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Shadow Room Escape Walkthrough

Shadow Room Escape

Games2Rule - Shadow Room Escape is a type of point and click new escape game developed by Games 2 Rule. This is a critical game where you are trapped in the shadow room, so you will need to collect the necessary objects to escape from this house,if you have the right attitude then you will get him out. Good luck and have fun!

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I quit thisone, soooooo boring :-(

too many balls too many numbers
i quit too

Yeah - me too sadly .....

I'm with you lot - CBA.

I wound up with 9 flashlights!!!

difficult game to figure out which pattern of balls goes where. Still missing one # hint and have collected a ton of flashlights I can't seem to use anywhere.

Need 4 more balls and 1 more 4-digit-code

code from book doesn't work on wall under clock?

@Roberto: That are switches too!

And then turn light off

Me too Anja (Stu)
What about the brown chair - fish tank room - you can zoom on it. Was anything found there....I've forgotten?

Ah! Thanks! Didn't realize it!

you get 4 balls from fish tank using net. Don´t know where to use water and have 1 key left in inventory and no place to use it.

@Roberto: Water is used in room with the numbers under clock, turn light off and look in front of scene, fill the pipes with water

I only have one flashlight so far.

where is the code for the drawer in the fishtank room?
Have about 66 balls. Only 15 to go!

Still missing the last 4-digit-code.
Going now to play the new game

Ah, flashlight on the ball grid gives key.

Lights off in first room - there is a hot spot on the wall under the middle down light, about halfway down the beam and just to the left of the beam. Gives missing code

Sorry...use torch there ^^

Good find Melody54.

use flashlight on panel where to put balls with lights off.

Thank you so much Melody54!!!

I'm not sure I can be bothered to place all 81 balls in the grid. I think I'm going to call myself 'out' just for finding them all

Missing 8 balls. Have worked out how to place them in 9x9 grid from patterns on walls with lights off

Any clue for the six block puzzle in the tv room upstairs?

POP! Use the small yellow balls in inventory on the six block puzzle.

aitch - place the 6 orannge smaller balls

Need one each pink, black and yellow balls.

@aitch You should have 6 balls in your inventory that look different, Use them

Green screwdriver works on picture in fish tank room. 6 to go!

Well done aitch Pop works everytime! Have you unscrewed the wall picture in the second room?

finally out!

got all the balls and placed them in the grid and nothing. I am considering myself out as well. Thanks Melody54 for that hot spot for the last # hint.

If the grid is right you get a key

I can't find the right order for the 8 boxes.
Also don't know what to do with the 9 switches - have the numbers from the notebook, but nothing happens.
Any help?

       Anonymous  11/6/13, 9:08 AM  

The only parts I had a problem with involved the flashlight.

q - enter numbers on 9 switches according to notebook - some numbers up some down. Turn off lights to see more balls. Then put all switches up (or down, cant remember) to reveal more balls

put numbers on switches and switch all of them don, then turn off lights.
8 boxes - the order is on 2nd room, left side of tall cb, from top to bottom.

Me too, put all balls on grid and nothing happens.

I`m sure my grid is correct, but no key.
If you want to check:

It's not right Roberto. The first (big one) is right, then use th 7 x 2 Grid and then the rest

Ah Thanks Anja! So there are 2 ways to fix the grid.

This is all too much for me - I can't fish the balls out of the tank with the net, and I haven't found the room with the clock. WaaaH! Going home now stamping my feet.

missing 1 white ball

oh only seven white balls needed

OK I'm back... Thanks Kernow and Roberto. Not sure what's happening with those switches, maybe I already got all the balls there. 4 Balls missing now.

9 x 9 grid solution:


WAY too many colored balls in one game for me.

I have the net, but I am unable to get the four balls from the fish tank. Is there a trick to it, or am I just too slow?

It's a little tricky, try to use net from right side above.

I've worked all the puzzles but can't get balls out of tank either, and fish net is stuck to cursor. It was fun finding balls and figuring out puzzles but if the developers thinks I'm going to sit here and place 80+ balls in the wall they're crazy lol. Will leave the last 4 balls floating in the tank and I'm outta here.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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