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Wow Xmas Room Escape Walkthrough

Wow Xmas Room Escape

WowEscape - Wow Xmas Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape. You are trapped inside a Xmas room. The door of the room is locked. Try to escape from the room by finding useful object, and hints. Find the right way to escape from the Xmas room. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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branch for drawer on backpack

Santa likes flowers

numbers dont work, nowhere to put items from inventory. cant do much

Most of your items are going on the big xmas tree

Also don't forget to check under the rug.

where goes drum and red jevelry

Some things never get placed, you finish with about 5 things in your inventory

have 2013 on computer but doesn't work on bed. what do we do with the 2 trees with ? over them?

How did anyone finish this? Stuff does not work.
Bad game!

cant do anything else gave the flowers to santa , where is the key to the door in my inventory still have drum and red jewelry help please

sneaky pink flower on bed in 3rd view. all flowers given to santa gives 4dig code. only gives another ornament.

pick up tag in 4 digit code view. all ornaments on tree gives key.

Thank you amy, now Im out thanks again

Can't find purple present for tree. Help please?

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purple present is in middle view, big box in the bottom right of the screen

I feel like such an idiot. I never saw it. Thank you very much jednorogini82!

idk if I'm bugged but can't add drum and last heart to the tree so no key... any ideas?

haha ty jed, never saw it

placed it and still stuck with a drum and a heart

Still have a page with 15 in my invy but those numbers were used

clicked by windows in computer room and somehow got the black dandelion shape. opening things now.

it opens bottom right bedroom drawer

another piece for tree but no key yet.

oops missed the left drawer in computer room. Just got holly

ah, there's my key.

And out

missing penguin. Any one still here?

have drum left cant find key

What a dreadful game

Stupid game.

@mazza, key is in the bottom of the tree near Santa.

where the frigging hell is santa

oops missed a scene

and out

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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