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Wow Turkey House Escape Walkthrough

Wow Turkey House Escape

WowEscape - Wow Turkey House Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Wow Escape. On this Thanksgiving a turkey family is trapped in a house which is inside a forest. There is no one near to help them out. They need your help to escape from there. Will you help them? Use your sharp minded to escape the decent turkey family from that place. Can you do it? Good Luck and Have Fun

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Wow Turkey House Escape Walkthrough

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change the fence boards, and we have half key

Picked up a whole bunch of junk, have key and half key, clickity, click, click, click.

Assemble pieces on shapes on house.

put the two pieces in the bottom left stone, merge with another stone inventory

Finally in house.

Need 2 more eggs, have opened 2 of the cages but when I set the time on the clock to 10:20 nothing happens

Can't find what to do with knife. I've done everything else!

Have only one cage opened. have knife left and stuck

Anyone know what to do with the banana?? Cant get the cat to move, but managed to put the end of the pitch fork onto the stick where the fruit is. Used in fire to retrieve case.

Sue, you also have to move the minute hand. Drag it to 20 after.

Out... Set clock carefully and get key. Use fire poke you put together on fireplace, look at pic for clue.

I meant second hand...

Put banan in fruit basket.

The clock you actually move the second hand.

in the house, put the banana in the basket and get an egg

Ah! With knife, go back outside and cut green plant on left for last key. Looks like a cactus.

And out, Thought I'd never find a place for that knife!

Amy & Luke that worked - thank you. Need one more egg and what to do with the knife and also cant place fish??

Didn't need to use knife again - out now, thanks all.

4 fish go on the floor...on the plate lying on the rug. That will move the cat for the color clue...

need grey egg & last key. only have knife left (already used on cactus)


Love being challenged! Stuck with a blue and pink egg, 2 parts of gold key, a silver key, knife, banana, and rock. Any body know what's next?

I am so dumb! thought I had already used the banana but no, there it was, still in my inventory - put in the basket as per all your hints for the grey egg : /

all the birdies are finally free!

I need a lie down

white bits go in star, maroon bits go in sun shape, other bits go in round shape - part of key

put 2 parts of key on stone then out gray stone on top you will get a key

inside of house- u shaped part on floor goes on stick to get box out of fireplace.

put 4 fish on plate - cat will move

I thought the fish were baby birds!!!

how do you put parts of key on stone? I am assuming you mean the bottom left stone that pops up when clicked? I can't put anything there.

Well after several tries, key finally went on stone. After that not so hard.

well, well, well - so those little grey pegs did have a purpose!!

little grey things are nails
put board on wall , add 4 nails and put eggs

where's the clue for the 3-digit number on the case in the fireplace?

Zoe on left pic

seb - thanks!

wheres the two parts of the key?

props for animal rights :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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