaves, 6 5... (hint in view boy)

safe is near tree, door view

Thx where is key to safe?

First scene (male elf):
Pick up paper an tree bottom left, note symbol, take pebble 1/4. Click on sign in the background, it reads 25.633 trees in total. Note Gargoyle in the background, it has a slot for a gem.
Go right (female elf). Pick up uncharged wand from far right, pick up pebble 2/4 in the bottom right corner. Click on paper bottom left corner, take pebble 3/4 and by clicking on the stems let them grow 2, 5, 6, 3, 3 leaves. Top left corner of the paper is a net, take it. Close the view and you have the red key. Note glittering spade and key, they are protected by magic. Note burning stick, we'll need that later. Note mound to left of girls arm.
Go left twice (portal). Click on top of portal, solve the symbol with hint from paper. Yellow key. To the left of the chest is pebble 4/4. Pick up jar on left base of portal. Charge your wand by clicking on the portal. In the left bottom corner is a stick with rune-like signs, make note of them and find a branch. Combine branch and net and catch the bird next to the moon.
Go right twice. With your now activated wand, deactivate the protecting magic and pick up spade and key. Dig up mound, find skull.
Go left twice. Open chest with key, find gem and unlit torch.
Go right twice, light your torch on the burning stick.
Go left twice. In the branches around you are four openings, each with a wish. Top right, something crunchy. Well, if pebbles aren't crunchy, what is? Bottom right, animals. Feed it the bird. Bottom left is thirsty. Melt the ice on the branch top left with your torch, catch the water with the mug and quench it's thirst. Top left, something dead. The skull will do. White key.
Go right once. Put the gem in the slot under the Gargoyle and click on it again. Solve the puzzle with the hint from the stick. Blue key. Go left once, put the keys in the corresponding coloured portal keyholes and you're out.

Thx Rudi! I was looking for the ice on the ground. Thanks to you I'm out now :)

Thanks seb!!!

I love these.

Great game!

yay out! without any help this time too :)

these are always the best walkthroughs. those who do video walkthroughs should take a hint

Beautifully drawn game as usual. However, these are an exercise in pixel hunting. The keys & picture drawing is getting old. And the music could stand to be changed, too. It's been the same for how many of Esklavos's games? Time to shake things up...

can't figure out the ruins
oh well

Thanks Rudi. Only thing I couldn't do was find that branch lol.

brin take the blue gem from the chest (took me awhile to figure out what it was) and put it in statue. Click on runes from the stick to get blue key.

Enjoy these but wish there had been a hint letting us know how to charge the wand. Had to look through the WT and saw other clues I wanted to work through myself. Fun other than that.

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But net not to use ??

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