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Fairy Brucie Escape Walkthrough

Fairy Brucie Escape

DefyGames - Fairy Brucie Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Defy Games. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Is this an Aussie Bruce game? LOL

Hmmm 3 diamonds to place under pic puzzle...

Live, so great!

5 gems and a key that doesn't fit anywhere.

ouch nasty maths for each gem...

Stuck on the pink and green diamond puzzle…

i am sure the key is for the chest in the hut but can't make it work

Got the 5 diamonds but the puzzles are pretty hard!

I make the pink gem 34 (add the previous two number together), but not working - must try harder!

stuck on white and blue

Just blue now

All gems solved apart from the damn pink one!

Stuck on green - I've got the other 4 but missing a diamond?

can only solve orange

Pink gem: 34 is right but you already have the "3". Also, you need to enter 3 digits, add the two last alsol

completely stumped on pink, will kick myself when I find out the answer I'm sure!

Done! Out

Missing one gem, any hint where to use the key ? Doesn't work on chest in little house.

Would have been nice to have had more puzzles etc inside the castle, but a challenging game none the less!

For the green one, add the 2 numbers on the left and multiply them by the first number.

And out

Key is for castle door when you have solved all the maths problems

where is the top gem? Still can't get my key to work. Robert, what is the pink puzzle math? Cant remember to give a hint

Key is for castle door when you have solved all the maths problems

Light pink gem, just add the numbers together - need 3 numbers at the end so it is 13+21 and then the answer + 21

Fudge, there is orange, blue, white, pink, red and green - which one youre missing?

Pink gem - add the previous numbers together, gives you the next set of numbers (0+1=1 / 1+1=2 / 1+2=3 / 3+2=5 etc. You need to have three numbers to solve the puzzle, so continue this equation. Need a Spoiler?

Out. Nice game. A bit different, and challenging.

i am missing the orange one

Pink gem - add the previous numbers together, gives you the next set of numbers (0+1=1 / 1+1=2 / 1+2=3 / 3+2=5 etc. You need to have three numbers to solve the puzzle, so continue this equation. Need a Spoiler?

Green gem, add the numbers then multiply by first number

i think orange was behind the flowers on the right fudge - hard to see

the orange diamond was hiding in the flowers on the bottom right - possibly the simplest of the puzzles as you just add to the beginning

pop for orange gem but thanks RSA for location

The blue puzzle is obviously about the position on the keyboard but I'm not having much luck

think so too RSA - and if is an englisch keyboard needed - im damned :(

Yeah, I'm not getting the blue gem puzzle either. Some hints would be nice.

The blue and the white have me flummoxed. Brute forced the dark pink as that one was not working for me either.

Where did RPW, Byassen & Kernowman go?
You finish a game, announce you're out and then leave?
Help, please!

Blue gem is the months of the year in alphabetical order.
I only have red gem to figure out.
4 5 6 6 5 4 4 2 _?
Can someone explain?

Many thanks, Edgar! Wouldn't have ever thought of that!

Can't explain the red, sorry, I brute forced it

I think everyone brute forced the red xD Stile stuck on the white one...

blue must be october and september - os - but doesnt work for me?

oh...*duh* made click in my brain

sorry, I also bfd that one

Maybe someone solved it instead of having brute-forced it?
I´d appreciate some help there, Thanks.

Worked for me - maybe case sensitive?

OS works but not os ;)

Pelznasen, same here...
Use upper-case letters.


I brute forced the white too - it was a vowel.

sorry edgar, bruteforced the blue one and cant remember

the white puzzle is the numbers One Two Three, so answer is E

a vowel RSA? are there more in english than in german? *scratch head*

args the E or e thing again *lough* thank ye! and out

What was white like? I could help...

count the letters what = 6 letters digit =.5

white was E edgar

@Edgar my com 2:12 is for RED

lol Pelznasen, I could know the answer, since I solve them all the right way, but the red one.
I was asking for the puzzle itself, not the actual answer, to help funkyfroggy to figure it out, lol ;)

Actually I brute forced the white as well but it's good to understand the pattern, thanks Fudge!

Thanks seb! Now... say that again please?

seb - I still dont' understand your explanation for RED. Why is the answer 7?

In red you can read "What digit.....numbers"
count letters in each word and numbers = 7 letters

AHHH! Penny has just dropped - thanks Seb that was really annoying me not to understand.

THANKS SEB!!!!!!!!!

sorry in com 2:12 "what =4" of course (no 6 letters)

Yes, thanks seb.

Sorry I left, but lunch is more important :-)

can anyone spoil the pink puzzle please ??


Orange - behind flowers bottom right
Red – while zoomed on flowers look at tree in the back
Pink – in hut left middle
Blue – in hut between the axes
Green – in hut right side behind shield
White – far right in scene one in tree stump (use axe and crowbar found in hut)


Pink – it´s the Fibunacci-Code. Add the last two numbers for next one and so on. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55. The missing numbers are 4 (from 34) 55.

Green – Add numbers on left side and multiply this sum with first number. First line is (2+3)*2 =10, Last line is (9+7)*9=144

Red – Bruteforced as everyone and got number 7

Orange – put the linenumber in front oft he line above . so you get 54325

White – you see the first letters of 1, 2, 3, 4…. Last one ist 7, missing is 8 (E). Capital letter.

Blue – First letters oft he months. Missing is Sep. and Oct. The letters are in alphabetical order so put O S (capitals)

Open the door and you are out.

Kevaus: 011 235 813 213
first 2 numbers (0+1) = third number (1)
third and fourth number (1+2) = fifth number (3)
fifth and sixt number (3+5) = 7th number (8)
and so on....


thanks Dabbeljuh for the pink cem answer

thanks Byassen

how do i do the picture puzzle, when you click on it , it changes all the same. i have the diamonds cant get into the house.

nvm got it just keep clicking until its right. pretty neat Its different

Too...much...math.... Leaving :P

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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